Vics diary

Has those balls jo :) it just carb counting so they are ok. Yes I'm just having problems with my jaw / neck :) ooh I'll have to see if they are ok. Is it pancake day :)
Oh honey big hugs re the scan, sorry to hear you're having trouble with your jaw!

Did you get to have the steak stones (whatever they are)? And maybe try doing a low carb 5:2 approach if you want to up your carbs a bit?

What's that suze? Going this afternoon xx
Ouch. It's pancake day in France tomorrow so I thought I'd have a go. 5 : 2 requires that old willpower thing unfortunately, unlike our beloved low carb (speaking for myself perhaps here but am feeling pretty angelic having sat next to and easily refused choc and biscuits when visiting a neighbour earlier).
Salmond and cauliflower for dinner. You?
What is five two and dinner was


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I tried 5:2 before Atkins but I couldn't manage it. I just don't have the willpower needed.

i did look into carb cycling a while ago which looked very interesting and a lot of people seemed to have good results on that.
I think eating 'normally' makes me think pizza chips etc etc so not good. Will have a play around with my carbs and caps I think.
Hi Vicky

I mentioned on another post that low carb is really a fat loss diet not weight loss. So if you are exercising then i bet you are transforming your body really nicely from the inside, which will show up on the outside whatever the scales show!

Also you asked about chorizo rapido recipe - it was on the original recipe thread but i also have on my website of recipes which i think is in my signature. Shout if you need it
I hope so Katie. Thanks x
Well good afternoon just had the most amazing lunch / dinner of pulled pork and creamy cheesy leek and cauliflower. Yummy!!!!

Starting carb cycling tomorrow low day ! Tomorrow s menu
B Atkins bar
L pulled pork and leeks leftovers
S coconut yoghurt and berries
D parmesan ago chicken and kale
Ex body attack
A bit too much fat but nearly 50 carbs and plenty of protein
Got to up my water I'm rubbish at the moment

Ooh and that place I had the steak stone in last night also had a gin menu. needless to say it's now my favourite pub.
Oooh your dinner sounds lovely, esp the veg with cheese mmmm.

Is your yog for tomorrow the Muller one? I love coconut yogurt! Must go and try a few things in MFP.
The a Rachel's organic or whafever she called. Carb cycling is basically high carb low carb alternate days and then a cheat day. Or high carb low carb and no carb ! I'll tell you more when I get the book x
I'm hoping ill do ok. Will weigh in Thursdays still.
Morning all. Monday again !!!!!