Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Week 12 day 1

Well I checked the ketostix this morning and I am very pleased to say I am in the pink!!:) Not sure how long I have been in it for as didnt check for ages and had bad food days last week but pleased it is here again!!

I think sometimes apart from anything else, those little pink sticks give me a bit more confidence and motivation for some reason!!

So I have been 100% so far today and feel fine. 2 weeks today till my holiday so hope I can get a couple of decent losses before
Well done on your loss chick....sounds like you are doing fab and to be restrained when you have guests round is never easy! Keep going. Lets hope we all do 3lb next week xx
I think sometimes apart from anything else, those little pink sticks give me a bit more confidence and motivation for some reason!!

How very true !!
Week 12 day 2

Well after all that gush about getting into ketosis and it making me feel better.....I failed yesterday and ate lots of things i shouldnt have!! I have absolutely no idea why (which is quite worrying!):sigh:

Today however, I have managed fine and even resisted a KFC when I took my son!!

I can only think that my brain is in holiday mode a bit and knows I am going to be off plan for a week and therfore thinks well just go for it coz youre going to eat soon enough anyway!!

So like I have said before, I am still just taking one day at a time and if I get through it its a bonus, if not, then ill try again tomorrow!!:eek:
Yes, one day at a's hard though, isn't it? I do wish time away so I can be slimmer ! LoL.
It just doesn't work like that , does it? :(
I struggle as I get near a holiday...probably thinking that I wont look that much different?
Hope you have a good day today , lovely lady.
Let's just get through today and tomorrow will take care of itself. xx
How's today going for you Missy? When is that holiday of yours then? Sending big hugs and happy thoughts your way xx
Yes, one day at a's hard though, isn't it? I do wish time away so I can be slimmer ! LoL.
It just doesn't work like that , does it? :(
I struggle as I get near a holiday...probably thinking that I wont look that much different?
Hope you have a good day today , lovely lady.
Let's just get through today and tomorrow will take care of itself. xx

thanks Jax. Yes it is really hard. Some days are harder than others and some days I think I am doing fine then BAM!! I go and mess up.
But all each of us can do is keep trying and not give up. One day we will get where we want to be!!:)
How's today going for you Missy? When is that holiday of yours then? Sending big hugs and happy thoughts your way xx

Hi Gaga,

Holiday is a week on Monday....I cant wait!! Think my brain is in holiday mode already though!! haha:)

Week 12 day 3

Today is going well so far!! I have managed to stay 100%. :) I got through yesterday too and the ketostix are showing traces already which is great considering I managed to knock myself out after mondays stupidity!!:)

I feel really tired today so I am going to have a coffee, a bar and then have an early night which should mean I manage to survive another whole 100% day!!:)

I am still taking it 1 day at a time and never consider a whole day done until I wake up the next day!! It has been tough lately and I am not entirely sure what has happened. Maybe it is because I have this holiday coming up but after I get back I am going to attempt to do 100%TS until the end of July. This was supposed to be when I got to goal. I dont know if its still achievable but I am going to give it a good try!!:)
Snap yourself out of holiday mode chicken! lol That's what it is, it'll be the same for me when my wedding is only weeks away. You're right though, you just have to stick with it and if you have a bad day, make sure the next day is a good day! You're doing SO well, you know you can get to goal and that's the thing, on exante, you KNOW you WILL get to goal!!! :D Lots of love and positive vibes!! xx
Week 12 day 4

Well I survived 100% yesterday and I am still on track today!:):) I do seem to be thinking about food a lot tonight though for some reason!:eek: I am going to have a soup and a bit of bar soon and hopefully that will help.

I am still just having to take it 1 day at a time due to holiday mode, but I am trying really hard to stick to it now until next weekend. Its not long really is it! I would really like to be in the low 13's before my holidays, mainly because I know I will gain while Im away and I really really dont want to enter the 14's again. I will still try to make sensible choices and I am going to try really hard with portion control while I am away. I will then be able to compare it with my aamw and see if there is any difference!

