Vamos! Let's do this!

Ok so day 1 was a total bust. My brother missed his flight home yesterday so he is here for another two days. This makes it a bit difficult. . . I think I need to set another target day and stick to it.
Saturday is a good day to start for me cos I'm off work and so it's easier to cope with the headache side of things and the raging hunger. Ok, decided saturday jan 11 start. Please god help me do this.
Ok good afternoon everyone.
day 1 officially today. I've weighed in this morning at 13st13lbs. So at least a few lbs lighter than what I was a few days ago.

Day 1 is always the hardest for me. Unfortunately my hubby is going out for dinner tonight with some of his friends so I'll be stuck at home by myself with all the tempting stuff left over from Xmas!

So far I've just had a cup of coffee with a splash of skim milk. I know it's technically not allowed on ss but a little here and there should be ok. Having a diet coke which I've always allowed myself to have on ss so that should be ok as well. I have some exante products left over so they will be getting eaten at so,me point - a little mixing shouldn't be a huge issue either. I need to get through what I have left of Cambridge products and then give my consultant a phone and order some new ones. I might do that sooner than later cos most of what I have left over is horrible!
This diet is difficult to do. And hard to keep the weight off. My life has been full yo yo-ing weight.
These are the reasons why I want to lose weight:

1. Health - I've noticed already that I have some health problems from being overweight and I know that if I lose the excess pounds they can improve or go away completely without becoming much worse.
2. I hate my flab but I especially hate the tire around my tummy and my back fat! I hate the way the fat rolls at the back and I can feel it. I want that feeling to go away.
3. I've not bought clothes in a long time so my wardrobe consists of a few things that I wear on a rotational basis. I love fashion but can't indulge in it personally. I refuse to shop for larger sizes because I don't want to admit defeat of being this size. Also if I lose weight I can donate all the stuff that will be too big to charity and buy some new things.
4. I want to be able to walk into any high street store and buy normal sizes instead of having to buy things from Evans all the time. If I see something I like I want to be able to just buy it instead of walking by it cos I know it won't fit or won't suit my figure.
5. I don't want to cringe in the corners when ppl at work talk about weight, exercise etc. I want to get rid of that inward voice that is telling me that ppl are judging me by my size. I hate it if I say something a bit dumb or daft and then have my inward monologue say "great, now people will think you're stupid and fat".
6. I want to wear a strapless dress and high heels and look stunning.
7. I want to wear a simple jeans and t shirt without having to buy jeans from Evans and a loose t shirt that covers the muffin top and back fat and always wear some sort of cardigan on top to cover everything up!
8. I want to have a better relationship with my parents. They live abroad so hardly see me. I want to see them in the summer and have them be proud of me. Our conversations have been reduced to me getting lectured on my weight and what I'm doing to lose it and how if I stay fat I'm going to get sick etc etc.
9. I want to be more confident.
10. I don't want to be the fat "has a nice face" friend.
11. I want to feel good about who I am and how I look and be happy and healthy.
Trolling through minimins. Really good inspiration . Really trying to keep myself motivated.

i reckon if I stay true to the plan, based on previous losses. I could be into the 12's by the end of January ... Which would be just under what I weighed for my wedding. That was coincidentally the last time I saw my parents. I'm planning a visit to see them in June or July and if I could lose a reasonable amount it would blow them out of the water. I would love to see the look on their faces. Wow. Ok good motivation!!! I can do this.
So today is day 3. Really weird day. Normally I'm climbing the walla with hunger especially in the mornings. Today though, i was completely fine. I had a mango shake and drank another 600ml of water. On my second 600ml bottle now. Starting to get hungry and normally id have a bar at this point but i want to put off having them until i desperately need one cos ideally you dont take any in the first 2 weeks. Also i didn't bring one to work to avoid any temptation.

I am planning to go to morrisons after work and buy some veg. I have my shopping list all done ready to go. Also im not denying myself skimmed milk.. I will have it sparingly but for me that's a huge thing cos it helps me drink more in the way of coffee and tea which helps my intake.

