**Thinking Thin, Feeling Thin Thrusday- hour by hour **

Sorry curly, I was too lazy to look at the other threads. i see you are back. missed ya!!! Great job for staying strong on hols. Cant wait to see how your WI goes. hopefully talk later... Have a great day (to everyone)
Oh yes my mini mini goal today is to walk into town and back (about 40 mins an then of course I'll have to have a peek in the shops) and to use my Wobble machine, as i call it, my power plates. Gotta get exercising again now i have a bit more energy xxx
Why oh why do I do it?

My eldest daughter was happily tidying her bedroom, the little one went down for a nap and I, feeling full of energy, decided to tackle sorting through boxes of stuff not yet sorted from moving house. Now here I am, knee deep in 'stuff', both kids bored, grumpy and in need on entertainment. Worst of all, H2b won't be home from his course until after 10 tonight, so I won't even get a few hours peace this afternoon to crack on with it! Anyone fancy coming round to give me a hand? ;)
i could stick some of my girls on a train to join you and herlp if you like! :D

Ahhhh the peace I would get!!
Well here I am, back again after a massive 4 month clanger.
2 stone 4lbs heavier but back on track from today.
Wish me luck everybody.
I will do another tracker this evening.
Take care all
Lynne x
good luck wizz. Hope you do it this time round. At least your putting yourself back in the right direction.
Hi everyone. I have been busy today so I am late in signing in. Anyway, after my small loss last night I am promised myself not to cheat from now until July 10th. I go on holiday on 10th so wasn't even going to go up the plans, just stay SS until then.

Just got a call from my Turkish teacher. He is moving back to Turkey at the end of June and has invited me out to dinner as a goodbye. We are going to a Turkish restaurant. I adore Turkish food and I am worrying about it now. I hope we can go later rather than sooner and I should be nearer goal by then, or would it be better sooner and give me time to get rid of it again??? What do you think? I am looking forward to it in one way and not in the other IYKWIM. Under normal circumstances I would have declined the offer, but I think it would have been very rude of me to refuse to be honest.
I've been bad today. Had a mini depression/panic/breakdown which resulted in a full on binge. :( I dont know why I do it to myself I really dont. Will try and be back on form tomorrow....
Crazy- dont let it get you down, get back on track now and learn from it, you're so nearly there. I guess you're on 810 or higher? it must be difficult moving up the plans and having to make 'real food' decisions again. ((hugs))
Im still doing SS/SS+ as I dont really get any losses on the higher plans :( Probably why im finding it so hard. Was aiming to move up to 810 after my weigh in on Tuesday...
Afternoon all

Good to see you all having mini targets etc and all having a good day.

I was up and away early today as we spent the day on the beach with friends. i am now extremely pink but it was soooo lovely. Even had water and bar for lunch so felt good. Felt good on the beach too, even tho i still have loads to lose, just being 2 stone less than before made me feel less like the tubbiest on the beach which was great. Off to do the same again tomorrow while the weather is so lovely. Just loving the hols!

I now have sand everywhere in places I never knew existed so must go and shower before I do tea for the family.

BGT tonight on TV - I do love trashy telly.

Have a good evening all

Well, I got on the treadmill and did an extra 5 min. YEAH!! But really I have been feeling so yucky these past 2 days. Cravings, hungry, headaches, weak, just like week one all over again. Cant figure it out. Hope it passes. Ive been 100% and drinking at least 3ltr per day. just one of those weeks I suppose. Hope everyone else had a good day!
Im still doing SS/SS+ as I dont really get any losses on the higher plans :( Probably why im finding it so hard. Was aiming to move up to 810 after my weigh in on Tuesday...

Dont you have to move up to 810 though? 'Cause your BMI is below 25-dont want to be loosing the lean muscle you've worked hard to get!
Have just realised I've lost more than double the weight of my child!! I can't imagine that I was carying around more than twice his weight 8 weeks ago!!:D
just popping on to say have had manic day but have managed my mini goal and had an extra 500ml of water. off to watch BGT

keep good everyone and I will be back in the morning
i managed managed my mini goals yeah me
but i am feeling hungry tonight i was ok yesterday but struggling tonight i know if i can get through tomorrow(day 3) then i will be fine
Off to watch some TV in bed and coorie in with a hot water and CD flavouring.

See you in the morning.
Finally got the littlest one off to sleep, poor mite has had an upset tum for a few days and a bit of a fever, I had to cuddle her to sleep. Came into the bedroom exhausted, chucked everything I'd started to sort through earlier back into the moving boxes, made the bed and climbed in! LOOOOOVE fresh bedding! Just need h2b from his course for a cuddle now......

See all you lovely ladies tomorrow!