"The Person Below"

Yep going to a horse show Saturday.

The person below works in an office
I do that - worse luck!

The person below is off to bed with a good book (I know I am! G'night girls and boys! x)
I am indeed .... well it's a book, can't seem to get into it enough to class it as good though.

The person below knows they've not drank enough water today
thinking about it but no actually looking.

The person below is going to have a cup of bouillon
No but I did have a gym induction so thats good anyway

The person below is going to have a long hot bath with bubbles!
Na too late now

the person below is watching American Idol​
No but defo will be on Saturday night (the wonders of Sky + so I can fast forward all the ads!)

The person below is wishing it was summer
Most definately after shampooing those horses in the cold

The person below is having a day out tomorrow
I am indeed.... well either tomorrow or Sunday LOL - got to take my son to his new RAF base in Norfolk, not exactly local to Wigan!

The person below is feeling the cold tonight.
Too right I'm flipping freezing, have got my fluffy slippers and my dressing gown wrapped round me.

the person below is having a hot soup
That'll be another yes from me - just on my first for the day - nice hot mushroom...... while my two lads sit to the side of me eating enchiladas!!!

The person below is planning a shopping trip tomorrow.
Mmnn me too tonight. I have just arrived at our house and its f-f-reezing so I have warmed up a bit with a mug of Oriental chilli soup. I have drunk quite enough water today so I am going to make myself a cup of tea to stay warm.
The person below

is getting ready for bed
Not quite but I'm about to slap on my nightly moisturiser if that counts ;)

The person below is planning a beauty treatment for this week.
lol - we have been working on just that very thing. FOR SEVEN YEARS!!!! LOL Actually, it is more like rebuilding then redecorating! But we built a garage last week - nearly - so its progress leading to decorating as we can soon get al the building materials out of the house allowing us to get to the bits that need rebuilding! Phew!

The person below will have a great weigh in this week as they are being good as gold!