Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Naughty friends...why can they not support us instead of cast their own judgements on what we chose to do? I get it all the time babe- best thing is not to listen so you don't get their demons in your head. You're doing great guns and on for a whopper loss again this week me thinks xxx

Thanks Gaga,

I think she was just frustrated with herself and she was asking how much I had lost. She only needs to lose a fraction of what I need to lose and I think she was thinking well if she can do it, why cant I?

I think when other people diss something someone else is trying to achieve, it definitely has something to do with their own insecurities and possibly failings. They cant succeed at something so they will diss it no matter how good it is.

It dont bother me though.....hopefully I will get to goal before she loses her 10lb and then maybe I will give her some of my left over packs!!! lol :p..xx
I didn't quite get that?? She's doingsuper un-healthy and nutrionally lacking slimfast and telling you YOU'RE on the wrong diet?!?! LOL Hun, just ignore people like that and as you say, better to be VLCD'ing than obese and doing nothing about it!!!!

I would definitely give her some of your packs when you hit goal! lol How funny! :D x
Well I have been 100% today and no food thoughts at all which is great. Wierd how one day I can breeze through this diet and others I am constantly fighting the demons!! :rolleyes:
Feel really tired tonight though so Im going to have an early night...hope everyone is doing great and I will hopefully catch up tomorrow..xx
Well done on 100% MM :) You're doing really well. I think when you have the bad days, you just have to tell yourself..only a few more hours to go and then I'm on tomorrow! I literally take it every day at a time but hey, it gets us through it and we won't need to do it forever! :)

So pleased you're still doing well :) x x
How are things going ? :)
How's it going Hun? xx
Well hello...

Sorry I have been off the radar a bit the past couple of days, I have just been really busy with one thing or another and just never seemed to have the time!

Good news is I have lost 2lb this week which is great as I thought it might sts with the big loss last week! :)

Will go and catch up on some diaries now and hope you have all been doing well..xx
Well done :D
Miss Mac said:
Thanks Marge.....hope you have been doing well and staying away from the olives!!! lol:p

Ha ha.
No olives recently :D.
But I was out last nite, and had cheese on toast at the end of the night :eek: :eek:
Oh, and a few chocs :(
Fab loss Hun :D xx
Woo hoo....huge congratulations on another 2 lbs gone forever. Fantastic news babe. Hope you have another great week ahead. Thanks for all your support and kind words after my wee wobble too xxxx
Well done MM!!!! So pleased you had another loss. It's good because when it gets tough, the losses keep you motivated eh!!

Here's to another good day leading to another good week for you! :D x x
Awww...thanks for the support everyone!!:):):)

Sorry I have been neglecting minis a bit lately, everything just seems to be so busy at the minute...either that or when I do get a chance, my bloomin computer decides to run slow and it does my head in!!:rolleyes:

I have managed to have another good day so all is well on the diet front and I am managing to read your diaries even if I dont comment, so beware...big Mac is watching you!!!
LOL@big Mac. YUM!!! Chuffed for you still on 100%! I can't elieve how quickly you've just got back in the zone after your holiday! Having said that, I think this diet is so good that it's a bit like a drug!! lol
I'm the same as you, busy with a little toddling girl causing chaos and destruction wherever she goes so not much time to spare!....good job we don't have to spend time eating then isn't it! :D

Have a good day :) x x
Ok so yesterday, finishing up at work and then driving home, I noticed the start of a migrane!:( Put my glasses on to drive home, but by the time I got home I had blind spots in my vision and waterfalls in my right headache yet though! So I get in, have a bath and its getting worse. Headache starts rapidly and I take a tablet...hour later no better, take another tablet. I couldnt get my words out either, all my thoughts were muddled! Go to have an early night and I presume the painkillers
must have kicked in and I fell asleep or I passed out one of the 2!! Anyway, today I wake up and the migrane is gone but I feel like I have been punched in the head by a bloomin boxer...what an awful afliction!!! I only started getting these a couple of years ago and I suppose mine are mild compared to some peoples but wow do they hurt!!! So that was me completely out of action last night!!

So diet wise I breezed it!:) Had a shake at breakfast and forced half a bar down after work but thats all I could manage. Back to normal today though!

I am hoping to get another couple of pound off this week and keep plodding away at it...and I suppose even at 2lb a week it all adds up, but I do wish it would come off faster some weeks to give me a bit of a boost :eek:
