Consolidation The not so very secret diary of Atropos, 11 &1/2

is all ok with you Atropos after the mess of the last week?
All fine - if anything last week was, hmm, how shall I put this - ?

I'm tempting to say exhilerating - which sounds completely wrong and heartless - but I've spent much of my life studying the history of Lonodn riots in the 17th and 18th Century -I even wrote a play on the riots of 1780, and acted in another play on the same subject - and then I got a real live 18th Century style riot in my own back yard.

Whatever the cause, I felt really full of energy over the rest of the week, and got so much done (including writing a short account of a riot/massacre in Ethiopia in 1937! Talk about synchronicity!)

Feeling a bit rough today, but thats just TOTM I think. I'm heading home early for a hot bath, gallette and tea!

Your studies sound facinating. I love history (too much to make a career of it) but I suspect that is mostly coz I'm a nosey cow! What do you do?
Your studies sound facinating. I love history (too much to make a career of it) but I suspect that is mostly coz I'm a nosey cow! What do you do?

Oh, I'm just a nosey cow - I just love real stories, and I'm just as likely to pick up a biography or a history book as novel at the airport (more, I think, if it's a good read).

And I love London - when I'm stuck in the city my daily walks tend to be poking around the backstreets where Doctor Johnson or Pepys or Marlowe lived...
Ha! If making a gallette seems tricky on the stove - try cooking one on a damp campfire in a rain storm....
Tell us more... I figured you'd been having a break somewhere... and I wondered if you were renovating :D
Yep - in the ruins, in torrential rain and temps in single figures!
It was still fun most of the time, and all the work earlier in the year paid off - no flooding!
Crikey - and I was groaning at the low two figure forecast I have for my next week's holiday...

Do I presume you have to dress for the office and make up etc etc., and that on holiday you don't? Or is that just me!
Crikey - and I was groaning at the low two figure forecast I have for my next week's holiday...

Do I presume you have to dress for the office and make up etc etc., and that on holiday you don't? Or is that just me!

I sort of go to extremes on holiday.
At work it's smart clothes and a lick of paint - wheras on holiday I can spend 4 days in the cottage wearing layers of old woolie, washing the smoke from my face with a pint of cold water and then swap at a few hours notice into ballgowns and glitter - just for the hell of it!
I'd love to see a photo of both! At the country, while I do shower (honest guv!), I rarely make up ... I tend to change clothes several times a day, mind, as I can't bear eating/sitting around in dirty "work clothes". My OH finds this irritating as he's quite happy to do so!
Stop shaking that tree Atropos!! I can see you! Must say that I'm not a fig fan personally... :D but when my neighbours in the country knock to tell me to come and help them EMPTY their three cherry trees, I will shout "CONSO EUREKA" and grab the biggest bucket I can find!

you do make me giggle maintainer!:)
Well hello there, diary - long time no see.

I've been rather distracted recently, writing a complete 90 minute script (almost) from scratch in six weeks, while working full time for five of them, and living in a ruin with out electricity for the other.

And not falling back into bad eating habits.

I did it, but it almost finished me off - setting the alarm at 3.30 am to write is so not worth it.

My deadline was 1pm on Monday, and I just scraped through under the wire....

3 days on, and I'm starting to feel normal again - well, tired, but at a normal level, rather than OMG MY EYES ARE ON FIRE GIVE ME COFFEE tired.

Seriously - I was no good at this when I was 20 and at uni - what made me think I could do any better two decades on!
Hi nice to see you're still about!

Phew that was exhausting just reading! Do you get this weekend to catch up a bit? Well done on sticking with good eating habits, now we just need to work on your sleeping habits ;-)

I've not been around much either - it's that busy time at work and home too! And I have nothing useful to say most of the time anyway...
Oh this weekend is going to be sheer indulgent bliss - frozen yogurt, a sofa, a remote control, scented water running in the bath....

Except, of course, that I still have to do the laundry, ironing, shopping, call my mum, call my dad, fix the lodger's light socket, put up the flatpack bathroom cupboard.

Oh this weekend is going to be sheer indulgent bliss - frozen yogurt, a sofa, a remote control, scented water running in the bath....


Except, of course, that I still have to do the laundry, ironing, shopping, call my mum, call my dad, fix the lodger's light socket, put up the flatpack bathroom cupboard.


Ah yes THOSE jobs have been sitting for weeks waiting for me to get round to them. Last night I tackled 2 weeks of ironing ;-) as well as the weekly shop. But tonight I'll go jogging / running first. I can do 5 mins non-stop now and this week's programme has me doing 16 mins in total, with 3 short walks in between.
Ha ha - no they are a day apart!!! Jogging to come today... I still have to PUT AWAY some of the ironing though...
I think even I might prefer the running (for 5 minutes as opposed to 2 hours ironing)!

Well done Atropos - top marks for effort. What script were you writing?
Definitely running before ironing. I hate ironing

It's a rollicking old fashioned film script, about the ww2 in Africa. Lots of sex, death and cigarettes.