Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Hi Miss Mac,
Feeling your anxiety, lovie. It's frightening when we feel like this. I have had nearly 3 weeks of not being on's like some sort of madness ! We know we shouldn't but, we can't stop......
You will get back on have done incredibly well to do 11 weeks...that's no easy thing to have done.

Sending you positive vibes and a big virtual know you can do this. xxxx
Hi Miss Mac,
Feeling your anxiety, lovie. It's frightening when we feel like this. I have had nearly 3 weeks of not being on's like some sort of madness ! We know we shouldn't but, we can't stop......
You will get back on have done incredibly well to do 11 weeks...that's no easy thing to have done.

Sending you positive vibes and a big virtual know you can do this. xxxx

It really is frightening isnt it Jax! Its like there is absolutely nothing we can do about it when it happens!! I have been in the zone for weeks, had aam, got straight back in the zone, had a night out, got straight back in the what the heck happened this week!!

Thank you for the encouragement though Jax, it definitely helps me to get through each day. :)

How are you getting on now then hun after your 3 weeks off plan? Do you have any idea what might have caused you to come off? xxx
Hey Miss Mac....
Are you still on track ?
I think sometimes, we just get bored on Exante :eek:... I do sometimes anyway :eek:
And if your routine has been changed, it is bound to change your eating habits.
I hope the weekend is good for you
Hi Marge,

Yep I think I am still on track (the day isnt over yet! lol). Such a tough few days though to be honest. Yes I definitely think it had a lot to my change of routine, it totally threw me!! I feel much stronger again now though thankfully. I agree we get bored on all diets, but that is what I couldnt understand, I was still loving Exante and not bored yet at all, but I just HAD to eat!! Not a hunger, not a craving not a want....I just HAD to!!!:rolleyes:

Now to stick to it till holiday!!

How is your week going....are you still off plan?...xx
How is your week going....are you still off plan?...xx

Hmmmmm :eek:
I had planned on being right back on plan when I got home, from my week away. But today has been a real struggle :(.
I did have a protein rich brekkie, before I got home today. But I have had a cheese omlette for lunch, which I didn't want to do. I wanted to come home, and have a shake or soup. I do believe my head is still on holiday, even although my body is home... as I am really trying to convince myselft not to put a bottle of wine in the fridge :eek:
Bummer :(
Week 11 day 5

Well its friday and the start of the weekend. I am still feeling good though and back in the zone, so confident I can get through today 100%. The little blips this week have shaken my confidence a little bit in the fact that I am now taking this 1 day at a time. :)

Had a sunbed today to try and get my skin prepared for holiday. Have been taking it easy and only going on for 5 minutes, however, today the sunbed was really cold and hadnt been used for a while so I thought I would be ok with 10 minutes......I am now glowing like the ready brek man!!

Of to watch a film now so will catch up
today the sunbed was really cold and hadnt been used for a while so I thought I would be ok with 10 minutes......I am now glowing like the ready brek man!!

Oh no !!
Make sure you get some after sun, or body lotion at the very least, for the next few days....
Burnt skin is no fun :(
Lathered in after sun certainly stings a little. Still better to have it now than when im on holiday.

Have still been ok tonight. Just finished a bar and am feeling fine. I really hope I am over the struggle now and back in the zone. Hopefully I will get a ketosis show this time too to motivate me a bit more..x
So glad to hear you're back in the zone :) It's a great feeling when you get back on track. You did really well not to let things escalate out of control, and to have identified the new trigger points for you. I hope this week proves to be a lot easier again :) Those 12's are calling you :)
Week 11 day 7

Well I have lost 1lb this week!!:) I am actually really pleased with that as I have had such a bad and very difficult week.

I really need to knuckle down now and start getting some good losses or I am going to be on this diet forever!!

I am so pleased this week is over and I am going into week 12 with a positive attitude...2 weeks 100%TS, is all I have got to do before my holidays, I can do that!!:):)

So here is my line under this week and I hope and pray that I never have another week like it!!
Well done Miss Mac on your 1lb loss :)
2 stone 4lbs ;)
Not too shabby :)
Here's to a good week :D
I know Marge....I certainly cant complain this week with a small loss infact its a miracle really.

Just had my 2 sisters round and havent seen them for a couple of weeks and they both said I had lost weight!. One of them asked if I was back on cambridge again, so I just said well something similar. That was about as far as it went really. No big fan fare or anything!! haha:rolleyes:

I didnt get loads of questions or anything but I dont think I have lost enough weight for all that yet. They would both be fine about it though as they were when I did CD. One of my sisters is currently struggling with her weigh too but I dont think she would try this diet as she likes her food too much and gets really ratty when she is hungry!!

Got loads done today too, ironing, packed sons suitcase for holidays, tidied the house, had a catch up with sisters and printed off travel documents.:)

Today has gone well. Need to get a pack down me though as not had anything yet so think I will have a shake and a bath.
Busy days are good :)
I love 'em :D
They definatley help keep you on track eh ?
And a wee confidence boost from your sisters is also good ;)
Waheyyyyy!!! Well done lady on your 1lb loss! Any loss is a good loss :D
So glad you've had a good day and hope you have just a good a one tomorrow! :D xxx
Thanks bouncy!!...I am hoping for a good week this week and hopefully a good loss...3lb would be good as that will take me to half a stone off this month so far..xx
Aaahhhhhh you'll do that easypeasy! Hope you havea good week and I'm looking forward to see you lose that 3lbs! Whendo you weigh btw?? x
I weigh in on sundays chick so I have got a whole week to be good and get it off!!...xx
I'm with you Miss Mac, time for 3lbs to come off this week, we can do this! Hope tomorrow is a good day :D

Thanks for the support Cybill. Yep we can definitely do this...3 little pounds thats all!!:)

We WILL have a good day tomrrow!!:cool: