Unfinished diary

Just spotted your edit addition. And so you should be proud. I showed my DH cos I was so impressed with your progress.
Its encouraged him, too. He worries for me and knows its possible to pull it back now. You're proof. :)

Absolutely I am proof, I don't recognise that woman mountain, cos that's what I was, that's not the worst pic of me either, I put the most flattering one on here, one day I will dig out the less flattering ones, but you might have to wait till the magazine comes out lol...I know I have definitely turned the corner when you said you had shown it to DH my first reaction in the past would have been OMG now he knows how fat and disgusting I am/was...but I didn't think that at all this time, I thought wow she was impressed, it really made me smile and I can't believe I encouraged him too xx
Course you did Lily. You encourage everyone. :D

I'm stuffed. :( I don't think I know how to 'do' green days.
I was so carefully watching how I was feeling when i was eating my lunch. Upped the corn on the cob to 2 as they were tiny. Didn't eat all the WW thingy cos I felt that I was nearing satisfied.

Ten mins later, I'm full to pop. :confused: The couscous thing was quite spicy so I had 2 glasses of lemony water - another 500mls. Could it be that? I'm clutching at straws. :rolleyes:

I must slow down when I eat. Sure its that. How can my poor stomach decide how full it is when I'm shovelling it in at a rate of knots. Tut tut.
Course you did Lily. You encourage everyone. :D

I'm stuffed. :( I don't think I know how to 'do' green days.
I was so carefully watching how I was feeling when i was eating my lunch. Upped the corn on the cob to 2 as they were tiny. Didn't eat all the WW thingy cos I felt that I was nearing satisfied.

Ten mins later, I'm full to pop. :confused: The couscous thing was quite spicy so I had 2 glasses of lemony water - another 500mls. Could it be that? I'm clutching at straws. :rolleyes:

I must slow down when I eat. Sure its that. How can my poor stomach decide how full it is when I'm shovelling it in at a rate of knots. Tut tut.

Hun, definitely the water will be making you feel fuller, that's why I have always (well since beginning SW), drunk a glass of water with my meals and I have also learnt when to stop eating and not clear the plate for fear of waste, if what I leave is a large amount, then I may reheat it and have it later, or tomorrow, if not my dog and cats eyes light up and they drool lol, there are so many benefits to water ...and watch in a couple of weeks or maybe even less, how much clearer you skin will be and your eyes will be more sparkly and they are just a couple of the benefits...water the nectar of the gods and us lol xx
I think you're right. It might be the water. And by the way, I think I'm a contender in the olympic pee-ing event... definitely going for gold!

Half hour or so after writing the previous post, and yet another trip to the loo :rolleyes: , I was starting to get hungry again. :confused:

Oh well, I'll see how it turns out.

Oohhhh my wii fit board has arrived. DH didn't read the small print and I've no game with it. Told him so. :p
Shall have to go have a spend. :D
I think you're right. It might be the water. And by the way, I think I'm a contender in the olympic pee-ing event... definitely going for gold!

Half hour or so after writing the previous post, and yet another trip to the loo :rolleyes: , I was starting to get hungry again. :confused:

Oh well, I'll see how it turns out.

Oohhhh my wii fit board has arrived. DH didn't read the small print and I've no game with it. Told him so. :p
Shall have to go have a spend. :D

I love my wii fit board and when I got at xmas from DH, I was about a stone and half too heavy for it, DD2 and my son in law, combined weight of just over 22st (I was about 24.5 st at the time), and stood on it together (my daughter on his back, it was so funny) and weighed in as me, until I could get down to their combined weight which thankfully I am now at again as he has gained half a stone and she has lost nearly 2 stone , they now weigh 20st 8lbs combined and I am 20st 7.5 lol, hope you love it as much as me, they have regular work outs on the wii fit (buy the plus not the original, has extra benefits such as how many calories you've burnt per session) and somne fun exercises too....I love the hula hoop and marching band lol anyway, got to finish getting ready for wi , already changed my top 3 times cos it's so hot, cya later xx
Righto, so it's wii fit plus I need. Got it. Will tell DH. ;)

He actually bought me the EA sports active board which has a max weight of around 28stone.... as DS2 told me when it arrived, eyeing me up and down. Cheeky little toad. :copon:

Think DH wants the EA sports active 2. He's reasonably healthy but wants to get fitter. :character00116:

Hope you're enjoying your taster evening. I'd be useless, running around not knowing what to try next.:bliss:
Officially don't like green days. I eat too much and don't know it till its too late. :(

Red for a bit now. Definitely red.

Did discover however that I LOVE falafels. Oh yes, they are delish. EVERYONE liked them. Even the fussy son. :eek: I must find a recipe as Cauldrons are gorgeous but pricey and I have a 2.5kg tin of chickpeas to get through. :rolleyes:
Another recipe you might like, and did I get that right ...you want a recipe for Falafel's? I don't know what Cauldron's are ...going to make myself look dim lol xx

Creamy Chicken and Bacon
4 Chicken Breasts
8 Rashers smoked bacon (all fat removed)
2 Cloves Garlic
16 Light Laughing Cow (take as Hexa)
100 + ml of water depending on how runny/thick you like it
Chop Chicken breasts into bite size pieces and fry in fry light over a medium heat, for 8 mins, chop bacon into strips and add to the pan, crush the garlic and add to pan, cook until chicken is browned and then put to one side in a bowl.
Chop onion and cook in the pan you used for the chicken, when it is just starting to soften, add the chopped mushrooms, once fully cooked add to chicken and bacon mix.
Put the laughing cow triangles in a saucepan and add a little water, put over a low heat and stir or whisk until all the lumps are removed and sauce is warmed through, add to the other ingredients and serve.

EE 0 syns + Hexa
I'm glad you haven't let the gain throw you off plan. Well done :)

Water is a must. Now you know why me and Jackie are always talking about tena lady :8855:

WARNING: don't make the fererer rocher (or however you spell it). I did and OMG they were yummy. I ate the lot and then sat and ate the jar of nutella :eek:
I'm glad you haven't let the gain throw you off plan. Well done :)

Water is a must. Now you know why me and Jackie are always talking about tena lady :8855:

WARNING: don't make the fererer rocher (or however you spell it). I did and OMG they were yummy. I ate the lot and then sat and ate the jar of nutella :eek:

I did tell you NOT to make them lol ...but you know what they are so worth a pig out once in a blue moon lol xx
Tilly! Did you have a good time on your break? Lovely to see you back. :D

Now you see the more you girls tell me how dangerous these fererer rocher are, the more I think, 'gotta make those and quick.' :drool:
Will have to get DH to make them one weekend. Too many people here for me to scoff the lot. I'll have to fight to get one!

Lily, that chicken and bacon recipe sounds lovely and ideal for sons. Wondering about running it through pasta for them. They loved heavy, creamy sauces and carbonara type dinners so could be a good alternative.

Oh and Cauldron is the make of vegetarian type products. They are mostly lovely. Dear, tho. :(

My lot make me laugh. Put these falafels in front of them and they looked bewildered. Prodded them a bit and asked, 'whats in them then?'
Admittedly they do look like something a donkey left on the beach.
DS1 is the brave one, he tries them first with the others watching anxiously.
'WOW.. I could eat a plateful of these.' :eek:
Suddenly they're all shovelling them in and saying they're great. :eek::eek:

If you knew my lot you'd understand why I was practically in tears of joy.. a SUCCESS! :D
Didn't serve them the way I'd heard you should, pitta and all that.
They had falafels, baked beans, egg, bacon and wedges.
At only 1 syn each falafel I thought they were brilliant and am half regretting introducing them to the family as they're all gone now. :(

Must work out my menu plan today. Tummy rumbling.
Have had 250mls of water to put me on while I decide. See, learning. :D

Back in a bit.
Falafels eh? My husband has been asking me to make some since he had them at the Buddhist retreat cafe near us.. I didnt know what they were... Hes in for a tret tonight then ...thanks ..will report back. Off to get some pudding rice to try lily's idea of mixing it with crumble yoghurt .. Sounds amazing .. Might try to find some muller light coconut too.
All organised now so food today will be RED.

100g avocado ~ 9 syns
Lrg crust of whl bread ~ HXB + 4.5 syns
2x yellow plums

crumble yogurt ~ 0.5 syns

smoked haddock
71g garden peas ~ 1/2 HXB
mixed florets


Sml selection shellfish

iced coffee with sweetner ~ HXA

= 1x HXA, 1.5 HXB + 14 syns

29/105 syns

Ohh the avocado was good. :drool: Shame I have the other half left because I just may have to have the same breakfast tomorrow. :p
Could ring the changes and have it for lunch. :hmm: I'm fancying it with crispy bacon in a salad for some reason.

Done 36 minutes on wii tennis. Endless trips up the stairs to the loo must be totting up the body magic.
I'm wearing the stair carpet out. :D

Right, away for a looky at the diaries. Sees you later. ;)

edited: too hot for tea. Just want my iced coffee instead.
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You don't know?:eek::eek::eek:

Shape delight crumble yogurts. 0.5 syns each.
Come in apple and rhubarb flavours and really taste like crumble.

Tescos doing them for 2 for £2. Each have 4 yogs in.
Might try and get some on Saturday. Do you get crumble in it cos I love crumble :D

Hi Tilly, no no crumble in them but it sure tastes like there is...yummmmmmmmmmmmy lol oh I forgot....did I tell you they were yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy :8855: :p