The last stone mission......ROLL UP!!!!

Hello girls (and thanks Tash for your understanding),

Weekend was a country one, and my gala meal a real delight (I froze a victoria sandwich cake R brought back from the UK last month, and we're defrosting a slice each every Saturday evening, to have with defrosted double cream! Perfect, and not tempting to carry on pigging out cos the rest of the cake is frozen!!)

Tash - if you like tiramasu, there is a high protein low calorie one available on my diet... ok it'll not have the same taste. Let me translate it and get back to you and Claire will be able to let us know which ingredients are difficult to find.

Re breakfast and protein - I feel that I do have carbs for breakfast with the D*k*n galette - Claire, I might need your help here. Tash, there's a galette we make for this diet containing oat bran (not Q****r oats) and wholemeal (?) (Claire will tell you what they are. I would presume Holland & Barrett might sell them? Anyway there's a recipe, and we're to eat this exact quantity of ob and wm each day (2 soupspoons of oat bran and 1 soupspoon wholemeal, one egg white, 1-2 spoonfuls fromage blanc or fromage frais 0% fat). I dice up some smoked salmon, put it in the mixture, and dry fry it up, turning only when bottom nicely cooked then flattening it down more in the pan. DELICIOUS! I honestly think I'll continue eating them when the diet is over. You can make several at a time, and freeze them... can you read French tash?!

For my consolidation, Claire, theoretically is 75 days total (10 days per kilo lost) but I'm on day 43 now and haven't added in all that I'm allowed yet so I'll continue a lot longer. To be honest, I think I might do this for life. Given the restrictive diets I have followed in the past, foreseeing life eating bread 6 days out of 7 (pain complet only and just 50g but hey!), cheese too provided not over 20% fat, pasta twice a week, one piece of fruit per day, 2 x gala meals (3 course plus wine), and just ONE pure protein day a week, - sounds easy no?!

Some people are actually losing on this plan but they didn't get right to their target on phases 1 and 2, so that's normal...
Claire - what is son de blé (wheatgerm?), son d'avoine (oatmeal?) and maizena (corn starch?) and levure (rising agent?) in English and where does one find them? Otherwise, here is the recipe for the tiramasu in baby English! I'm going to try it while on holiday:

Tiramisu (2 to 4 people)
Drain 500g fromage blanc 0% overnight at least.

Make a coffee flavoured sponge cake: 3 eggs (separated), 1/2 sachet levure, 2 soupspoons starch (Maizena), 5 soupspoons powdered Candarel, 1 soupspoon soluble coffee
Mix 3 egg yolks with 1/2 sachet levure, maizena and sweetener, and soluble coffee
Whisk 3 egg whites until stiff. Incorporate into above mixture.
Spread into rectangular anti-adhesive tin and put in middle of oven for 20 mins at 160°
Cool and cut into two
Make cream: separate eggs, whisk whites until stiff with pinch of salt. Hold in fridge. Mix with whisk 3 egg yolks and 4 soupspoons powdered Candarel until the mixture whitens (at least 5 minutes). Add half the drained fromage blanc, 1 teaspoon almond essence, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence. Beat until mixture nice and smooth. Incorporate the egg whites without losing the air.
Layer into a tin using one layer of cake, one layer of cream, and put some fat free (Van Houtten) cocoa powder on top.
Leave in fridge at least 3 hours before eating
Son de blé = wheat bran (H&B sell big bags cheaply), son d'avoine = oat bran (H&B again, bit more expensive), maizena = cornflour (any supermarket), levure (chimique) = baking powder (any supermarket). Fromage blanc is not available here, or nowhere I've looked, I either use fromage frais (any supermarket) or if it is going to be drained then quark (only found this in Morrisons so far) makes a good substitute.

