Tina's Trials in SW land!!

YAY!!!!! You got your 3 stone!! Thats brilliant!!! :happy096: I knew you would do it, and before your break away as well, well done hun.

Food diary for today -

breakfast - 42g all bran (HB) with milk (HA) and banana

lunch - 6 ryvita wholegrain crackerbread (HB) with 4 laughing cow extra light triangles (HA)
pack of worcester sauce french fries - 4.5 syns
lucozade lite lemon and lime - 2.5 syns

tea - tomato and herb pasta and sauce with extra mushrooms - free

crikey............ ive hardly eaten anything today :confused:
ps on a plus note Ive managed to get my pedometer working again!! Yay! Done 3740 steps today, didnt walk about a lot at work as I was training and didnt walk home, so thats pretty good really!!
food diary for today -

breakfast - 42g all bran (HB) with milk

lunch - remainder of tomato and herb pasta and sauce from last night - free
muller light

mid afternoon - special k chocolate mini breaks - 5 syns

tea - slimming world chips with chickpea dahl - free, 1 slice hovis best of both bread - 4.5 syns

all day - 8 sula sweets - 2 syns

need another HB today - what should I have?? update - had 28g bran flakes and milk

total syns - 11.5

total steps today 4599!! woohoo!!
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food diary today -

breakfast - nothing
lunch - jacket potato and cous cous - 1 syn

mid afternoon - 28g bran flakes (HB) and milk

tea - Slimming world chips and chickpea dahl (purely cos I enjoyed it so much last night!!) - free plus 1 slice hovis best of both - 4.5 syns

supper - got a sugar free jelly setting in the fridge with raspberries and strawberries in it, yum!! - 1.5 syns. While I wait - 6 ryvita wholegrain crackerbread (HB) with 42g Low Low cheese (HA)

Total syns - 7

i have really struggled to eat over the past few days, have gradually run out of everything i need in my house as I dont get paid until tomorrow. at this moment, have about 3 apples left, no bananas, no potatoes, no yogurt, no alpen lights, nothing!! Arrrgghhh!! Will go and get stocked up tomorrow!
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food diary for today -

breakfast - was intending to be really good but due to my boss bringing down the most delicious smelling bacon sandwich from the canteen, I caved and had a sausage sandwich :( - no idea of syns at all!

lunch - back on the straight and narrow - jacket potato and mushy peas

tea - home made roast potatoes and chicken breast (HB)
shape zero

hopefully the sandwich wont mean too much damage
red day today - having a BBQ tonight for Eurovision (in the rain!!) LOL :)

breakfast - 28g bran flakes (HB) and milk
lunch - steak with mushroom and red onion omelette - free
shape zero
banana and apple

tea - will be having lots of joes sausages and burgers, homemade coleslaw, homemade beetroot and carrot salad, lots of other salad. Then I have made the mini Oreo cheesecakes from slimmingeats, made more than the recipe says, they now work out at 3 syns each, had one already (it was a bit burnt and didnt want to take it tonight!), very nice indeed!!
food diary for today -

breakfast - 28g bran flakes (HB) and milk

not sure about the rest of the day, going to my mums to watch the grand prix, know my sis has made us chicken curry (free + HB) and we're having sw chips or rice with it (free). Will update later

update - had chicken curry and sw chips (free and HB)

when I got home - Ainsley Harriott Tomato Tango Cous Cous - 0.5 syn

banana x 2
shape zero

4 party ring biscuits - 6 syns
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weigh in day today, would you believe it, * week started today, fantastic, that always puts me 2lb on before I even start. Not looking forward to tonight, I'm hoping that the good week I've had will translate into a good loss, but looking back over the last couple of weeks I'm not holding my breath. fingers crossed for tonight anyway......... will update later

food diary for today

breakfast - 28g bran flakes (HB) with milk from allowance

lunch - mug shot tomato couscous - 1 syn with a cheese sandwich - 9 syns for the bread and cheese HA

tea - after weigh in, no idea what to have tonight
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so, I'm back from weigh in, and it has all paid off guys, I lost a whopping 8LBS!!!!!!! I'm over the moon!! :happy036:

Tea tonight, post weigh in, didnt really want too much so just had a couple of slices of toast and lemon curd, and a couple of party ring biscuits. Back on plan tomorrow, got a massive salad for my lunch, can't wait girls!! This is the start of my weight journey, downwards!! LOL xxxx :)
i am still on a high after last nights fantastic weigh in!!

food diary for today -

breakfast - oatso simple (HB) and milk
mid morning - ravishing ruby hi fi bar

lunch - massive salad of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, spring onion and crabsticks! extra light mayo - 2 syns
shape zero yogurt

mid afternoon - banana and apple

tea - decided to have a red day today after having both b's and crabsticks for lunch. made a tomato-y casserole-y thing-y :8855: with passata, red onion, carrot, celery, green pepper, orange pepper and then did some Joe's sausages on my george foreman and then chopped them up into it! yum yum yum!! all free!!

