Hey :) just wondering what you drink on nights out? I always actually find that as I stick to vodka and diet coke I get really dehydrated and end up 6lbs less the next morning after a night out! I did train myself not to ever have kebabs or chips etc though. It's hard being young, I'm at uni and would like to go out etc but for now I'm cutting out alcohol and putting my weight loss first :cry:

I try and stick to vodka & diet coke for the majority of the night, but I am a sucker for Kopperberg and Jagermeister, so I always end up having plenty of those too!! I am often down on the scales the next day too, which I think is another reason I fall off the wagon. Because I think, oh well I've still lost it won't hurt to have a packet of crisps or whatever. Trying to make a drastic change this week though!

There's no reason why you should cut out the alcohol. You still need to have a life outside of Slimming World. Don't deprive yourself!
Stevie wow to the date hope it works out for you. You seem to have the hangover food sorted out. I know it is very difficult to remember this after driniking but I have heard if you drink at least a pint of water before going to bed, your body will not dehydrate. The reason we crave food after a night out is that our body mistakes thirst with hunger. It wants fluid but we think it wants food and we stuff ourselves.

Have a great pampering night tonight and fab time out tomorrow.
I also find antihistamines help a hangover as they remove swelling and irritation, I rarely get hangovers but I always neck a load of water before bed and I'm on high dose antihistamines daily. Plus a multivitamin does well too. I do drink water during a night out too so that must help.

Hope you've had a good weekend! X
Hows it going lovey? Im a bit tired....lots of long drinks last night but steered clear of wine phew!!!!

Gonna have a massive subway salad today! Yay! And plenty of water and diet coke!

Remember it's not the drink whats the problem after, it's what you eat afterwards! Hope you had fun xx
Morning everyone. Saturday was a total disaster, I am still mad about it now.

We had a lovely afternoon getting ready and having a few drinks in Katie's before we all went out. The taxi picked us up at 8.45 and we started off in Yates. We got a free bottle of bubbly (cheap crap lol) from the DJ and then we headed off up to Varsity.

Waited at the bar for ages and bought a bottle of Becks for Katie, a bottle of Kopperberg for myself, and a Jagerbomb each. We went outside to sit on the balcony and wait for the others, when my cousin decided she wanted to go home as she'd had a migraine all day. Not a problem - can't help feeling poorly. Her sister was picking her up so me and another girl walked her down to the marketplace so that she wouldn't be on her own.

By the time we walked back up to Varisty (literally in the space of 10 minutes), Katie was mortal drunk, couldn't walk and was crying that she wanted to go home! This was 22:07 - we'd be lucky if we'd been out 2 hours!! I was angry and gutted, but I wasn't going to leave her. Her mam phoned the minibus but the earliest we could get was 22:45, so we went for some food first (after leaving the drinks I had just spent £15 on completely untouched) and then walked to where we were being picked up. What annoyed me though, was that out of 16 of us that went out, there were 4 of us that stayed with her. Her mam even stayed out and asked us to let her know when Katie got home. I just thought, hang on isn't this the wrong way round!

To make things worse Katie got quite aggressive towards us which made me even more mad and upset. I had spent all that time organising it, ordering sashes and shot glasses etc. for us all, to then be taking her home at that time of night whilst everyone else stayed out. We were the only ones to stay with her and we were still getting abuse for it. What more could we do. I was so close that night to telling her to find another bridesmaid if that's how little she thought of me, but just tried to keep my mouth shut.

Anyway, got home Katie stormed off up the stairs to bed. Felt awful as her fiance had the lads round for a poker night which obviously then got messed up with us landing back in the house! One girl had come back with me (as her boyfriend was there) and the other two went out to a nightclub where we live. I stayed up for a little while until everyone left, and then climbed into the bed in the spare room. Had an awful nights sleep and just got up in the morning, packed my stuff and got a taxi home before she woke up. Couldn't bare to see her.

Have spoken to her since and she has apologised. I told her to just forget about it, but I am still feeling miffed. So all in all, not a great weekend.

One positive though is that I had no hangover yesterday. I didn't have time to drink enough to warrant a hangover!!

Was kinda half on plan, half off yesterday. Meals were on plan, but probably had more Syns than I should have. I'd have had more than that if we'd stayed out all night on Saturday though, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it. Back on it 100% today!
A few photos...




Aww Stevie. I'm so sorry to hear things didn't go to plan. I know how much effort goes into organising a hen :(

I hope you sort things out with the bride soon. I'm sure she feels really bad about the way she acted (if she remembers!). Really poor show of her mum to stay out though!!!

You look stunning in the photos - really gorgeous xx

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Oh hun sounds a nightmare! I'm sure she is mortified about how she acted but I know you must be really annoyed. It's probably quite embarrassing for her to have got in that state and its def out of order that her mum sent you off with her and stayed out! I'd be more annoyed with her to be honest!
Maybe when you've calmed down a bit you can have a chat with her about how much work you put into it and that you were really disappointed that you didn't get to enjoy the night with everyone else.
Hope you can sort it though hun, let's hope she controls her drinking better on the wedding day! Xx
let's hope she controls her drinking better on the wedding day! Xx

Exactly what I have said!! If she can't even be out for two hours on her hen night then how the hell is she going to get through the wedding day. Give me strength lol! xx
The photos are lovely!

Seems strange how she went from normal to u think someone might have put something in her drink or is this standard behaviour for her? Hehe! I have friends who are quick drunks! X
Exactly what I have said!! If she can't even be out for two hours on her hen night then how the hell is she going to get through the wedding day. Give me strength lol! xx

Haha well it will be even more mortifying for her to do that so hopefully the thought of it will stop her! Xx
The photos are lovely!

Seems strange how she went from normal to u think someone might have put something in her drink or is this standard behaviour for her? Hehe! I have friends who are quick drunks! X

Thank you lovely!! I did wonder that, but I don't think anyone we were with would have spiked her. A lot of the girls that were out were either hers or her fiance's family, so I doubt it. But in all honesty I wouldn't wipe out the possibility of her having taken something off her own back, I know she has done in the past. But who knows! When I walked my cousin I'd say she was just quite merry. By the time I came back she was slumped in a chair! I am out in Durham again next Saturday so let's just hope I'm out for longer than 2 hours lol!! :giggle: xx
Aw that does sound like a total nightmare, especially when you've put so much effort in as bridesmaid. I always find on "big nights out" like hen dos, birthdays etc they end in disaster and the random nights for no particular reason are ace! Maybe she drank too quickly or if emotions are running a bit high as its her special night then drink can affect you differently.
You looked amazing though Stevie! Really glam and slim, well done you x