WEDNESDAY - Lets do it hour by hour

Thank you BL and Katie, really appreaciate your advice. Very true! Have lost a lot from face and shoulders, not the rest, will try to be patient from now on, i promise. Thank you everyone, feeling a lot better now and i truly mean that!

Yes Lady, thats not a bad idea, will let you know, if i definately do go for it, let's do it together! Hopefully I won't be away then, if not I intend to do it, so yes we can do it together!
Oh well thats just cruel.
As it goes- I have some friends that live just round the corner and we would reguarly meet up and get takeaways from that road. scary how much crap u eat isnt it! I have to walk past them with my head down now though to resist tempation hehe.
Good luck with tonight- let us know how u get on =]
Hi Mandee

I think most of us just ease off the water a bit when we go to WI's. I try and drink loads up till about 3.30pm and then loads after I have been weighed.

Good luck tonight and yes keep us informed.
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Afternoon all. Isn't it cold and dreary today! I've really been struggling in the last few days, I think not being well enough to go to the class over the last few weeks is affecting my motivation. It's great to see everyone's before and after pics but where usually they are a great inspiration, today it just seems impossible that I will ever achieve something similar :cry:

Anyhow, glad you are feeling brighter now Slimseaa, you are doing so well and should be over the moon with the weight loss you have achieved! Maybe your weight is coming off so evenly that you don't notice it so much at the moment but I'm sure that all of a sudden you will have gone down a size or two and will be complaianing that you have to go clothes shopping again!

Good luck to those with WI's today, let us all know how you get on
Me too Mandee, just been out shopping and kept my gloves on but my hands are still like blocks of ice - just can't get warm.
Afternoon all. Isn't it cold and dreary today! I've really been struggling in the last few days, I think not being well enough to go to the class over the last few weeks is affecting my motivation. It's great to see everyone's before and after pics but where usually they are a great inspiration, today it just seems impossible that I will ever achieve something similar :cry:

Oh Miss Moon, poor you. :hugs: I am sorry to hear you feel so you have one of the narsty viruses going around? :( Have you been ill for weeks??!! I hate to hear that, and hope you feel good again very soon!! Its hard to do this plan when you are not feeling 100% so well done you for sticking to it!!

Don't lose site of your motivation hon. The class is a tool, but the loss is for you....remember that and keep the fire burning until you can go back to group. That is so essential to get us through!!

You WILL acheive those same results in the before and after galleries!! Most certainly!! You are feeling down because you are not well, but you'll get the zest again. Pamper yourself in the meantime - lots of hot soaky bubble baths, with candles incense and good music...use some nice lotions and potions....curl up under your duvet with a good book or watch a good chick flick. Anything to make you feel better and take yourmind of it.

Hang tough!!! You are so going to acheieve this!!! Chin up, smile on your face, and push forward. You will do it!!!


please have some good vibes from me too. The thing is with clotes sizes, an 18 or 16 can vary depeding on what shop you get it from. i haev 16 trousers one i can get into and one i cant so it reaaly does vary. I hav my weigh in tonity - Week five so fourth weighin after commencement. Dont think i have lost much-
Seems like a lot of us are feeling a bit worried about tonights weigh in. I think the very cold weather makes you feel a bit down.

I am going tonight and for the first time NOT taking off my jewellery, tights, and and tenor lady:D cause I am not too confident so may as well be weighed with them all on.:eek::eek: Although I do feel slimmer.

Wrap up warm everyone turn on your fires, get your duvets and we will all get through this.

Good luck

Hope you feel better soon Miss Moon:wave_cry:
I am going tonight and for the first time NOT taking off my jewellery, tights, and and tenor lady:D

You have mentioned a tenor lady more then once Lady, and I am clueless and finally curious enough to ask you....what the heck is a Tenor lady? :eek::D:confused:
They are what old ladies wear in case they pee themselves:eek::eek::eek:.

A very posh smaller version of incontinent pants:D:D:D:D. Needed them since drinking all the water:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:
I have my week 1 weigh in tonight and i feel nervous.

I'm hoping for about a 6lb weight loss - not as much as most of you ladies in week 1 but i am putting it down to having sinusitis and taking every drug out there to relieve the agony. Its been hard cos I have not been able to taste or smell:sigh:

But any weight loss is good and a positive start for me.

It is darn cold in Yorkshire and I have continued to struggle downing the water. i am hoping that that will change over the next few weeks as Spring comes in. But I do have a great whacking headache today - methinks I'm dehydrated.

Roll on the weigh in and the next week eh girls and boys?!!;)
Thanks miss moon for the advice, thats brillant of you, thank you ever so much :) Home time now everyone, got WI today, will update you later tonight, byeeeee for now xx :)
:vibes::vibes:Sending good luck vibes to all of you who are on the :scale: today or tonight ---- I've every faith in you all and am sure you'll all come home happy :vibes::vibes:

To everyone who has WI today... best of luck
To everyone feeling down today I send hugs and good vibes, to everyone who is feeling good today... long may it continue
To Miss Moon, hope you feel well soon and Lemma, hope tha sinusitis goes soon, had it a few weeks ago and it drags you down.
My cold has now well and trully come out but I'm feeling ok and did manage to achieve some more spring cleaning today :) Looking forward to WI tomorrow but not going out in that nasty old weather... too cold ..brrr
Thanks for your sympathy guys - much needed and appreciated! I have been ill on and off since the middle of November, it's a virus I just can't completely kick. Some days I feel normal (or as close to it as I get!), like when I first started LL. And then I have days where I feel really low mentally and physically, like I am going through now. I have just had my hair cut for the first time since starting LL and was hoping that my hairdresser might notice my weight loss as I have known her a long time. She didn't.:cry:

Anyhow, a big and special thank you to BL, you have a very special knack of saying exactly the right thing, thank you so much! x
Well I have felt really good today - all happy and positive, the only downside being that I've been freezing all day.

Luckily though I'm not easily tempted (yet) as horrid child is sat across from me eating the most gorgeous looking/smelling home made vegetable pizza that hubby prepared for him earlier ...... hmmmm me thinks I need a 1 bedroom apartment just for me!

Done my crunches for the day - my tummy isn't half sore, it's killing me doing them but I'm sticking with it ----- I'm taking it as read that if there's pain there's gain (though not of the weight kind of course!).

Not in work till Friday as I've taken tomorrow off - have made an appointment to go get my hair all cut off and have it coloured back to it's natural brown - cover all those greys ;)