And my week just keeps getting better! Just been and raided the Topshop sale and bought two dresses, two tops and a pair of shorts all in a size 12 for £80!! Love a good bargain :) xx
It was lovely, thank you! Looking forward to seeing him again :)

I won't be having rice as I'm on a Red day! And I refuse to waste Syns on rice lol. Last time I had it I just had a big plate of the curry, and it really filled me up. There's loads of SuperFree in there (tomatoes, red onion, peppers, etc.) so I think they help to fill you up xx

I see! I'm definitely toying with the idea of trying red days. I wonder are the weightlosses any different than EE! It might help me reduce my carb intake but then again I feel like I'm then cheating my having two HexA and two HexB so I'm unsure. Then I also might miss the syns. All the more reason to not have much carbs though right? I may start introducing one or two red days to see how I get on :) Are the syns in foods the same for red days as they are for EE?
I see! I'm definitely toying with the idea of trying red days. I wonder are the weightlosses any different than EE! It might help me reduce my carb intake but then again I feel like I'm then cheating my having two HexA and two HexB so I'm unsure. Then I also might miss the syns. All the more reason to not have much carbs though right? I may start introducing one or two red days to see how I get on :) Are the syns in foods the same for red days as they are for EE?

I definitely have better losses when I do lots of red days! :) Having your two HEx's isn't cheating honey, that's what they are there for! No need to miss out on Syns either as you still get 5-15 per day. I just don't use a lot throughout the week if I can help it, as I like most of them on a weekend! Syn values are different from EE though - for example, mugshots that would be free on EE will be Synned on Red, as they contain noodles/pasta which are not free foods on a Red day. But the values are all listed online / in the books etc. If you do decide to give them a go and need any help with anything just give me a shout and I'll do my best! xx
Also loving the news on the date!!

Think you've got everything sussed for tomorrow night. I know how you feel though, if you've already had a blow out on drink its a bit hard to stick to eating the healthy foods, and its easy to think 'sod it' and have a proper blow out. If you don't manage to stick with it for the night, it would be fab if you could wake up and draw the line and eat what you've prepared. I think once you've done this for one week, you have conquered the bad night equals bad week situation x
love your diaries stevie ;o) i have been going through a pitta stage but using the asda ones - know they arent a HE anymore though.Are the WW ones good and if you have that with chilli chicken pieces can i ask where you get hte chicken? bacon and cheese? sounds lovely. WOuld you have all these on red days? i have been haywire with my food and reading up on yours for much needed inspiration. Oh also getting to love the Finns and had pasta wiht Kerry Low cheese spread - love the ideas
great news on the date ;o)
love your diaries stevie ;o) i have been going through a pitta stage but using the asda ones - know they arent a HE anymore though.Are the WW ones good and if you have that with chilli chicken pieces can i ask where you get hte chicken? bacon and cheese? sounds lovely. WOuld you have all these on red days? i have been haywire with my food and reading up on yours for much needed inspiration. Oh also getting to love the Finns and had pasta wiht Kerry Low cheese spread - love the ideas
great news on the date ;o)

Hello lovely! I absolutely love the WW pittas, they are lovely. I'd never used a pitta bread for my HExB until these, and now I have them regularly!

The sweet chilli chicken pieces I get are from Tesco. They're free and really tasty. I use them in either a sandwich or also sometimes to make a quick stir fry, they are really handy!

I love them for Red days as they don't feel like "diet" food at all. Sometimes Red days can seem a bit too much like a diet without all of the carbs (pasta, rice, potato, etc.) Although they do seem to be really good for weight loss - I am trying to have the majority of my week Red this week.

Hope you have a lovely weekend :) xx
Good morning folks, Happy Friday! Lovely morning here today. The sun is shining, although it's still quite chilly.

Feeling so happy this week, big smile on my face :) Really looking forward to Durham tomorrow night!

