Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

I would have never have thought of doing that :eek:
Totally outside the box. Great idea

Thanks....its just about ways of adapting my favourite foods and making them 'allowed'. :)
Wow you sound like your doing so well! And the lasagne sounds yummo!! I know what you mean about wanting to go back, I had one working source day and couldn't wait to go back to shakes the next day lol which is weird when at other times I want food so much! Xx

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Thanks hun!
Mad isnt it that when we are on TS we could sometimes chew our arm off but 1 day off it and we want to go back!!
! day back on the shakes and I will be wishing I was doing this week again!!
Wowser...well done Miss Mac. You are doing fab work here and to stay on track when introducing food is just incredible as that to me is the hardest part. It's really weird what the diet does to our heads about our thoughts with food isn't it! Keep strong babe xx
Well today I had chicken breast with cheese and bacon wrapped round and broccoli and cabbage, was really tasty!

For some reason today though, I felt really tempted by other 'naughty' stuff. Had to pop into morrisons to get a couple of bits and pieces and was drooling over the muffins, and had such a craving for cake!! Then it was chocolate. I actually went into Thorntons to see if any chocolate would be if!!! Im not even really a chocolate person so dont know where that came from!! Anyway I survived somehow, I just hope thats the end of it! My son is great though, he is keeping me on the straight and narrow. He keeps asking if I am allowed whatever Im eating and he now checks the carb contents too!! He loves helping me which is great!! :)

On the good side, I ordered some more Exante shakes today. I got all chocolate ones, not because I had been craving it today, but because they are the only ones that I think dont have a horrible after taste! The other flavours I have to drink down in a oner and not breathe till its finished, then when I do take a breath, the taste hits and I could be sick!! I tried putting coffee in and was nearly sick. Tried them hot and just the smell nearly made me sick!! So I have been struggling to get them down each day. So I went for all chocolate!! So that should keep me going for the next month!! :)

Cant wait to go back on to TFR again though, seriously. Even though I read on here about people struggling every day, and I know I will too, I like being on Exante and seeing the results it gives you and I know Im not going to get them this week.

Still, I will enjoy it while I can as it will come round again all too soon!!...xx
It's strange int it, how much u long forfood then as soon as u eat all u want is to be back on shakes.
Glad u managed to avoid all the nice things :) xx
It's strange int it, how much u long forfood then as soon as u eat all u want is to be back on shakes.
Glad u managed to avoid all the nice things :) xx

Yeah it totally is! Our minds certainly know how to play tricks on us hey!!

Yep I avoided them for today and I hope I dont get the urge again tomorrow!! x
Sounds like you're doing an amazing job - well done

PS - can I have some cooking lessons? ;)

PS - can I have some cooking lessons? ;)

xx are asking the wrong person there. Normally unless it takes 7 minutes and goes ping! im hopeless. But I have a repetoir of about 5 dishes I can make from scratch and then Im lost.
Pancake day....I had my kitchen filled with black smoke and had to bin 2 frying pans!! Another time, I tried to make chocolate crispies with my son and they were so hard you would have broke your teeth on them. Needless to say they had to go in the bin!! :rolleyes:
Miss Mac said:
Well today I had chicken breast with cheese and bacon wrapped round and broccoli and cabbage, was really tasty!

that sounds lush!!!!!!!

Well dine on resisting chocolate and sweet things! :D


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Sounds like you are doing really well this week, love the sound of your AAM's as well, might just have to nick a few of those!!! Keep it up hun - you never know, the scales mights just surprise you!
I love the way your son is supporting you. That is really a great help.

Do you not like any of the soups Miss Mac ?
Such a shame that you only like one of the shakes :(
I love the way your son is supporting you. That is really a great help.

Do you not like any of the soups Miss Mac ?
Such a shame that you only like one of the shakes :(

I can just about get away with the chicken one and the veg one and I still have some left for if I fancy savoury, but I cant stand the tomato and the mushroom aint too great either! I dont mind so much though....I think starlight once said to me its our medicine, not food, so as long as I can get away with at least 1 without being sick, that will do me. Oh and I can get away with both the bars too so thats a bonus!!:)
So today me and my son went for dinner and a movie.