Starting to get a bit of a headache. Might take some paracetamol. Hopefully ketosis! I ordered ketostix off amazon so they shoukd be coming soon.

I did a cheeky weigh in this morning. 13st 11lb. Not bad... I weighed myself on jan 7 which was before i started the plan and i weighed 14st2lb. So in total pre and on plan losses are 5lb so far.

I really need this to happen to me this year. One day at a time.
Hello :)

Found you and read it all :)

Good read! You've had quite a journey eh lol

So glad you are keeping focused!

Let 2014 be our last year on Cambridge yea?

Curled in bed with kitty cat who is recovering from her spaying last Friday. Not enjoying the cone and feeling sorry for herself.

my head is better finally, thanks tryinghard, although still feel kind of stuffy.. I think it's ketosis. I actually mix my Cambridge with some exante things I have left over from a while ago. I really like their shepards pie and carbonara. It helps stay on track right...

Martha! Hello so glad u found me. And YES last year of Cambridge yes! Totally doable.

so I went to the supermarket and bought a few things including paracetamol!
i had my last two shakes when I got home and snuck in some chicken breast as well. I've drank loadsssss way over 2 litres I think. If I count it all up over the day I reckon about....2.8 litres which is really good for me. Oddly... Dare I say it I feel stuffed! Not in the slightest bit hungry. Even slightly full.

i bought the marigold bouillon Martha. I think it tastes nicer than the Cambridge one... Or maybe it seems to taste nicer cos it's cheaper?! Hehe regardless. I bought some vegetables as well that I can have on the plan. I also bought douwe egberts coffee that has a hint of chocolate flavouring for a treat once in a while. Also a neat little thermos mug to have it in. The little things right?

i have been slightly bad though... I've been adding what I think is a bit too much salt to the savoury packs when I make them up. It is my weakness I have to admit. I vow to cut down little by little.

anyway I've put a bar in my bag for work tomorrow. I think I might need it to be honest. I think going on one pack until half five is a bit too much for my body. If anything I can always revert to a 4th pack if I need extra 200 odd calories is not going to be a huge issue I don't think. Better that than breaking it altogether I reckon. Although I really want to lose this weight quickly so I think it is best to at least try 3 packs and use that 4 the one for the really tough days.

Oh well. I'm going to troll a bit more on minimins and go to sleep,soon. Kitty is hogging the bed. I'll need to nudge her over slowly... Mama likes her leg space!

good night everyone!
Got to stop weighing myselfffffff everrryyy daayyyyy! I just get disappointed when the scales dont move! Not hungry yet. Having water. Half a litre down already.

I do it too I'm so guilty of that! Was chatting to my Cambridge consultant yday and age was telling me off for it lol

Good going with the water! What is it u work at? Has ur s&s parcel arrived? Lol x
I do it too I'm so guilty of that! Was chatting to my Cambridge consultant yday and age was telling me off for it lol

Good going with the water! What is it u work at? Has ur s&s parcel arrived? Lol x

martha it arrived not long ago... i'm in heaven! lol
i had the chicken soup and just had a bite of the milk choc truffa. omg it's really really good (for a vlcd) i think i might just change over from cambridge altogether. ive really gone off the cambridge products. not sure tho cos i do like seeing my consultant. i'll see how i get on with the products i have but s&s is looking up. i also like the fact you have to take 4 of their products.. that suits me well cos i can have 2 at work then 2 when i get home. and i won't feel like im depriving myself.
anyway.. we'll see!
im a doctor so all these exams im doing is for my specialty training. boo. too many. in fact i must get back to it. feeling a whole lot better today. also i found ketostix (yay) they were hidden so i'm gonna check if im in ketosis.. brb....... well that was one of the best peeing on a stick experiences so far... im in ketosis wooop ... a lean mean fat burning machine!