Total Solution The Miss Mac Diary! Operation Egypt!!!

Good afternoon Miss Mac, hang on in there. Just think if your work trousers are getting looser already, then how fab will your weigh in be in a couple of days! :hug99: xx
Good afternoon Miss Mac, hang on in there. Just think if your work trousers are getting looser already, then how fab will your weigh in be in a couple of days! :hug99: xx

Thank you,

I think weigh in day is what is keeping me going at the moment. I havent got a clue where I am at. I usually have a sneek peek but this week I have stayed off the scales. I so hope I have a good loss.
I only weigh once a week too. I think if I saw the scales go up I'd turn to chocolate! :sigh: :D
gigglepants said:
I only weigh once a week too. I think if I saw the scales go up I'd turn to chocolate! :sigh: :D

Yeah this is what happens to me too :S
Well done for resisting the scales, i must admit i did every couple of days the first few weeks , but now i am sticking to Weigh Day! good luck for weigh day xx
Well got through tonight but I hate the fact that the little 'thoughts' are starting already. I am going to need a miracle at this rate!!

Nevermind, tomorrow is another day and I am hoping it might be an easier one as I will be psycing myself up for weigh in on Sunday so wouldnt dare jepordise that!!
Miss Mac said:
Well got through tonight but I hate the fact that the little 'thoughts' are starting already. I am going to need a miracle at this rate!!

Nevermind, tomorrow is another day and I am hoping it might be an easier one as I will be psycing myself up for weigh in on Sunday so wouldnt dare jepordise that!!

Hey MissM not sure if this will help but I never feel better until day 10-11 then the thoughts seem to go (until totm and then they resurface lol) :) hope it gets better for you x
Hey MissM not sure if this will help but I never feel better until day 10-11 then the thoughts seem to go (until totm and then they resurface lol) :) hope it gets better for you x

Oh I hope you are right and this is the case for me too!
I think I should be ok tomorrow and sunday so that will be 7 days done, so if your theory is right then only a couple more days to go till the thoughts do one!!.....I hope so much they go away.

It is so silly but it is not because I am hungry, I could understand wanting to give up if I was so hungry I couldnt bear it but I am not and even if I do get a bit of hunger I can get over that fairly easily. It is purely the 'thoughts' that get me.

The 'oh just a bit of protein will be ok' or a salad wont hurt or you might as well give up and just be fat!!! more moaning (well for a couple of days at least)! lol
Miss Mac said:
Oh I hope you are right and this is the case for me too!
I think I should be ok tomorrow and sunday so that will be 7 days done, so if your theory is right then only a couple more days to go till the thoughts do one!!.....I hope so much they go away.

It is so silly but it is not because I am hungry, I could understand wanting to give up if I was so hungry I couldnt bear it but I am not and even if I do get a bit of hunger I can get over that fairly easily. It is purely the 'thoughts' that get me.

The 'oh just a bit of protein will be ok' or a salad wont hurt or you might as well give up and just be fat!!! more moaning (well for a couple of days at least)! lol

Oh I'm exactly the same for the first week and a half then it gets easier except for totm or special occasions or the old complacency ie oh I can have a takeaway and get back on it tomorrow easy peasy lol yeah right!!
Oh I'm exactly the same for the first week and a half then it gets easier except for totm or special occasions or the old complacency ie oh I can have a takeaway and get back on it tomorrow easy peasy lol yeah right!!

Yeah, I am worried about even eating bars next week so I am just going to order more shakes and try the soups. Worried that the chewing action might set me off!!
I know aswell that my biggest problem is that I know I cant get back on it tomorrow. Once I fall off thats it!! I try but regularly and easily fail so I have to give it quite a while before I try this time!! But I know if I fall off, I wont be able to get back on and I will be fat for my holidays and I really dont want that so I am determind to do it. Its only 4 months....right :sigh:
Don't try S&S then miss mac... It's too much like eating if you have the meal packs :)
I hope your Saturday is super busy and keeps you on track :D
Oh, and, aye it is only 4 months.....
It always seems longer to look forward than to look back......
Christmas is 6 months away, but the one we have only just had seem soooooo much closer than the up coming one :) ;)
Don't try S&S then miss mac... It's too much like eating if you have the meal packs :)
I hope your Saturday is super busy and keeps you on track :D

No I am not going to try S+S I was just wondering what they were like. I am definitely sticking to cambridge for the long haul. Its more money but I like the shakes, the tetra packs are really handy and hopefully having someone weigh me every week will be incentive to keep on track.:cool:
Been to work this morning and have had a shake. Couple of bottles of water down already and several coffees.

Not even going to think about straying today as I have my first weigh in tomorrow and I am really excited.

Hopefully week 2 will be easier and I am going to get some soups to try.

I am trying a bit of a different tactic this time too. Normally I dont tell anyone I am on a vlcd, mainly so if I fail then they dont know! Last time I did exante and lost nearly 2.5 stone before anyone noticed I had lost weight and started asking how so then I came clean.

This time I have told people and I am posting my (hopefully) weekly losses on facebook, so this time I am doing it very publically. This is hopefully going to be another tactic to help keep me on track!

So today going well....long may it continue!
Thats a great attitude Miss Mac...
I think what ever works for you, you have to do. Aye, Cambridge is more expensive, but if you like it, at least you have a fighting chance of sticking to it.
And if telling the world and their granny helps, then do it !!
Thats a great attitude Miss Mac...
I think what ever works for you, you have to do. Aye, Cambridge is more expensive, but if you like it, at least you have a fighting chance of sticking to it.
And if telling the world and their granny helps, then do it !!

Yep every little helps so they say!.

Dont normally tell people as like to keep it private but I need to try something new.
Been for a little nana was lush!!

Going in the bath shortly for a nice bubble bath and then will watch a movie and that my friends will be day 6 done!!! yay!!