I had smothered chicken and when asked..fries, mash or jacket, I was brave enough to say actually could I just have it with salad. I have to say, if I ever got something like that again, I would have it with salad even if I wasnt on this diet as I really enjoyed it. It felt much lighter and fresher than chips!!
I really wanted bruscetta for starter, its my absolute favourite but once I told my son I wasnt really allowed it, thats it, he wouldnt let me have it. I even tried to convince him that 'a day off' would be ok just this once but he said I had been doing so well, I shouldnt ruin it now!!
Who needs a conscience when I have him!! :)

Then we went to see 'hop' the movie which was quite good. I like going to see movies but hate the cinema experience. I specifically chose a single row of 3 seats and booked 2 of them, knowing the chances of someone booking the other single 1 seat was pretty slim. This was after I ended up sitting next to a very smelly person through an entire film and I have never quite got over it!! Only to find when we go to our seats someone is sitting there....except it wasnt even the seat she had booked! Then when she realised it was just the 2 of us she decided to stay put!! Why do people do seats but sit somewhere else....just book the bloody seats you want to sit in!!! Then the 3 kids she was with were sitting behind us and kept kicking our seats and to top it off, the woman who was sitting in the wrong seat hadnt even turned her phone to silent and she kept getting texts and phone calls!! At first I thought she must have forgot to turn it off but over and over it kept going off with each text she got!!! Aaarrhhh!!!!
Sorry for the rant but how bloody ignorant!!!

Anyway, apart from that, the weather has been lovely and the day has been good!!:)
Sounds like your doing great!!! :)

Just wondered, can I borrow ur son till in thin??? Lol xx
Sounds like your doing great!!! :)

Just wondered, can I borrow ur son till in thin??? Lol xx

Haha....he is 11 going on 41!!! He is great though and yeah, every diet should come with one!!:)
Sterling work missy....keep strong and I hope I can be as determined as you xx
Well I was hoping and actually looking forward to coming off the aam week on saturday but me and my sisters are going out on sunday night so looks like it might be Tuesday before I can go back to TS again!! Seems no point in doing TS saturday, to have to eat something before I drink on sunday and then in all honesty, I will have beer belly on Monday after drinking and will end up eating then. So I have decided that instead of setting myself up to fail, I will continue to aam and go TS on Tuesday. I really want to get back on it too, I feel like I need it. Think I will still weigh in on Sunday, see what the damage is.....actually is that such a good idea as that could make me feel really bad if I have put on loads and Im going out on sunday!! Hmmm...what to do??
Would love to just not bother, but I really need to face up to things and see how eating is affecting my weight and to see if my choices this week have made any difference. Really worried though :(. xx
Well I was hoping and actually looking forward to coming off the aam week on saturday but me and my sisters are going out on sunday night so looks like it might be Tuesday before I can go back to TS again!! Seems no point in doing TS saturday, to have to eat something before I drink on sunday and then in all honesty, I will have beer belly on Monday after drinking and will end up eating then. So I have decided that instead of setting myself up to fail, I will continue to aam and go TS on Tuesday. I really want to get back on it too, I feel like I need it. Think I will still weigh in on Sunday, see what the damage is.....actually is that such a good idea as that could make me feel really bad if I have put on loads and Im going out on sunday!! Hmmm...what to do??
Would love to just not bother, but I really need to face up to things and see how eating is affecting my weight and to see if my choices this week have made any difference. Really worried though :(. xx

I know you have been worried about AAMW....
But it is only just over a week that you will have been doing it.
At least, if what you suspect is correct, and things haven't gone well, it is only a week.. that you will have to back track on.
By the time you WI on Sunday, you will have a better idea what you need to do.....
Enoy your time out on Sunday, and try and eat good choices on Monday (not like I did the other day :eek:)

Hope your weekend is good