the result of having two bad weeks!


Full Member
weellll if you read my other post you would of read that i have had a really bad two weeks terrible in fact! been to get weighed and gained 7 and half pounds :eek: to be honest i am happy with that i was expecting a 10lbs or more so i am happy but doesnt help that came on period this morning :cry: back on track now whoo hoo lol
well done for going and getting weighed and getting back on track.
Well done for back on track. I decided last week I was happy to be off plan for the weekend. Numerous reasons, wasn't losing anything, gettin obsessed with food etc. Am still off plan and doing ok, not enjoying lunch etc as much if am honest but I know come next week I will be focused. I am lookin for my old diaries as inspiration. Eating what you want isn't as appealing as I thought...good luck
i can't believe you risked being weighed that would have thrown me right off, good to know your back on track, hopefully you will lose the 7 lb soon and you'll have no more set back x
Well done for going and drawing a line under it. You might also find cos of ur * week you lose a fair bit of that next weigh in.
Well done for going back, that's not that bad! I put that on in a week over Xmas! I've had an off plan weekend and I've had really bad stomach cramps! It's because I've gone from one extreme of eating well to eating quite a but... Ahem processed foods!! Junk food basically!! Xx
Well done

I have one week off plan last week with a lot of birthdays thrown in and gained 8lb's.

i was so ashamed but have been 100% this week.
If only it was as easy to lose as it is to gain ;-)
Really well done for weighing in and starting afresh.
Good luck for the week x
Thank you to everyone that has replied cheered me up :D i know i didnt want to go but i knew that if i didnt go and see the damage that it would just turn into 3 bad weeks so i just faced the music and glad that i did it! first day back on track today and i have been 100& and feel great! when you eat crap you feel like crap haha! raring to go now good luck to everyone else but yeah now i know what 2 weeks worth of junk can do it has put me off lol! xxx
That's brilliant that you went to class. My husband said something to me once that really stuck with me, he was looking through my weight changes in my Slimming World book and he told me that he was really proud of me that he could see weight gains in my book. That sounds a really weird thing to say but when I asked what he meant he said that when I had dieted before, these would have been the points where there would not have been any more weight records... I would have just quit. He was proud that I had been to be weighed, knowing that it would be a gain. It is a difficult thing to do, but it feels great to know that you are back on track doesn't it? so just wanted to say well done for going xx
Well done for getting back on track. I have gained on my previous 2 weight-ins but this week after sticking to it, I lost 6lb! so it can be done. Good luck hun and stick with it you will be rewarded.
Hey! I've just had a very very bad 5 days :-( pizza, chocolate and ice cream to name a few! Feeling bloated and urg! Back on it today to get weighed next Saturday feeling motivated as u feel gassy and sick! Nice! Tmi!! Lol! Maybe we could help each other out? You on Facebook sxykyle? Wanna add each other for support?? Xx
I think it's so important to have days off, because lets face it that's life. There will always be days in our lives that catch us off guard. But it's how we handle those times that matters.
I myself had two weeks off SW, but got weighed yesterday and LOST 1lb, I was shocked but then when I really thought back through the last two weeks I could see that I hadn't done as bad as I'd imagined. Less SF than I should have had and a couple of take-aways but they were always the healthier versions. Body magic was still in there.
I think what I'm trying to say is Slimming World must be in my veins now as I was optimising without realising I was doing it.
And THAT is a feeling I love....I'm no longer working at getting slimmer/healthier....I'm DOING it :)

Hallelujah! ;-)

Enjoy your days off, but enjoy your healthier lifestyle more :)
Hey! I've just had a very very bad 5 days :-( pizza, chocolate and ice cream to name a few! Feeling bloated and urg! Back on it today to get weighed next Saturday feeling motivated as u feel gassy and sick! Nice! Tmi!! Lol! Maybe we could help each other out? You on Facebook sxykyle? Wanna add each other for support?? Xx

Hey! sorry only just read your message i hope you recieved this message :D yeah i am on face the name is kyla worrall.. well i got a confession to make :( i was on track all mon tue and wed then this morning comes and the boyfriend treated me to a day out at alton towers! i decided i couldnt take lunch with me as it wa hot n salad would be horrible when came to eating it lol! so thought id have a salad from burger king got there....and they didnt actually sell salad!!!!! :eek: what was i to do so i had a xl bacon cheeseburger folloewd by magum haha! :eek: oh and some sweets oh and then he treated me to a cavery and then we shared a pudding :eek: but i just thought that not very often go alton towers and instead of turning my one bad day into two weeks im going straight back on track 2mo hopefully by Mon il have STS or even lost! im glad to here that you have gone back on track though unlike me lol! xxx
Hey! sorry only just read your message i hope you recieved this message :D yeah i am on face the name is kyla worrall.. well i got a confession to make :( i was on track all mon tue and wed then this morning comes and the boyfriend treated me to a day out at alton towers! i decided i couldnt take lunch with me as it wa hot n salad would be horrible when came to eating it lol! so thought id have a salad from burger king got there....and they didnt actually sell salad!!!!! :eek: what was i to do so i had a xl bacon cheeseburger folloewd by magum haha! :eek: oh and some sweets oh and then he treated me to a cavery and then we shared a pudding :eek: but i just thought that not very often go alton towers and instead of turning my one bad day into two weeks im going straight back on track 2mo hopefully by Mon il have STS or even lost! im glad to here that you have gone back on track though unlike me lol! xxx

oh forgot to add yeah sure would be great to have that support there for both of us add me hun and we can help each other out :D be nice to have someone confess to and help out! times like this we need people :D xxx
Heya I sent you a message on Facebook to make sure it was you first? Hope you got it and hope it was you :) Sounds like you had a lovely day with your bf! I'm trying to limit my naughty days to when I go out and not just eat naughty stuff for the sake of it but it's hard :-( hope your doing well! In back on the wagon and I'm gonna nail myself down!! X
Heya I sent you a message on Facebook to make sure it was you first? Hope you got it and hope it was you :) Sounds like you had a lovely day with your bf! I'm trying to limit my naughty days to when I go out and not just eat naughty stuff for the sake of it but it's hard :-( hope your doing well! In back on the wagon and I'm gonna nail myself down!! X

Hey erm i havent recieved a message off you hun?! you got my name right? Kyla Worrall? my profile pic is similar to the one on here lol. try it again hun lol! yeah it was a lovely day thank you just feel like crap and down today mon weigh in and dreading that i gained again had little bowl of chips today! why am i so naughty lol!!!! im glad you got back on wagon i seriously need to! ASAP xxx