The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Okay... New Year would definitely not work for me. I am a university student. ;) Feel free to meet without the bleeding yank, though. If you want to do The Meet Part B.... I am TRYING like MAD to save up enough money to get there over the summer. I'm touring more than one country - I've friends in Ireland, all over the UK, France, Germany.... so a meetup would definitely be able to be worked into my plan. :)

As far as today - so far so good! 1 shake and 1 200-calorie meal down, 1 shake to go on the day! Not doing nearly as well on my water intake today though. :( Will definitely need to do some serious water drinking tonight!!
Well done for getting back on track. Keep up the good work.

A second meet in the summer would be great. Hopefully then we'll all be at our target weight!
Gosh! So much chatter to catch up on! Hate to think how behind I will be after 4 days away!!!

Personally I think a meet sounds good but I hate London! However it is fairly close to me. And Christmas is a definite no-no for me too but in the New Year sounds good.

My AAMW starts on Monday Frances. I'm a bit apprehensive but looking forward to tasting some real food. I know I have the willpower to stick to the plan though so I will be fine.

Helen, don't get disheartened by the gain. It's not much and like you said it will be water. It happens to the best of us!!!

Good luck GT! You can do it!

Hope I haven't missed anything. I shall speak to you all on Tuesday!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! xxx
Just nipping on to say hello to you all,

Jan- how are you hun, you've been quiet recently.

I've been in a feeding frenzy (vicariously of course) for the last couple of days, made chicken casserole, spag bol, mini pasties, lentil soup and veggie soup all packaged and frozen for my little one then went crazy and made raspberry and apple crumble, banana loaf, choc chip biscuits, coconut tartlets, cheese scones and have jam and lemon curd tarts in the oven as we speak. Visitors to my house think i'm crazy but i've really missed cooking so i thought....why not still do it just don't eat it!

Sorry for the food mentions but i'm really enjoying myself, i wonder what i will be conjoring up 2moro!

Have a great weekend, i'll be on sunday morning to post our results.

Blimey, that's a heck of a line up. It does sound like you've gone a bit mad. Your freezer must be stuffed. How's your little one ever going to eat all those cakes? You'll have to invite people round at the weekend.

Decided not to go to Bournemouth until the morning as most people won't get there until 3pm. I'll then stay tomorrow night instead.

Team results are starting to come in -- some of the percentages are quite high, well, over 2%. I reckon we'll be in the top half of the table though.
Someone has started a sticky for the team threads to make them easier to find. It's the first sticky on the list and it contains links to all the team threads.
God no, the cakes are not for my boy! Hubster and all of our friends and family have been enjoying them, ds was allowed a piece of banana cake for pud but that was a treat....i'm a mean mummy lol.

Have a fab time at the meet 2moro, hope you have a great time, think of me, i have to attend another occasion at which i won't be eating so will be trying to explain to all present that i'm not infact anorexic far from it! Hopefully ds will start throwing his food around or something equally distracting!

Will look in to it over the weekend hun, thanks for the heads up!
As far as i can see there isn't a sub forum just for team threads as yet (other than the sticky you mentioned), but this has been requested. I think the reason that we are still in the main forum is that we post so much. Will ask around though.

Sorted now. Someone else did the link for us. The thread still appears on the main bit too thankfully as I just look there and see if anyone has posted on it since I was last on.
Yes, I think they are not in a sub forum, we are still in the main bit too, which is great so you can see if someone has posted. The sticky is just there as a quick way of finding your team thread if no one has posted recently.
Now there is a sub forum. And they've moved all the old posts out of the main bit. Not sure if I prefer it. You don't know if there is a new post. But we'll get used to it I suppose. And checking it when we're online.
If you click on user cp at the top left of your screen it will show you all of the threads which you post on if they have new posts.

Hope that makes sense.

Wow its quiet on here this weekend, just back from WI 5lbs off for next weeks challenge.

Back in a couple of hours with our team challenge results,

Enjoy a lazy sunday

Results time...

Taking back her rightful place as Shrinking Violets Slimmer of the week is......................SMURF, well done Jan!! Looks like you are back on the wagon good and proper congrats on another fab week.

Smurf -5lbs 2.59%
Francesmag -3lbs 1.68%
Soontobelittlegem -4lbs 1.53%
Thinkthincd -1.42%
Gtpeach STS
Pbfhpunk +1

Team percentage=1.23% Respectable i think but come on girls lets go for it for next weeks team challenge i know we can do it!

thankyou thinkthin! dont think i will be next week im having a totm from hell!! hope all you ladies are well and still happy!...xx
Hi there, just back from a crazy time in Bournemouth. So good to meet people. It was a right laugh. I really reccomend looking out for a meet near you.

Well done Smurf for hitting the Slimmer of the Week spot and well down team 10, another very respectable result. Looks like we might have made 4th place. Let's really go for it this week to top-off our October results.
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Weight gain explained just been to the loo and I've come on. Very annoyed I hate having periods not had proper ones since I was about 14 as was on the pill constantly form then until about 20 to stop them - doctor's orders, v heavy and severe pain resulting in collapsing i town and rushed to casualty several times! - sorry if too much info!! Then when about 4 years ago had the mirena coil fitted and was one of the lucky ones and now only come on about 3 times a year but when on LL and now I tend to have them more frequently but luckily only for a couple of days and no pain, but I always have cravings for sweet things so can tell when I should've.

Sorry for that!

Found a fab exercise, went ot se eRolelr Derby yesterday in Brumand will be going next saturday to start trainig with thme, I love roller skating used to do it all the time, training will be (if I get in!) twice a week for a bout 3 hours each time I think then in the same town that my CDC is about 5 mins from here they have a roller disco on monday nights so can get an hour in there every week too, am v excited!!

I'm about to get a mirena coil fitted for the same reasons so fingers crossed it will work for me too.

That sounds like an amazing amount of exercise. The lbs will just drop off you with all that.