Today's WI

LOL! Hey - actually I was christened Methodist - maybe I'm not meant to be a drinker! Lol! xx

It didn't bother me for the 4 months I was LTing - I'm a bit annoyed with myself that I couldn't seem to just have 1 or even 2. Maybe this is my 'demon'. Sugar, carbs & stuff don't seem to bother me too much - guess there has to be something ..... ?

Have a good day. Mum's nearly ready so I guess I'd better get up off my butt (sp?) & take her out. xx
Okay thanks Caroline.

Been having a few wobbles - drinking wine & having a bit of party food .. not knowing what effect these things are having. Strange feeling but to be expected I suppose while I see what I can and can't 'get away with' ;)

I'm off on a course till wed night. It's near where a cousin lives down south so I'm meeting her tonight - there'd better be some compliments flying around ;) xx

Have a good day xx
Ooh watch that wine hehe!

Enjoy your compliments - I'm sure you'll be getting loads :D
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Hi Jan,

I hope you have a wonderful time today - i'm sure you will get loads of compliments - your weight loss is very impressive! K x
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Thanks guys! She was suitably impressed ;)

Hope you're all fine and happy! xx
She's fine ta ... a bit miffed I've done so well since STOPPING going .. but in a nice, pleased for me, kind of way.

Actually she asked me if I'd go back (I'm so efficient you see ;)) but as I said to her - I don't know how I ever had time to do it! A bit like when people retire I suppose & wonder how they found the time to work! It was nice to be asked though. xx
hehe busy lady now huh :)

I see you are doing well at maintaining - go you :D

Are you finding old habits trying to sneak back in?
Yes they're trying! Picking here and there and alcohol being my main areas to watch!! I'm not bothered if I lose any more now though so it's a matter of finding the balance. :eek:
Thank yoooo ;) x
Yep, you are an inspiration :D

Did you reward yourself once you reached your target? I know people sometimes say they will go for a weekend break of something.
Thank yooo :) xx

I didn't really reward myself consciously, although having to buy new clothes is very nice (and no guilt necessary ;)) and the compliments boost the self-esteem no end.

I gained 0.6lbs last week - nothing at all I know. I wouldn't want to gain anything 2 weeks on the run though so determined to have a real cut back on the snacks that had crept in...... Yet last night saw me with my head stuck in the cupboard 'finishing off' open packets - choc T cakes, tiramisu, choc buttons :eek: :( :(
This is the kind of thing I can't afford to be getting back into!!! So must slap my own butt and get the head back on straight. xx
Hmmmm - ish .... :eek: xx
Okay ta .... salad leaves are fab! Coriander, basil & chives are good - not many chives though. Courgette leaves are beginning to take over the patio!! Can actually see some courgettes forming too - I want to eat the flowers but DH says I have to leave them for the bees :eek: and loads of flowers on the beans! All in all not too bad for a first attempt.

How about yours?? xx
Hello :)

How's it going?

Most things are in the flower stage at the mo. Got some chillies, raspberries and strawberries though. Just planted next lot of coriander but bought some from supermarket to keep me going - should have planted the new lots ages ago. I've let the marjoram flower as I've not been eating it.

Just got to sit back and wait for the flowers to become veg and fruit now :)