The story of happyhealthy's expedition to maintain!

Thank you so much for your advice Kirsty! So you increased by 200 calories for 2 weeks at a time?
Roughly around that the first week i just made sure i ate my 1000, then over the next month i upped it to the 2000 daily allowance and maintained around 1800-2000. I did it in blocks of 200 by adding like a yoghurt to begin with then allowing myself some treats like instead of a cup a soup at night for 100 cals i would have toast and some meat for about 250-300 it slowly increased it up. Just dont do it all at once thats where people stumble!!

Goodluck - just dont do a me and lose sight of how well you are doing after a few years and gain again haha!!

Im sure you will do fantastic
Oh zut zut zut as our french friends would say. I'm mega mega stressed just now. I've got 3 exams mid August from uni which I need to pass and I haven't started studying yet! ArGH! I hate that feeling that you've got so much on your plate in so little time to do it all.

I'm also so behind on everybody's diaries - I probably seem like I don't care but trust me, I do! I read them all...every single post I just don't always have the time to reply.

I'm not someone who usually rants on about their personal life but this is the one time in my life I've got drama, drama, drama! You've probably all heard me yaking on about the boy I'm seeing. He's the most awesome person ever, but come September he's moving away to uni. Before we started seeing each other (a few weeks ago now) he always maintained to everyone that he wouldn't start a relationship with someone before he moved away. But now I'm really falling for him. And I don't want to let myself in too deep only for him to wander off to uni and I'm left broken hearted back at home. He has said to his best friend though that he really likes me, so he doesn't know now about the whole relationship thing. :lilkiss:

Merde, merde and triple merde. He's reallly awesome, the loveliest guy ever. but if he doesn't want a relationship before moving away then I'll fully understand that. I know I need to talk to him about it. I need to tell him that I like him TOO much *just* to have a bit of fun with, I'd need to know that it was going somewhere at least. But that might freak him out since we've ONLY just started seeing each other (I have however known him for a good year and a half) and it might creep him out to make such a pre-mature commitment.

And on top of that, I've got my exams to study for and be stressed about!
Oh dear, young romance, eh? who said this was going to be easy? :patback:
It's a bit like when you just know someone is 100% right for you, everything you've ever wanted and it's sods law that it's all gotta end :( *sobs*
Ahhh poor you! I thought you had been with your boyfriend for a while?! Getting confused!

My bf was going to move away a few weeks ago and we decided to just stay ad we were and have fun, enjoy each others company while we could and see what we want to do at the time. Luckily he decided not to take the job and is still here! But, I think the best thing you can do is try. Obviously talk to him, he may be thinking the exact thing as you!
Ahhh poor you! I thought you had been with your boyfriend for a while?! Getting confused!

My bf was going to move away a few weeks ago and we decided to just stay ad we were and have fun, enjoy each others company while we could and see what we want to do at the time. Luckily he decided not to take the job and is still here! But, I think the best thing you can do is try. Obviously talk to him, he may be thinking the exact thing as you!

Well I went out with my old boyfriend for a long time, but if you've read squeezys diary recently, then I told how he wasn't very nice to me etc. So I broke up with him and I started getting feelings for a guy I'd know (ie. the guy I'm always saying is awesome). I know that sounds like I'm jumping from guy to guy, but I'm not. I'm not like that at all. My old boyfriend and I didn't have a relationship (if you read my post on squeezys post you'd understand) and it had been dead for about 6 months before we broke us.

This guy is just too good to miss out on, so where I would of normally steered clear of men for months, I'm now realising that I would never, ever forgive myself if I let this one go.

I'm just scared of ruining it by enquiring about such a commitment too early in the game!
You're not gonna like it, but I really think you need to talk to him. He needs to know how you're feeling. He probably feels the same, and just needs you to bring it up.
It is so, so difficult. Long distance relationships are very hard, but if there is that special something between you it could work. Communication is key though hun, and I feel an awkward conversation coming on. Bite the bullet and tell him how you feel, you will kick yourself if you don't come September. :)

I feel for you hun, I really do. these things are so hard, especially when you have got a whole new life just around the corner. I don't always reccomend wearing your heart on your sleeve, but I think this time, in this situation it's important.

As for exams, it's only natural to feel stressed. I have got 2 to sit in September so I know how you feel. You are an intelligent girl Lucy, so you need to organise yourself and perhaps make a study plan. You know what your limits are, so obviously you need to work hard, but don't forget to relax and have lots of "me" time too. You need a good balance of the two.

You will ace the exams hun, I just know it. :)
Oh honey! How far away is he moving? I am personally very pro long distance! I like only seeing my bf at weekends, sometimes I havent seen him for 2 weeks and when you see each other it makes it more special, if I saw him everyday Id want to kill him! I dont think you have anything to loose by mentioning the commitment thing (if thats what you want), as hes going away anyway. You will probably find he feels the same as you do, you cant turn off feelings! x
Thanks girls, you are all amazing. I just feel like I've let life get ontop of things, and I feel like merde for not starting to study. And now this has propped up.

I think I will speak to him. He's away on holiday just now but when he gets back I'll arrange to meet him and I'll bring the subject up. And if he does get freaked out by it, then he clearly isn't the one for me... right? I could say something like "I'm going to sound really forward here but I just need to know where I stand. I'm not the sort of girl who can do something 'just for a bit of fun' - I've got too much respect for both our feelings and plus that's just not the type of girl I am. I don't want to jump ship and get too serious too soon, but I don't think I could do that to myself if I start really liking you then you bomb off in September for me never to see you again. So I could only continue if you agree that we maybe had a chance in some point in the future of being something more..."