We don't use the soupspoon measure but I think it is 12ml, about half a teaspoon less than a tablespoon. All our cocoa powder is suitable (not drinking chocolate but Cadbury's cocoa or brand X equivalent). Baking powder doesn't come in sachets, but I think the sachets are about a couple of teaspoons. I'm tempted to try the recipe, bit confused on the fromage blanc, half went into the cream but where did the other half go, the cake?

I liked the galette, it was my favourite bit of the diet, well that and the egg yolk thickened sauces. Surely you shouldn't need to do consolidation for life, I'm amazed you can contemplate it. But then you liked the diet better than I did, it really does depend on the individual and their tastes and lifestyle. It's great that we have both found solutions to fit.
I'll check with someone re fromage blanc - you're right Claire re the other half of the fromage blanc! I'll have to check where I dropped that bit!

Also re rest of life and Conso, I don't eat protein only any longer, just Thursdays, and that's for life with this plan. The rest of my meals are totally "normal" - for me at least! It's been years since I upset my meat / fish or veg by putting carbs with them!!

Nite and I'll get back to you re The Mystery of the Fromage Blanc! some girls rave about this tiramisu (but remember that they are carb deprived!!)

Thankyou girls!!!! Lots for me to try there. I will pay a visit to H&B at the weekend and buy the ingredients for the galette - sounds much more palatable to me than eggs every day!! - is it filling?

I can read basic French - not sure it would run to recipes or complex instructions!

Got to be worth a go making a 'healthy' tiramisu - the one I make has vast quantities of mascarpone cheese, kahlua, sponge fingers and sugar - not exactly great for the waistline!!!! My sisters and I reckon its around 800 cals per portion :eek:

Had a lovely day with my Mum (and Nan and Dad!). Had some sweet presents from the kids (not literally sweet!). Was most put out having to go to work today after such a relaxing weekend.

Thanks again for taking such trouble with all that - I will let you know how I get on!
Tashy, I wouldn't say the galette was exactly filling as it isn't a huge quantity, but it does keep you satisfied for a long time as there are no simple carbs to cause insulin spikes and it is low GI with all the bran. I used to make them plain then top with fromage frais, microwaved mushrooms and a little chopped lean ham. The bran gives a sort of nutty flavour, and of course provides a lot of fibre which can be sadly lacking in high protein diets. You are so right about how calorie packed some recipes can be, and it is so hard to just have tiny portions. I have been wondering about trying to go for half prtions, if I could get into the habit of having half now and half later then maybe I'd have forgotten about it by the time later gets here. Love your new avatar btw, the kids look so sweet.

Joanne, it is probably easier to eat meat without carbs in France where meals have traditionally been more separated then here. I was thinking that on Saturday in St Omer as I ate my salad starter followed by venison main course with a few veggies on the side. Then of course I blew it come dessert time, but it was meant to be a treat day out.

I haven't weighed today but I had a good DD yesterday and went to dance class last night so shouldn't have gained any. Busy day and evening ahead so I'd better get on with things, have a great day everyone.
I totally disagree re galette... in the book, the doctor recommends drinking water at the same time (which probably causes the ingredients to swell) and I am totally full up right to lunchtime (something I was NEVER with any other breakfast I've ever eaten). Truly! I tend to drink between a pint and a litre of water with it!

Some people cook it in the microwave but I like it "fried" (just with a spray of 1 cal if your frying pan isn't non stick) and I put small pieces smoked salmon in the mixture to "salt" it slightly.

Claire - I spoke this morning to someone who's made the tiramisu and who noticed the missing 1/2 of fromage blanc too. She figured (probably rightly) that it's because you "lose" half of it by draining it (she advised putting kitchen roll in a metal sieve, on top of a bowl, and put fromage blanc on top of the kitchen roll).

One suggestion Claire for your treats - I would never be able to "forget" the other half of something either, so half quantities IS a good idea OR bake a cake (like a victoria sandwich perhaps, with buttercream and jam), slice (big slices for two people) and freeze. We remove one "hunk" on a Saturday afternoon, wrap it in tin foil (have tried leaving it "open to air" - dries out) until you need it (minimum 3 hours I'd guess). I do the same with double cream. Just freeze the pot, defrost enough for us, and leave the rest alone that way...

Getting peckish now... chicken livers for starter (with some fromage blanc as sauce) followed by chicken, boiled egg and undressed salad. No white carbs there eh?! Oh and 0% fat natural yoghurt for pudding.
So tired this morning, yesterday was a long day with a very busy rehearsal in the evening. I feel a bit more on top of things than I did on Monday, still have lots to do but I'm not feeling quite so panicky. We have sunshine which always makes life seem better.

Joanne, I thought about the missing fb and decided it would probably not go in the cake. That would make a moist cake and for this you want a dry sponge. Perhaps it is yet another layer, in a normal tiramisu you'd have a top layer of cream, perhaps the plain fb goes on top. I use j-cloth to drain dairy stuff, less chance of damp bits of paper in the finished food. Drinking water with the galette is a good idea, I've never been much of a water drinker, CD was very hard for me. Freezing is a good idea to put stuff out of reach, I was thinking more as a habit, like they do with intuitive eating where you just put a small portion on your plate knowing you can have more if you still feel hungry. I think I need to understand hunger again.
Claire re missing fb - read my message above - quite a lot gets "lost" apparently in the draining, and the person I asked did enjoy her tiramisu (although said she'd put more coffee in it next time... worth tasting I guess beforehand). Good idea about j-cloth! yes soggy bits of kitchen roll don't appeal to me either!!

Ahh 3L water minimum on the protein days, so similar to CD, but he does say to drink a lot with the sons (in whichever form you choose to have them; Rich likes porridge! some make muffins or "bread" and toast it!).

For me, overeating and gaining weight has never been about "hunger" so that hunger stuff doesn't work for me...

Sorry you're feeling tired; very bright and sunny here too, although very cold, so I had a long walk on the way to work and am fit for anything (even the Thursday protein day tomorrow!!!)

What you say about the reduced quantity after draining is true, but it surprises me because recipes are usually more precise than that. Where did the original come from? I used to make that strange egg bread, didn't like it much but at the time it was soooo good to have something which even approximated to the real thing! I've never been a fan of poffidge, like you I'd prefer the galette any day.

Hunger is a weird thing, we train ourselves to ignore it by eating at set times whether we are really hungry or not and by not responding to it when dieting. Have you ever looked at the intuitive eating theories? No way could I follow them all but the hunger ideas are good, like stopping when you are no longer hungry. I know I eat too quickly, so often I am on the way out somewhere and in a rush, not the right thing to do.
Someone from the S****ette site kindly sent me a Word document of D*k*n desserts. Unfortunately! I wanted main courses and starters. I'm not a great fan of eggy, fromage blanc desserts! I just consulted it again, to check I'd not lost the plot in translation, but no. That's why I checked with someone who I know made it last week for her birthday, who confirmed that she too noticed the difference but put all that she had remaining in her sieve in... (and that it was fine, except not enough coffee in her case).

Yes I used to be an adept reader of the intuitive eating threads, and saw the girls over there torturing themselves at time, and going seemingly round in circles also! I read Paul McK years ago and liked some of it but couldn't relate to most of it.

Most people, out at work, have no choice BUT to eat at set times, or be late / do without or whatever so I think a lot of his stuff would only work at weekends / non work days anyway...

As for stopping when full, that too is a difficult one. I can not have a dessert by stopping after main course, getting up to wash up (and usually do) and five minutes later there's no way I could eat a dessert! Too full! But at the time I'm eating or, say, at a restaurant (that's probably why they press the dessert menu straight in your hands as you eat the last mouthful of your main dish), that information has not yet been processed! So yes I do use that for avoiding dessert... (I actually discovered that when I wanted to escape to the kitchen to smoke - so nothing to do with eating intuitively at all!!). The washing up, I did, just to excuse my addiction to nicotine actually!

Egg bread doesn't sound good. Never tried that! Quiche without pasty, using smoked salmon or something beneath is good! Lasagne, using courguette as "pasta" works well... just that I feel I already eat a questionable number of eggs per week, so try not to look too hard at the recipes which are often egg based... particularly now, on Consolidation, I'm supposed to be eating more normally... whatever *that* means!!

OH's home made sausages tonight, on bed of salad, and maybe a few chocolates too for pudding! Apple too (as protein only day tomorrow so might as well make the most of the "night before"!)
More sunshine today, and a good night's sleeo so I'm up and ready to take on the world. I'm determined to get my rehearsal schedule finalised this morning, another job which has been causing me way too much anxt.

The egg bread came from S***ette I think, can't remember now. There is an English website with recipes too so it might have been that. Bread is a bit of a misnomer, more a sort of solid omelette, but you could make a sandwich from it. I remember making a nice no-pastry quiche, that was yummy. The pasta free lasagne sounds good too. Do you feel your current diet is pretty normal, for you anyway? And apart from Thursdays of course. I'm not feeling very settled this week, I was hungry yesterday so ate more than I should, today I'll have a restrained UD so I don't lose the plot. It looks like the price of freedom really is eternal vigilance, as far as dieting goes anyway.
Hi girls

I am so bummed today :(

lost 3lbs over the first 3 days and then STS for 2 days. Last 2 days I have regained 2.5lbs!!!!:eek:

I've been sooooo good, eating protein, salad and some fruit. No chocolate, cakes, sweets, crisps and just 2 slices of wholemeal bread.

So so fed up - havent been counting calories but am estimating 1200 (max) per day - and that is from a low carb diet.

Just makes me feel like eating chocolate!!!
I hear you Tash... how darned annoying! There are many reasons for a gain though, and not just food oriented (time of month, bloating, water retention, etc). Are you drinking plenty of water? I wouldn't be too strict at the moment as I expect your body is recovering so eating healthily is a good thing and the weight will come off when it's ready. Annoying I know though and I hear that you're JUST like me - a bad weigh in encourages you to want to eat, whereas it ought really be the contrary but never is!

Claire - "normal" for me is probably yes about what I'm doing now, except for Thursdays... I instinctively would like a second piece of fruit per day too, but I'll stick to the plan to the letter for now... Eating chicken and veg / chicken and salad etc by the bucketful is an easy way for me to eat at lunchtime in the office, and I enjoy it too, so haven't been upsetting the applecart yet by including pasta twice a week, although I ought. Perhaps once back from holiday (taking a week off at Easter) and, as you know, weeks out of routine can be FATAL for me... hence my perusing D***n friendly starter and main course receipes rather than the dessert ones!!

A lot of the D***n recipes produce similar omelette-like confections!
Oh Tashy, that is soooo depressing. These fluctuations do work themselves through, try not to take too much notice of the daily weight. And as Joanne said it could be not enough water intake. I know I'm the last one should be asking that as I am awful about drinking enough (water that is, wine's not such a problem somehow).

Joanne, we have rather a different approach on meals, I'd rather eat less but still have some carbs mixed in. It does make it difficult if I'm faced with eating big quantities and just can't manage it. Are you going to the country for your holiday? It should be lovely in the early spring, if a bit cold should you hit the week of the Saints of Ice. This site has various D*kan recipes, you've probably already seen it Redirection vers Le Nouveau Serveur des 415 RECETTES DUKAN and I did see the doctor has produced a book with 350 recipes in.

I'm glad it is finally Friday, I really need a weekend. Rehearsal tonight but not one I have to do a lot of work in (hooray) as they will be learning a new song.
Thanks Girls:)

Feeling a bit better today - weight still the same but feeling some period type grumblings so it may be that my body is grinding back into its cycle which may explain the weight gain.

