The power of numbers...

Devon Dolce

1lb at a time!'s not just the numbers on the scales going down that can be a great motivator. Seeing the numbers of inches you lose is also a great thing! For newbies and not so newbies, I would highly recommend getting the tape measure out and tracking your inch loss! Sometimes the scales don't budge but the inches are dropping off! xxx
I've lost 4" since I started, i used to be 42" waist and now I'm a 38" waist :)
This is my biggest regret about my SW journey. I wish so much that I had done this! At the moment my weight loss is really stalling. I am sticking to plan 100% but exercising LOADS so I know that my slowdown will be due to my body losing fat yet building muscle, but is so disheartening as all I have to go on is the numbers on the scales

Totally agree with DD- measure yourselves!!!!