Tiny's Diary

I know what you mean about the advert! Have you seen the one where the dad sends his daughter emails throughout her childhood, super cute! Makes me want to do something like that for my baby girl! I really should to be honest, its a really cute idea!

Even if it is water at this stage, its still a big deal! Water retention can make you feel so crappy and weigh you down...ALOT! So if you're getting rid then woohoo!

Have you decided whether to take a sneaky peak on the scales?
Well yeah, I went to get them before (I've tended to stick the in a drawer!) and they're missing a battery. So before I go to bed, I'll pop one in and see what's what I think. I'm intrigued more than anything lol.

Yeah it's a great idea, and would be great for your little girl I'm sure, imagine when she's 18 and you play those to her. Amazing I reckon!

I've set the camera up and it's just charging so I'll get that done later. I'm think I won't set a specific schedule, I'll just do it when I fancy chatting to some plastic. Every few days, or once a week or whatever.
Exactly, and chatting to that piece of plastic will be something else for you to do when you're in need to keep busy and keep your mind occupied! If the laptop with the webcam built in i have worked i'd definately do the same thing! I guess i should take a pic of me now and then one each week or something to give me some extra enthusiasm! Are you taking your measurements to see how many inches your losing?

Let us know if the scales give you a happy result! I'm sure they will! I've only just completed day one and definately already have a little spring in my step!
I haven't yet, but it's a good idea, I was just going to go off clothes but would be good to know what I'm losing that way.

I'll definitely let you know, as soon as I know I'll stick it on here, this app may be a god send!

Well done on day 1, my spring from day one is more of a bounce now.
Haha i wonder what your bounce will turn into by the end of the week?!

I am inlove with this app already, thank god for smart phones, forums and the 21st century - i'm sure this app will be a serious help and support for me during the ups and downs of my weight loss journey!

Bet you cant wait for weigh in day!
Lol to be honest I can't, dying to see where I'll be. At my weight I'm thinking I'll lose a bit the first couple of weeks, then itll die off a little.

Just going to keep myself busy so I don't get those nasty thoughts of food! Can I ask what your looking to lose? I'm aiming for 17st, then refeed then hopefully do the rest myself over time.
I just cant wait to shed all this extra weight! I feel so yuck at the moment, i've ballooned since having my baby and now weigh just under 17st *blush* ...hoping to get down to 12st, and then either maintain it or do a further stone if needs be! I dont wanna be skinny though, i'm farely big busted so being skinny doesnt suit me!

Pharmacist told me it would prob take me about 4 months if i stay 100% ...how long do you think you'll be lipotrimming for??
I'm not to sure tbh, my mum did it for 4 months and lost 8 stone in 4 months, so about 4 months? I need to realistically lose 9 stone to look healthy. I'm a big fella, I'm 6'3" tall, I've always been a big lad, played rugby half my life, but it used to be hovering around 16st which I felt very comfortable with. I think any less than that I'd look ill! I know dr say BMI is important, but going off that I'd be 12 stone and I'd look ridiculous!

I always thought women go off dress sizes rather than weight! Lol. Well you can definitely do it, you've taken the hard step, it's just seeing it through now. Imagine how you'll feel when you reach that goal weight - wow x
oh well, I don't need to lose 8 stone so maybe it won't take me as long as I thought - that would be a bonus! as long as I'm slim for christmas that'll be good... plus I don't want my little girl growing up seeing mummy as being a chunk! haha.. I blame my partner for the weight gain to be honest (always good to have someone to blame) during my pregnancy I thought.. well I'm going to get fat anyway, may aswell enjoy my food, and like you he plays rugby, so eats loads, but keeps it off! lucky b*stard!

well dress sizes I do like to go by! I'm an 18/20 at the moment......ok maybe more on the 20 side at the minute not that I like to admit it :( even to get to a comfortable 14/16 would feel amazing for me!

And yes I totally agree with you on the BMI thing - everyone is different, dr's fail to recognise that alot I feel, what is healthy for some people is just plain rediculous for others! I find dr's to be very patronising at times, 2 weeks after birth mine was already talking to me about my weight, obviously having a newborn and surviving on no sleep, I promptly told her where to stick her 'concern' haha!
Lol good for you. Not everything is black and white!

Right well I'm off for a shower, weighin, then bed, early morning. Congrats again for making it through day one!

Day 3 down for me, day 4 comin up!
And so day 4 begins. Hopefully I'm in ketosis now and the fat will start to get burnt off. Good luck for the day everyone.
Halfway through the morning, full of energy today, not hungry at all. One weird thing, and I don't know what it's like for everyone else, but today my brain keeps thinking about food, but healthy food, and not in a way to make me hungry.

I keep thinking of being the thinner me, joining a gym, eating healthy foods, planning my meals all week. Really weird.
On lunch break now, difficult part here as I would normally head to sainsburys for a sandwich, sausage roll and a packet of crisp. Instead I'm sat on my phone, drinking a glass water!

Hope everyone's doing ok
tiny1983 said:
On lunch break now, difficult part here as I would normally head to sainsburys for a sandwich, sausage roll and a packet of crisp. Instead I'm sat on my phone, drinking a glass water!

Hope everyone's doing ok

That's defo the hardest part, being in work and trying to avoid your usual routine is a killer! After a week or so you'll be well used to it tho ;-) my 1st weigh in tomorrow, so excited!
Got through it fine so it's all good. Gonna have a cheeky weigh in when I get home and see what's what! Lol. Good luck for tomorrow.
tiny1983 said:
Got through it fine so it's all good. Gonna have a cheeky weigh in when I get home and see what's what! Lol. Good luck for tomorrow.

Well did ya have the sneaky weigh in? ;-)