I am dreadful at drinking enough water - especially in the winter so must work on that!

Going to try and be gentle with my body - a bit kinder!!!

Had porridge for breakfast and a plum. Lunch is going to be beans on toast.

Day off work today - yippee!!! So am mooching around the house, tidying up etc.

Have a great weekend!!:D
hi girls, and I'll soon be out of here for the weekend (YAY!!),

Tash - glad to hear that there's a logical reason for this stalling... otherwise it would have been just too annoying. Drinking water is a habit; I never used to drink enough, that's for sure, yet now see the difference on the scales as soon as I don't drink as much... it helps fill me up too so a double winner!!

Claire - it's true that I was used to "dieting" without carbs (I say that, but when I input my food intake into Weight Loss Resources way back when, I actually came out at 60% odd carb because of my fruit and veg consumption! Just none of the *other* carbs. I see some people eating, say, one round of bread for a chicken sandwich. I would immediately calculate in my mind the calories for that bread, and realise I could have a plateful of veg and probably a yoghurt too for the same "money"! Just a habit of mine!!

Thank you for that link which I have seen but had lost! My Thursday protein day went well, as they all have - I do apprehend them; eating meat, fish or seafood without any accompanyment that day IS weird, but fills you up well! And the weight loss is great!! So nice to face the weekend at low weight...

I've eaten rather a lot this weekend, not sure why, just felt like it. The DD tomorrow will be very welcome, it certainly makes me pull myself together and puts an end to nibbling. I stocked up on salad things today as there is nothing worse than having a DD and not having suitable things to eat for it. Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine has been rather busy, I've been trying to put some shelving in the garage so that I can move things that I rarely use out of the kitchen and get the surfaces clear in there.

It has finally got warm enough to feel properly springlike, daffodils coming out and hopefully no more wintry weather. I'd intended going for a bikeride this afternoon but got involved with other things, maybe I can sneak out some time next week.
Gosh Claire - so your area isn't affected by the bad storm then? Even over here the weather is abominable, and prevented me from having my normal walk! Mind you, one good thing about this VERY windy and drizzly weather is that I don't feel the need to spend ages on my hair of a morning, so the "shaggy" look is back in for me!!! Amazing how many compliments I've had too! "What have you done to your hair? It looks great!". "Errr nothing... justement!!"

I had a lovely gala meal at the weekend, and got a little carried away by finishing the three course meal with five chocolates, but I couldn't hold back when offered. Yesterday however, I had no problem reining back and even found R a toffee egg and dark chocolate flake when he was peckish, and had a chicken leg myself!! Different times of month definitely affect me. I'm noting things down now to see whether there's a pattern.

So weight fine; no bad behaviour at the moment; and feeling pretty good! Off to the house for a week's vacation Easter week (commencing "Good Friday" evening cos it's not a "holiday" here, something I've always thought bizarre!!).

Good luck for your DD, Claire... Although I always apprehend the impending arrival of my "Thursday Protein Day" which of course isn't at all like your DD, I tend to enjoy the change. Unfortunately I tend to feel VERY overfull that day, mind you, because the protein tends to fill on up 30 mins AFTER finishing one's meals, I find... I need to learn to graze on a Thursday so that I know how much I really need! Not easy at work, mind you...

How's tricks Tash?
Hi, we've not really had much of a storm here, I think it is worse in the West and South. Just wind and rain which has stopped now in time to take the dog out. She was disgusted with the weather and refused a walk first thing.

Sounds like you really appreciate the gala meals, I think the way they are introoduced is very sensible as they are a chance to enjoy a good variety of foods in a social situation. I'm not feeling at all hungry today, no urge to nibble at all, which is odd since it was all I wanted yesterday. Maybe I carbed out and got tired of it. I can't imagine wanting to graze on ham or surimi, it's always biscuits or crackers which call me, the crunchiness is what I crave. Unfortunately I loathe rice cakes so can't switch to them.