"The Person Below"

Yep she is trying very very hard today.

The person below if being bored to death by sport on the tellie.
Yep you could be right - have just come in and my eldest lad has some football match on so I quickly left the room

The person below is getting stuff ready for going to work tomorrow

The person below is watching "Dancing on Ice":D
The person below is feeling very positive and looking forward to her next visit to the physio. Actually managed to do a bit of housework today which means I am getting better movement in my back. I wouldn't otherwise be so chuffed at managing some housework!!!
Spot on on both counts. I am feling positive (especially since the curry and nan bread I ate last night were only in a dream!!! LOL phew!) AND - I AM waiting for a physio appointment 14-March, for my crickety ol' neck!

The person below is going to share good news with someone today!
The person below is full of energy today and the sun is shining; positive, positive, positive.
Feeling positive but tired, gonna have 40 winks in a mo before I go out to do the horses.

The person below has a holiday booked.
Nope unfortunately not (too poor after all this LL Lark!) Next year maybe!

The person below is gonna wear a slinky swimming costume on their next holiday...
Maybe the holiday after the next one...lol...next one is in may and I should only be about half way to goal...will be about 15 stone - not quite slimky swim costume yet!!

The person below is going to get in comfy clothes tonight and curl up with a good book or a good movie!
Yep already in them but tellie or laptop not book or film

The person below has had a sort out in their wardrobe
No I've not yet but have to do so this week - got to get rid of allsorts before I can ever be tempted to grow into them.

The person below is considering doing some gardening tomorrow.
I wish I could. Maybe I can garden at my desk. Will have to find a virtual garden.

The person below is going to have a very relaxed evening with loads of positive thoughts.
Ah, what a lovely thought. Or doing hours of marking perhaps... Is that relaxing?
The person below has a severe case of PMT and wants to do something unpleasantly violent to one of her nearest and dearest (clearly I'm not thinking about my own mood here at all!)
OOOOOHHH no, not any more thank god, but I know how you feel I used to be a murderess at those times.

The person below is going to take a deep breath and have a hot soak in the bath.
Ha ha ha!!!!!!!! I love this thread! I just got off the phone to one of my best friends, now living far too far away!
The person below is wearing a bra and knickers that CLASH! *GASP*
Na I have taken my bra off earlier so they are hanging.

The person below has just cooked a lovely dinner for the family and not ate any.