The diary of Janalot :)

Thank you, it went well she had a really good turn out which was nice :) I feel better now think it was my running about on an empty tummy :) how's u today? X
Glad your feeling better : -) just found your diary so will keep up with your antics.....and I know off reading you there'll be many ;-)
Jan what type of books have you had published????? I am intrigued xxx
Drunken Scottish women on holiday books :) I haven't had them published yet I had an agent for my first one but ended up in court!! So on look out for another one x
Glad everything went ok, and you're feeling better today. I'm happy and feeling very positive today and the weather has been lovely, haven't done anything too exciting it is just a good day. Pmsl because my daughter has just appeared with her backpack for duke of edinburgh fully packed, she doesn't go until 16th June. Lol she's mental.
Offff she's eager! Haha

Yea glad you've cheered up a bit, you will get there :) I'm back to normal again just needed fed, I'm like a gremlin can't be fed or watered after midnight lol

When's your weigh in?? Xx
She is quite excited, but I will miss her soo much she's lovely.

Don't know about weighing in, maybe tomorrow or Saturday, this is the longest I have stayed away from the scales, I normally weigh every morning but made a decision not to this time. I restarted last Friday so I suppose it should be tomorrow but then again today was PV so I might leave it until Saturday. I dunno? I'll decide in the morning, is yours on Monday? Sorry for the indecisive waffling x
Ackk ramble away!!! Yea mine is a Monday hopefully shifted the 3 pound gain from my slip up lol! How long is she away for? X
I'm sure you'll have lost the 3 and hopefully more, she's away for two days on the practice and then a long weekend to achieve the bronze award. She's 14 and really sensible and she'll be fine. But she's the one who keeps me from the Brie or the chocolate biscuits by saying "nah mum you don't want it, it tastes like poo-sticks". It makes me laugh every time. Any way going to bed because up early tomorrow, have cooked some salmon for my lunch tomorrow so I don't get tempted by the evil carbs. Ha x
Hey jan, how u doing? Glad funeral all over now and u are fed an watered! I am a monster if I dont eat, but its not always easy to fit it all in eh!? I have to make myself plan /cook summin so I wont slip, I really have to make myself sometimes hahaha, I hope u r enjoying the sunshine ;-)
Hi Kirsty yea thank god it's all over!! Nearly fell into grace with her I was so hot and hungry! Just enjoying the sunshine today, was at butchers spent a small fortune as I have a BBQ tomorrow but yummy can't wait to devour it lol

Going to meet the owner of where we getting married later can't wait to get it set in stone!!

How's you today sweetpea? Xxx
Busy busy few days, invites made, place booked, flowers ordered , cake Tina in way to do trail run, dress in, bridesmaid dresses in, favours ordered (well stuff for me to make!) menus half made, jeeeez I need a lie down lol x
I am not sure, u going?? :cry:
Haha no I'm staying here but maybe just deleting my diary I bore myself must be worse for others who see it lol xxx
ahh glad ur staying 'we' have a wedding to get skinny for, well u do,,, I cant possibly marry anyone else, one is enough, unless vinnie jones is available hhrrm anyway, dont delete, just post once a week or whenever, its gonna be nice to look back on to see ur progress and look back for motivation/ideas of menus when u need to maybe, anyhow i waffle LOL see my diary ,,,waffle waffle waffle,,I dont care hahaha! xx
lovely photo btw ;-) xx
Yes we do have a wedding to get skinny for! We can all do a conference call at the speeches and touch the window at 11pm like we holding hands lol or sleeping my hands away from the cake har har!!

Aye the pic is nice...... Of my friend (in blue!) lol took this on sat night after a wee jack n coke (opps!) lol only pic I've liked in a while!!!

Loving thus3 day week could get used to it!

Thanks for your support :) xxx