he said it was more than likely muscular, its looking like i have the same disorder as ruby, which means im prone to injury more...which i always have been, so it was probably too intense of an exercise to do from having 2 pregnancies close together. so im just going to stick with jogging and walking for now, which will strengthen my core muscles. im going to avoid the 30 day shred as every time i do it i end up in pain. i might try my davina dvd again, i used to enjoy that. feeling really good today, really positive and happy. at last. im sure m,y mood swings are down to my sodding hormones.
he said it was more than likely muscular, its looking like i have the same disorder as ruby, which means im prone to injury more...which i always have been, so it was probably too intense of an exercise to do from having 2 pregnancies close together. so im just going to stick with jogging and walking for now, which will strengthen my core muscles. im going to avoid the 30 day shred as every time i do it i end up in pain. i might try my davina dvd again, i used to enjoy that. feeling really good today, really positive and happy. at last. im sure m,y mood swings are down to my sodding hormones.

and the sodding dog........
Hi all, not lurking, just busy. OK, so that's technically lurking.

OK I need some bashing - real bashing.
I have had the most stressful time lately; father, father in law and now daughter in hospital (nothing too serious). Changed jobs and lost a family pet. Routine all over the shop! As you might know I cracked the bogey 13’s about 10 days ago, sticking to mostly primal foods but to be honest have eaten nothing but junk since and have done zero exercise. I’d love to use my phenomenal 200 mile round trips to three hospitals as an excuse (well maybe for the no time, no exercise) but I have to fess up and admit that it has been a bread binge (sandwiches are just so easy on the run) and muffin munch lately. Sooo, tonight I weighed myself and have managed a whopping 6lb gain in little under 2 weeks. Ok so tomorrow morning – usual Tuesday WI- it may not be so bad, but I’m not optimistic tbh.
Tough Love needed asap please!
Sounds to me like two things happening here.

One - the hospital trips are hampering your ability to plan properly, which is leaving you stuck in bad situations, e.g. hungry where the only available food is an expensive crappy hospital sandwich shop. Start micro-planning - think through every detail of the trip, and come up with ways to avoid the bad stuff.

Two - maybe, just maybe, crossing that 13-stone barrier has triggered that little devil in all our heads that wants to sabotage your diet because being thin means having to deal with all the stuff that you used to be able to blame on 'being fat.' Getting rid of excess fat can be a scary journey sometimes. If you've been defined by your weight up to now, then it's the same as losing part of your personality.

And, frankly, the idea that you can't get healthy food in a hospital (hint: go to the canteen, not the snack bar in the lobby) or do any exercise (country ones have grounds you can walk round, town ones have lots and lots of lovely stairwells) is just deluded. Your mind is in control of your body - if you're not exercising and not eating properly then it's because somewhere deep inside, that's what you want. You need to get hold of yourself and cross that line from being a fat person to being a healthy one.
Your mind is in control of your body - if you're not exercising and not eating properly then it's because somewhere deep inside, that's what you want. You need to get hold of yourself and cross that line from being a fat person to being a healthy one.

Good point Smiley, the subconscious mind is an amazing thing - we think we want one thing so badly it takes up our every waking moment, but deep down we are too scared because we don't think we deserve it.
aw lou so pleased ur scan was all good and loving the PMA :)

well.... i lost another 1.5lb :) yay AND i am in the 10s!!! woop woop! :D am just a little pleased..can u tell? lol oh and i got my 2 n half stone sticker! :)
i also got myself a little exercise buddy, i got a dog, 15m beagle (just as lou gets rid of one lol) she is lovely and also my excuse for HAVING to get out and exercise, was thinking of starting the couch to 5K thing, but not sure as i have always avoided runninglike the plague, but u all sound so positive from it i may give it a go.
aw lou so pleased ur scan was all good and loving the PMA :)

well.... i lost another 1.5lb :) yay AND i am in the 10s!!! woop woop! :D am just a little pleased..can u tell? lol oh and i got my 2 n half stone sticker! :)
i also got myself a little exercise buddy, i got a dog, 15m beagle (just as lou gets rid of one lol) she is lovely and also my excuse for HAVING to get out and exercise, was thinking of starting the couch to 5K thing, but not sure as i have always avoided runninglike the plague, but u all sound so positive from it i may give it a go.

