The Pig Gets It.....


Here for the Journey
Most people here have a weightloss plan they subscribe to. I don't want to do that so I've got no-one to pay! :brainfart: Here's the deal. I ferreted around and found an old piggy bank (quite apt I think) and I am going to pay him £10 per month plus £1 per llb. One day when I am so thin my clothes don't fit I can go on a wonderful shopping spree. Move over in the trough Piggy - you're about to get rich! :cool:
I think that is a great idea and I think we should all sponsor ourselves £1 per lb and when we are at target we can buy new clothes!
Love it, great idea!
I add a £4 penalty for any pounds gained and £2 for a non moving scale.
i do that too.. :D.. it means when i get to my goal.. or i need a new pair of trousers cos mine dont fit.. its there.. and i dont have to worry about it. :D

x x

The penalty could go to charity so there would still be plenty of incentive to get those new clothes :)
Gem x
i cant wait to be able to go shopping and get all the clothes sizes i want. it was when i was clothes shoppin i first realised i hated my weight i was in the changing room and looked at myself. there so unflattering in there:rolleyes: so im putting off any shopping till i get my goal
wow has he taken out a bank loan starlight uve lost loads of weight lol
Good for Dad, Starlight - that's really supportive
Gem x
nothing like taking money off someone as a good incentive lol
Is he laughing at me?

He there now - in the corner - with that grin on his face - and that roll of the eyes. He's thinking 'Three days to WI and I win either way....' He's not a nice character, my pig! If I lose weight he smiles smugly cos he's got my money - if I dont, he rolls his eyes with that sinister way that only THIS pig can as if to say 'Ha - told you you wouldn't do it - and I still get my money at the beginning of next month'. But don't worry - he'll win but I'LL LOSE :D
Gem x
Ah Gem, you really make me smile! I am going to start doing this on payday as I have to put £50 in there!
Try and get someone to pay Piggy for you. That way you won't have to worry. Hehe :giggle: