TMI question Re Xenical withdrawal on exante


Full Member
Just wondering if anyone has suffered this similar "problem"

I was taking xenical before I started the exante diet, my last pill was about 4 days ago and I started exante 2 days ago..

I had a massive "orange oil" explosion this morning

Ive not had this before, as I was eating really low fat/low fat diet until the start of taking exante, but this is just crazy...

Is there lots of hidden fat in exante? For this to happen? As I've eaten whole bags of kettle chips before and not had anything like this happen.. Ever!!

Has this happened to anyone else when finishing taking xenical and starting exante????
Thanks for the reply. Just looked on my packs! Silly I didn't think to do that earlier!! It's really strange as I ate loads of crisps and sometimes Indian samosas and took xenical (cheating I know!) but they never ever gave me that effect! I was so shocked! :O
im hoping the xenical gets out my system soon.. As I don't think I could cope with a second episode!!
Thank you!! Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice new day then! ;-)
Yeah, I haven't even read the ingredients in the packs, as I'm so food phobic that I know things I can't even touch/smell are in the shakes, so trying to stay completely oblivious and in denial for as long as possible! :)
kinda using this as therapy too.. As I can't keep eating such a restricted diet!
BrownSugarDolly said:
may I ask how long were you on xenical for and how much weight did you loose with its aid?

Hiya, when I started xenical I was 15.7stone.. And within 9 months I was 12.3 stone. But that was being very strict and not eating anything over 5g of fat per 100g and I am a vegan too, so didn't eat any meat, dairy etc.. Which I think helped a LOT!!