Great news Loola!

My new running trainers arrived yesterday and they are too bloody small! Not impressed. Going to try and return them and head outside soon. I've got my actual 5K run in 2 months and despite running on my elliptical/X-Trainer three times a week I am ready to head outside, I just lack the proper footwear.
Aww Loola, that's lovely news. Can we have a picture? What's his name?

I love having a dog, I basically never walk less than 40 minutes a day because if I don't she misses out and I can't live with the guilt! And I get as much out of it as she does, like yesterday, went all around the woods with her- it was really nice weather and I really enjoyed it. There is no way I would have done that if I didn't have a doggy. Today is a different story though, it is hammering down on the roof of my office and I am dreading trudging home to get soaked!

Weigh in today. Really hope it is a good one, I really really really want to get into the tens. Pleasepleaseplease!
good luck bonnie!

I am back on it 100% today. I managed to get out to the shop before it closed last night to pick up some healthier food than i have had since i got back from hols. I should have gone sooner but was just trying to live within what I had in as I am skint from my holiday - needless to say although it wasn't 'junk' wasn't inclusive of fresh fruit and veggies either. Lots of carbs!

SO, today is the first day back on it and luckily I have boot camp today as well which will be hard after a week off but its what I need!
Bassers, I am just coming on to stop myself pigging 100g of chocolate peanuts. We have a charity box of them here in my office, and previously they were my nemisis, I would eat a packet a day. They are almost 500 calories! Insane. (Incidently, that is not far off 100g of crunchy nut cornflakes). It is cold and miserable here, the rain is pounding down on the office windows (I work in a converted greenhouse, so you really feel it), it is grey and horrid and I am huddling under a hoody. A bag of sweet, comforting chocolate peanuts would be lovely right now. But NO! Weigh in tonight, I don't want to retain water for it (and sugar would make me retain water). And it would be such a shame. Just saying, I feel sorry for myself :cry:Someone just came back from abroad with some boiled sweets, so I will have one of those at 25 cals instead. Booooooohooooooo
We've got one of those charity boxes full of sweeties in the office too. Stupid woman was there this morning leafing through going "Ohhh, chocolate raisins, shrimps, chocolate limes, foam bananas, crunchie pieces" etc etc. I wanted to shove the whole box up her arse! :mad:
We've got one of those charity boxes full of sweeties in the office too. Stupid woman was there this morning leafing through going "Ohhh, chocolate raisins, shrimps, chocolate limes, foam bananas, crunchie pieces" etc etc. I wanted to shove the whole box up her arse! :mad:

ooooo-er cat lover. She really must have wound you up!!!
ooooo-er cat lover. She really must have wound you up!!!

Oh its just the box is just behind my desk and she was really going for it - there for about 5 minutes picking every pack up and talking to herself really loudly about what they were and making "Mmmmnn" noises. Then she didn't even buy any!! Aargh!
Hahaha Sue I know what you mean. One of my colleagues is sitting opposite me right now with three slices of white toast (we get free food here, the kitchen is full of it to munch at any time) dripping in butter and covered in jam, marmite and peanut butter respectively. I guess temptation is always going to be there in one guise or another. You can't remove the tempation, but you can change how you respond to i....oh bugger, who am I kidding. Grrrrr
stay strong bonnie! you are just having a bad day where you want more than you should! you will get past it and feel relieved that you didnt cave in and have toast or choccy nuts!
And now fecking Dominoes sending me texts saying I can have half price pizza. Temptation, it's everywhere! Aaaaagggghhhhh!
And now fecking Dominoes sending me texts saying I can have half price pizza. Temptation, it's everywhere! Aaaaagggghhhhh!
Just text STOP back. Two For Tuesdays is a great value offer, but None For Ever is even better...