update - oh no, d'oh!!!! Why oh why did I put a tin of Chickpea dahl in with it????? completely on autopilot, I rarely have red days and I completely forgot!! EEEEEEK!! thats 15 syns!! omg..............

note to self, concentrate while cooking........ lol
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food diary for today -

breakfast - oatso simple (HB) and milk
2 slices toast & flora - 10 syns

Lunch - jacket potato and pasta salad - 2 syns mayonnaise

mid afternoon - ravishing ruby hi fi bar (HB)

tea - jacket potato and chick pea dahl - free

evening - made some buns for work tomorrow, had a couple, no idea of syns, so gone way over on 3 days running. not good..........
OMG Tina, just saw your update on your WI!! Sorry I missed it, I've just come back from my (indulgent- whoops!!) cruise so only just getting back into the swing of the plan and MM!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You deserved a big one after the last couple of weeks! You must be on cloud nine!! From my experience so far, I'm a great believer that if you're following the plan most of the time, your efforts WILL pay off, even if it's down the line and not that week, or even the week after!! I've had weeks where I've been very down in the dumps after WI because I know I deserved a good loss and instead I've gained or STS!! But low and behold, I've stuck to my guns and am nearly always awarded with a big loss (big being 3-4 lb for me!!) a week or 2, or even 3 later!! WELL DONE YOU!! Bet it's given you a big boost to keep going!! XXX
hi heather, did you have a great time?? hope you did! thank you so much for your message, i'm still in shock from it all to be honest, I knew that I was due a big loss with eating so well but not that much!! :) I'm not having such a good week this week, things have happened this week and food has gone to the side a little bit, unfortunately.
food diary for today -

breakfast - 28g bran flakes (HB) with milk

mid morning - shape zero yogurt (free), banana, plum

lunch - salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomato, celery, spring onion and cottage cheese - free. topped with 2tbps of extra light mayo - 2 syns

mid afternoon - apple and banana

tea - tomato & herb pasta and sauce
2 alpen light bars (HB)

had a couple of my buns again today at work, but nothing else. hopefully not gone over my syns today
food diary for friday, didn't update yesterday -

breakfast - oatso simple (HB) with milk (HA)

mid morning - banana and plum, 1 alpen light bar (3 syns)

lunch - me and my sis went to the canteen at work for our normal jacket potato and mushy peas, but when we got there we caved and had chips instead! not good, hopefully the syns wouldn't have been too much
shape zero yogurt, banana, apple

tea - new potatoes, peas and a couple of joes sausages (HB i think?)

bag of salt and vinegar crisps from multibag - 6.5 syns
food diary for today -

breakfast - 42g all bran (HB) and milk (HA), 2 plums

bag of ready salted crisps - 6.5 syns

lunch - jacket potato and couscous - 0.5 syns

tea - new potatoes and 85g boiled ham (HB), mushrooms and onion

will update later on
Hi Tina, hope all's well and you're having a great weekend!! I'm busy trying to pull things back after my 5 days of indulgence!! I don't think I'm doing too bad, but dreading WI on Mon and seeing the damage!!!XXX
hi hun, ive had a much better day today, although i think the damage will have probably been done and it will show on monday. just had a yummy pudding, a strawberry shape zero yogurt mixed with some vlf fromage frais and sweetner, and then crumbled an apple and sultana alpen light bar into it, total nom!!! and only 3 syns, yay!

im sure you will be fine for your wi hun, theres nothing worse than going away and having a fab time, only to come back and nose to the grindstone again!!!
food diary for today -

breakfast - 28g bran flakes (HB) with milk (HA)

lunch - jacket potato with mild curry savoury rice - free

mid afternoon - pack of crisps from multipack - 6.5 syns

tea - slimming world chips and beans - free, 1 slice bread 5 syns

supper - shape zero strawberry yogurt mixed with vlf fromage frais, sweetener, 2 x alpen light choc and fudge bar (HB) crumbled into it and 1 fat free flump (1 syn) - very very nice!!!

total syns - 12.5
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food diary for monday -

breakfast - oatso simple (HB) and milk (HA)

lunch - cous cous 1 syn
bag of squares crisps - 5 syns
muller light

Weigh in - so weigh in came around, and i put on, I knew I was going to, 6lb! :( what is it with me and huge gains and huge losses??? wish my body would settle for a little bit. Wasn't surprised I had gained, after the really funny week I've had so chalked it off to experience and starting again tomorrow.

tea - went for a curry at our favourite restaurant, was really nice, nice twilight zone treat.

On the up side, our consultant left tonight. even though she was a lovely person, she didnt really inspire people much, so im looking forward to the new person next week, hoping it inspires me to get right back into it for good.