Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Oh sounds terrible :( well done for staying TS through that :)

I wish it would come off faster too, like do TS for a day and wake up 8 stone :) lol if only xx
my advice about the masisve weight gain stuff (i feel your pain!) i would go to holland and barrett for an allergy test, to get one on the NHS the wait time is about 6 months IF you can get a GP to refer you at all.

one thing i would say is dont rule out lactose intolerance, ceoliac disease (the most undiagnosed illness in the uk) and a wheat allergy.

I would also suggest that you take a pro biotic even now, try to get that gut healthy :)

above all, keep it up, the fat cells you have will eventually learn they dont need to be refilled and stop trying to be.

it takes time for your body to reach equilibrium with its new size x
Hope that migraine has completely gone now sugar- poor you having to suffer with those. Sounds like you are flying with exante at the mo and having great losses to boost. Noticed your bmi is now 30.0 too- woo hoo- just overweight now then babes. Well done you xxxxxxx
How are things going Miss Mac ? :)
Hey everyone,

thanks for the support. The migraine really knocked me for six and although it had gone the next day, for the next 2 days after that, I felt like I had been thumped in the head!!

So weigh in day today and I have lost another 2lb! Great but it seems to have slowed down a lot since the holiday gain/loss! Still better off than on!!:)

I am at a friends wedding next weekend and have a new size 16 dress so hopefully it will look ok. I might even post a pic if I can figure out how too!

Will try and catch up on some diaries later but I have a mountain of ironing to to!:(

my advice about the masisve weight gain stuff (i feel your pain!) i would go to holland and barrett for an allergy test, to get one on the NHS the wait time is about 6 months IF you can get a GP to refer you at all.

one thing i would say is dont rule out lactose intolerance, ceoliac disease (the most undiagnosed illness in the uk) and a wheat allergy.

I would also suggest that you take a pro biotic even now, try to get that gut healthy :)

above all, keep it up, the fat cells you have will eventually learn they dont need to be refilled and stop trying to be.

it takes time for your body to reach equilibrium with its new size x

Thanks for the advice Paula. I have actually suspected I might have an intolerance to something for a while but didnt know you could get the tests at H&B so will maybe go and check that out. xxx
Well done on your 2lb loss :).
I think you should get any intolerences sorted out sooner rather than later, otherwise you will always be fighting against yourself :(
Well done on your 2lb loss :).
I think you should get any intolerences sorted out sooner rather than later, otherwise you will always be fighting against yourself :(

Yeah definitely Marge, i will look into it this week. I didnt actually think it would have an effect on weight loss/gain, I just thought it affected me by making me feel uncomfortable, bloated etc. It will be worth knowing though xx
Oh sounds terrible :( well done for staying TS through that :)

I wish it would come off faster too, like do TS for a day and wake up 8 stone :) lol if only xx

It was very easy to stay TS through it Clair, the only plus side!! I really didnt feel like eating at all!!

If only the diet would work like that hey....even to lose half a stone a day would do me!! haha..xx
Hope that migraine has completely gone now sugar- poor you having to suffer with those. Sounds like you are flying with exante at the mo and having great losses to boost. Noticed your bmi is now 30.0 too- woo hoo- just overweight now then babes. Well done you xxxxxxx

My BMI seems to have been at 30.something for ages now and I need to be under to be overweight.....the last few points just dont seem to want to go down!! I will get there though. xxx
Miss Mac said:
It was very easy to stay TS through it Clair, the only plus side!! I really didnt feel like eating at all!!

If only the diet would work like that hey....even to lose half a stone a day would do me!! haha..xx

Only half a stone a day? I think you should aim higher lol xx
Half a stone a day? I'll jump on that wagon please :D

Well done on your 2lb MM, you're doing really well and even though it's slowed down a bit, you're still 30lbs down! THAT'S the amazing bit :) I hope you have a good day today :D x x
Huge congrats on the 2lbs chick and so glad you are feeling better to boost. Can't have been nice for you at all but well done for staying on track throughout xx
Bad news Im afraid!!

Ok sorry guys but i am going to have to take a break from hair has started comeing out in clumps!!!

I know this is a side effect of VLCD but I am really worried! To this end, I have decided to ease off the diet for a month to see if it makes any difference. I had been noticing the hairloss for a couple of weeks but didnt really think much of it but what worried me was 3 nights ago after my bath, I fished a huge clump of hair out the plughole! So I have been monitoring it and if I run my fingers through my hair, I get clumps out!! My hair aint exactly thick to start with!!

Does anyone have any suggestions on anything I can take to help?

I am not planning to come completely off plan, as you all know how easy i put on weight and would end up back to the start in no time. My plan is to try and maintain my weight for the month, therefore, hopefully learning something in the process.

I feel like a bit of a failure but I have to try and see if I can stop this hairloss before I become bald!! I am at the hairdressers on Saturday so will see what she says and see if she can see any patches or anything.:eek:

Sorry to hear about your hair. There's been some other talk of this on the forum too. Someone's suggested eating more protein, and I think there's some vitamins / minerals you can take.

Mine's coming out a lot too, I'm just going to try and see it through to the end and then it will grow back! Good luck working out what the best combination plan will be for you, perhaps sticking with low carb / WS kind of days?
Sorry to hear about your hair. There's been some other talk of this on the forum too. Someone's suggested eating more protein, and I think there's some vitamins / minerals you can take.

Mine's coming out a lot too, I'm just going to try and see it through to the end and then it will grow back! Good luck working out what the best combination plan will be for you, perhaps sticking with low carb / WS kind of days?

Hi Rachel,

Yeah I am planning to try and stick with low carb high protein, but I have really been wanting fruit! I dont know if this is my bodies way of telling me I need some kind of vitamin or if its just in my head!
I am going to monitor my weight closely and try and have low calorie days if it starts to creep up. I have no idea if this will work but I definitely dont just want to completely come off plan for the month!!

I wish I could just ride through it like you Rachel and deal with it when I get to goal, but as vain as this may sound...I dont think I would make a pretty bald person!! :p lol. Oh and I dont work in the kind of enviroment that would be sympathetic to my plight as bad as that sounds.

I might check out the atkins site or mum of 2's maintenance diary for some tips..x
Hiya Miss Mac

Sorry to hear about the hair loss :(
When mines started shedding I took a hair and nails vitamin tablet from boots! Don't know if they worked or not coz I started eating about the same time too.
There's lots of confusion, for me anyways, about it. I emailed lipotrim when it started for me and they said eating wouldn't help yet people on here says it does. Guess it's just a case of trying it hun.
Shedding I can cope with but if mines came out in clumps then I'd be doing exactly the same as you.
Don't feel like your a failure tho, bloody hell just look at what you've achieved babe!
Hope everything settles soon and don't forget we're here will ya? I wanna know how your getting on xx