Tonight I'm on my best behaviour lol, definitely not going out! I was going to go to the gym, but I honestly don't think I'll have time. I need to go to Tesco and get a load of bits and bobs to take round to Katie's with me for Sunday. Then I'm going to come home and tidy my room up - there are clothes everywhere that need hanging up! Going to have a nice bubble bath and start pampering myself ahead of tomorrow! And then hopefully an early-ish night, as I'm picking my friend Sarah up at 9.45 tomorrow morning to go and get our nails done at 10. Can't wait! The ones I have had on at the moment have been on for 6 weeks now, and they are really looking quite untidy and ready for taking off and a fresh set putting on. I love getting my nails done :)

Made the Malaysian curry again last night from the Tastes of Asia book. It was even nicer than I remembered! I made up a big batch, and my mam had it with me. She even said "this is just as good as a takeaway, maybe even better!", so a big thumbs up from her too!! Even better still, I have leftovers for lunch today, yummy!!

Hope everyone has a great Friday :D


= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- "Magic Porridge" (HExB) with Mixed Berries (S)

- Malaysian Red Pepper and Chicken Curry (Chicken (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S))
- Time Out (8.5 Syns)


- 2 fingers from a 4 finger Kit Kat (6 Syns)
- 2 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)

Healthy A:
Healthy B: 35g Porridge Oats & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 14.5
Weekly Syns: 27.5 / 105
Last edited:
Stopping by to subscribe, Stevie :) Have a fab weekend x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Hello lovely! Thanks for coming by :) Happy Friday! xx
Have a wicked hen night hun! I'm attempting another booze free weekend despite a friend's birthday and a gig on Sunday. Better be worth its while being this good :p x
hope the Hen Night all goes well tomorrow! Think I've put that Malaysian Curry in my meal plans for next week, yet to find one I don't like from the Asia book! :) xx
I had a heavy weekend on the drink last weekend and thought 'sod it' and ate all manners of rubbish. Vegan pulling it back on Monday, wasn't great but I managed to still lose a pound - just goes to show, when you think you've had a tricky weekend, you can pull it back if you get back in the zone as soon as you can :) if I pulled it back a day or two earlier I could have even been in the 13's as I'm now 14 stone exactly. But that is my mission for next week haha! X
I had a heavy weekend on the drink last weekend and thought 'sod it' and ate all manners of rubbish. Vegan pulling it back on Monday, wasn't great but I managed to still lose a pound - just goes to show, when you think you've had a tricky weekend, you can pull it back if you get back in the zone as soon as you can :) if I pulled it back a day or two earlier I could have even been in the 13's as I'm now 14 stone exactly. But that is my mission for next week haha! X

Well done, that's awesome!! :D

I had a cheeky peek at the scales this morning and I'm back down to 12st 2lb - what I was before my big gain on Tuesday lol! I know my night out will cause quite a bit of damage but I'm hoping that if I get back on it on Sunday I can pull it back in a bit and still manage a loss, even 1lb. We will see! xx
Got full faith that you can pull it back - I personally don't think drink does much damage but what / if you eat during and after. I don't pick at food when drunk, I hate kebabs/chips etc so never tempted on the way home and during a hangover I don't want to eat anything so all a bonus for me. I rarely gain if I go out drinking but it really slows me down on which would have otherwise been a great week :) good luck enjoy your night out and get some food ready prepared/easy to prepare in thr fridge for when you are feeling rubbish after :)
Got full faith that you can pull it back - I personally don't think drink does much damage but what / if you eat during and after. I don't pick at food when drunk, I hate kebabs/chips etc so never tempted on the way home and during a hangover I don't want to eat anything so all a bonus for me. I rarely gain if I go out drinking but it really slows me down on which would have otherwise been a great week :) good luck enjoy your night out and get some food ready prepared/easy to prepare in thr fridge for when you are feeling rubbish after :)

You're so right, it's not the alcohol that does the damage for me either, it's the stuff I have after that!! I usually use all of my Syns for a night out, so then pigging out the next day (or often the rest of the week!) must take me waaay over my Syns! I wouldn't like to imagine how much! I'm determined to get back on plan on Sunday though. Thank you, you've really encouraged me :) xx
Hey :) just wondering what you drink on nights out? I always actually find that as I stick to vodka and diet coke I get really dehydrated and end up 6lbs less the next morning after a night out! I did train myself not to ever have kebabs or chips etc though. It's hard being young, I'm at uni and would like to go out etc but for now I'm cutting out alcohol and putting my weight loss first :cry: