
Lol yeah Nic, bit of romance is what i need!!

yeah that personal trainer is sexy as..... lol

talking of fitness... do u do any exercise on this??? I understand the first few days you can feel tired etc, but I was thinking can i exercise next week maybe? Also do u know if taking any fat burner tablets would also speed up the process????

never mind personal trainers any man would do me is it i always end up havin deperate moments about men wit u nic lmao
yep hun....the land of singleton lol not good is it
Jen its a shame youre not closer we are going out soon xx
I personally wouldnt take any tablets hun and yeah light exercise after the first week and build up! Toning exercises xx
NO NO NO NO DON'T take the pills ...the would be dangerous and also they fook with your metabolisum!!! sp?
Romance is great TJ but did you see him OMFG no slow go with him he was an ex marine tooooo ola la
Exercise is fine as long as your body can hack it ... i waited nearly a month before i started
Lol me too cant leave can we x
i think we should all go to that ball that they are organising,any excuse for a session for me,
What ball??
not really up for the ball apart from getting all dressed up wearing ball gowns ....
think its in november hun ...but i could be wrong
I went to a ball at trafford park a few years back! Loved dressing up! Masked ball sexy! xx
What ball??

it was on one of the threads a few weeks ago.they are tryin to organise a mini ball thing,u have to vote as to where and when,i think its gonna be round nov sometime,but not sure who is actually organisin it.but sounds great,gettin dressed up,and by then we should all have met our targets,,it l be great
switt swoo
would depend where though i guess! xx