I just don't want to ruin things.But I can't tell you how perfect this guy is for me. He's the sort of person you want to just introduce to everyone so they get a little share of the greatness :D I've known him for ages and he's always been someone I never thought I could have.

He's moving 70 miles away to Dundee to do Medicine, so he'll be gone for 7 years.

Thanks again for all your advice girls :) It means so much to me xx
At the risk of sounding cruel, I'm sooooo glad I'm an old married woman with her degree exams behind her!
Best of luck honey, whatever you decide to do.
Fiona, you are far from old! You're a hot momma! ;) Ohh what degree did you do?
I did biology at Portsmouth. I loved it but I really don't miss the exams and in fact, in times of stress I still dream about sitting an exam I haven't studied for. Lol!
I did biology at Portsmouth. I loved it but I really don't miss the exams and in fact, in times of stress I still dream about sitting an exam I haven't studied for. Lol!

Biology! That's awesome!! I do physics (geeekk) so I'm well in with the geek crowd too :D

I've got a mechanics, solids and maths exam to sit. The names are deceiving!! They sound easy but they are like three brick walls. It's also finding the time to study. I need time to go out and socialise otherwise I get withdrawal symptoms from my friends lol!!
Yeah, just talk to him. And I doubt he'll be that freaked out seeing as you've known him for like over a year.

And you'll do fine in the exams woman! Just get your head down and focus now! Use the time your boyfriend is on holiday to study without any distractions :p
Bostik said:
Yeah, just talk to him. And I doubt he'll be that freaked out seeing as you've known him for like over a year.

And you'll do fine in the exams woman! Just get your head down and focus now! Use the time your boyfriend is on holiday to study without any distractions :p

Sound advice.
70 miles isn't too bad, obviously not perfect, but not that bad.

I know exactly what you mean about dead relationship - my ex, before my ex (if that makes sense?!) and I were so dead! Well, he loved me still, but I hadn't wanted to be with him for about six months and I got together with my now ex only a few days after him. It does sound harsh to outsiders but totally different when you are experiencing it!

So, are you actually in a relationship with this lovely boy now? Or are you 'seeing' eachother - I hate relationship politics!!
70 miles isn't too bad, obviously not perfect, but not that bad.

I know exactly what you mean about dead relationship - my ex, before my ex (if that makes sense?!) and I were so dead! Well, he loved me still, but I hadn't wanted to be with him for about six months and I got together with my now ex only a few days after him. It does sound harsh to outsiders but totally different when you are experiencing it!

So, are you actually in a relationship with this lovely boy now? Or are you 'seeing' eachother - I hate relationship politics!!

Can I just say that you're the first person I've met who understands about a dead relationship. And reading your post it's hit me like a hammer on the head because that is my situation EXACTLY. In the last six months of our relationship we maybe met about 4 times alone - yes FOUR TIMES!! (We did meet more times but it was always with other people) And he only lived 20 miles away. I could go on holiday and he wouldn't text me to wish me a good time. Why did I stay with him? Because I'd been with him for so long I just kept on hoping that he'd change. I kept on making excuses like 'maybe it's because he's got exams', 'maybe its because he's working' and after 6 months (And nearly 4 months of not getting a kiss from him) I got the courage to leave him. I accepted he wouldn't change and as much as he was a nice guy there was no point in me wasting my life waiting around on someone that was lower on the good boyfriend scale than a doorknob. I got with my new guy a few days later too. It seems so so so so horrible and heartless of me to an outsider but what they don't understand is that I never got a cuddle/kiss/anything caring from my ex for the past 6 months. We were basically just two people whose facebook status' happened to say in a relationship with each other. So it wasn't like I broke one guys heart then 4 days later jumped into bed with another. One thing this whole thing has taught me is that I can never ever judge someone again without knowing the ins and outs of the story! Thanks for your post, it lets me know I'm not a trollop (as some people probably think I am!)
I was with my guy for 18 months, I was 16/17 and he was 20/21 - quite a gap at that age. He lived about an hour away and I obviously couldn't drive so it was never ideal. I met the guy I then got together with (for 3 years - so it does work!!) at work while I was with my bf and I did like him but I never cheated and never considered it. I did try to split with my bf about 2 months before but he insisted we try even though I knew I didn't want to - I just ended up resenting him for making me try!

It is easy to look from the outside and think it is harsh, I can deffo see why people, an my ex!! Do, but if it is you it is happening to then yep, it is a totally different story!!
I was with my guy for 18 months, I was 16/17 and he was 20/21 - quite a gap at that age. He lived about an hour away and I obviously couldn't drive so it was never ideal. I met the guy I then got together with (for 3 years - so it does work!!) at work while I was with my bf and I did like him but I never cheated and never considered it. I did try to split with my bf about 2 months before but he insisted we try even though I knew I didn't want to - I just ended up resenting him for making me try!

It is easy to look from the outside and think it is harsh, I can deffo see why people, an my ex!! Do, but if it is you it is happening to then yep, it is a totally different story!!

That's what I'm worried about also, incase new guy doesn't trust me because I didn't get with him in the clearest of circumstances. And I'm totally NOT that sort of girl. Gahhhh I've got myself into such a mess. :cry: