Trying to avoid fat fighters! =)

this weeks going quite well atm and i have resisted more temptation from the old foe - takeaways and home made maccaroni cheese! but at the moment this weeks weigh in is looking good, its like a video game each week i stay dedicated to the game and on a monday i progress to the boss stage and beat it and i get a grade for the level hopefully at the end of this level i get on A+ :D
managed to drink just water at the cinema and the big m, by m i dont mean mamma i mean Mcdonalds :)
What willpower! I haven't had a McD meal for years. I wonder if I would still like the filet of fish? I never did like the burgers - the fries were fab though. Well done for resisting.
it seems I'm a resistaholic I didn't buy anything to eat, then my friend offered some chicken nuggets and chips, then another offered their mcflurry and they my 3 favs! but the best mcdonalds are the breakfasts mcmuffins....ashamedly my biggest order for myself last year was:
a fillet of fish meal
fillet of fish
that BIG burger they did which was like 800 calories in itself and chips
20 chicken nuggets
a caramel Sunday
2 milkshakes

even more ashamed to say only thing I left was a half eaten mcflurry
Ha ha - the new improved wannabeaslimjim would never have ordered all that lol. I have to admit when I did used to occasionally have a filet of fish meal I did used to supersize it. Obviously it's good value for money buying even more rubbish to shove down my throat!
lol well let's say when I was at uni I either didn't eat at all sometimes for over a week, or id be soo hungry id eat everything in sight like when I first went to uni I didn't eat anything really for like 2 weeks my firstvmeal was like steak 12 sausages bacon, chips burgers lool
one month changes, not too noticeable but its still good to see :)

still stayed 100% and im getting new bars hopefully tomorrow so i can actually feel the chewing sensation again :)
You're doing really well Jim. If you're anything like me, other people will be able to see the change in you and in your photos long before you can really see it / believe it yourself. (I know for me, I had to lose about 4 stone before I really started to see the difference! I think I'm a slow learner though ;) )

Anyway, just wanted to say well done on your loss to date, and just imagine what the difference will be after another month's loss. I look forward to seeing the next pics :)
lol thanks i took the pictures because my mum and brother had said it a couple of weeks ago they could see some difference and i went to the cinema the other night and my friends said they could see i lost a bit, BUT then my dad said "does it actually help you lose weight" meaning he didnt see a i took the pics i took some side pictures and they didnt look ANY different, at least in the front ones i can see a little different body composition, if i was slimmer id have the curves girls would dream of and i got some man boobs to go with it! :p
im hoping to lose about a stone before i go back to uni... i set a slightly unrealistic target of 220 as then i would be "overweight" but still if i miss it by a few lbs it would be a great birthday present to myself just over a week after i go back to uni
thanks and marketing, with a little bit of advertising...I seem to see things differently and have random ideas for things seemed like a good choice, who knows I could be behind the next ad campaign that's as big as comparethemeerkat ;)
not heard of comparethemeerkat. im guessing its a tv thing?! only started watching tv from monday this week. it has never done anything for me.
i did laugh at a 'boots' (the chemist) advert i saw this morning though :8855:
lol basically its for they come up with an ad campaign and they had small cute talking meerkats from the old soviet union and have several different adverts with them and it started out with them saying about they compare meerkats on their website and people have been confusing it with compare the market, and it says to compare meerkats go to to get cheap car insurance go to they have a website for the meerkats and everything its really evolved and become popular :D
the first one is the comparethemeerkat website

then the second is the first advert

the 3rd is one of the newest :)
am i allowed to laugh at them coz i did :8855:
not watched tv properly for around 6 years.
only thing i watch every week is holby city and then i watch it on my laptop :)