Surely there has to be a way of eating and NOT put on weight?? I mean 'normal' people eat 3 meals a day and maintain their weight....why cant I? So I am going to try on holiday which I think will be easier for me. I know that might sound strange but as I am all inclusive, I wont be bothered if I leave any food. I wont feel like I am wasting it or that I have to clear my plate! I am also going to start with small portions as I can easily go back for more if I am still hungry OR as I will be trying to eat 3 meals a day (something which I have NEVER done), I can wait until next meal time and see how that works out. Then there is the swimming and walking around which should also help. So I am really excited to put all this theory into practice and see if it works...:):)
So I am really excited to put all this theory into practice and see if it works...:):)

It will be interesting to see how you get on :)
Week 12 day 5

Well I suceeded being 100% again yesterday and still on track so far today!:)

Not been around the diaries too much the past couple of nights as I have been going to bed at 9pm!! Partly coz I have been really tired for some reason and partly so I dont give in and eat!!:p

Its the start of another weekend and I have had some food thoughts (wish they would bugger off!!), but I am determind not to give in!!:) Just over a week till im in that bikini and need to look slightly less than repulsive!!:eek:

Oh had half a tomato soup tonight....still vile....think they are going to have to be left to be used in emergencies only!! And to make matters worse, it keeps rifting on me!! eerrgghh!!:(
That's fantastic work getting back to 100%, I always find that so difficult.
The holiday sounds fantastic... and you're right, there must be a way to eat and not put on weight!
When I went on a cruise, just before Christmas, I stuck with low carb, but really enjoyed eating 3 meals a day with loads of different meats / fish / vegetables etc (I just avoided the obvious carbs). It was really tasty and I lost weight too! However, there must be a way to do that with eating some carbs too. Good luck :)
Hope you can stick on the packs until holiday comes... not long to go now :)
Thanks cybill. I hope I can stick to it until then too. I am currently being motivated by the fact that knowing I put on half a stone on aamw, I am expecting to do the same on holiday. To this effect, I dont want to go back into the 14's so I need to get as low down the 13's by next weekend in order to be able to do this. It does seem a bit daft, losing weight in order to be able to put it back on again, but I am just doing a bit of damage limitation the way I see it!

I tried not having obvious carbs on the aamw and actually stayed in ketosis for the most of it and yet I still managed to put on loads, so this time, I am coming completely off plan and trying to work on portion control to see if that makes any difference. Fingers crossed!!..x
Not long now missy....I make it 10 more sleeps til bikini-time!!! You are going to be smoking hot judging by your TS days....well done indeed! Sure you'll make sensible food choices whilst you are out there too. I'm sooooooo with you on the tomato soup front- in fact all of the soup fronts! I couldn't stand any of them- shakes all the way for me baby! Big hugs and sweet dreams xxxx
Not long now missy....I make it 10 more sleeps til bikini-time!!! You are going to be smoking hot judging by your TS days....well done indeed! Sure you'll make sensible food choices whilst you are out there too. I'm sooooooo with you on the tomato soup front- in fact all of the soup fronts! I couldn't stand any of them- shakes all the way for me baby! Big hugs and sweet dreams xxxx

Well it is 9 more sleeps today!! yay!!!

Dont know about smokin hot like...maybe more of a slow simmer!! haha

I am going to really try and see if I can change the way I eat. I.e less, slower, healthier and more consciously. I really do think being on holiday will help. I know most people will think holidays are harder but I am seeing it as an opportunity to try something new without the guilt of leaving food or wasting food. It could all go out of the window by Tuesday like but time will tell!! lol
week 12 day 6

I survived again last night so it was another 100% day. I have to say though, I dont actually feel 'in the zone' like I have in the past. I am struggling at some point pretty much every day but it really is holiday modes fault!! I just think well I am coming off plan next week and I will put on weight so it wont matter that much if I start eating now!! I know that is so wrong and that is how I have managed to get through it, but the thoughts are there every day!!

Weigh in tomorrow and any kind of loss would be good for me. I had that bad day on Monday and have managed to stay 100%TS since then, but I just think I have been messing around so much lately that my body wont know what is happening. So like I say, any loss will be good, I just hope it is a loss!!

Been shopping today and bought a couple of maxi dresses for holidays size 16. It feels good to just be able to pick the size up and feel pretty confident it will fit where as before I would have had to pick up various sizes and go and try them all on!! I cant wait until I can do that with a size 14!! I havent been in a 14 since I had my son 11 years ago!!
Well, you are only one size away from that eh ?
And WI tomorrow, a day closer to goal ;)
Fingers crossed for a good WI tomorrow for you chick- I shall look forward to seeing those reults tomorrow. Fab news on the dress front too-bet you look fabulous in those dresses and I bet if you tried on the 14 you would have fit them too! Take care xxx