weigh in.... I think the scales were broken

Big congrats on joining hun, its a big step when you first go and sign up but you really have done the hardest bit!! I think you will really enjoy doing SW, I do and never feel like I am on a diet!
I'm sure you will do great and your target date is very realistic, :)
Big hugs and lots of luck to your SW adventure lol.

Have a fab first week x x x
Well done for making that leap into a slimmer world!

(did I just say that? lol - anyway, you know what I mean!)

I was 22 stones and 7lbs when I started and I'm in the middle 18s now...I'm taking the scenic route, which is right for me, but everyone finds their own way babes and you're going to love it!
wow thanks everyone for being so welcoming, I really appreciate it :eek: this forum is great and I really feel it will be a great place to raise any questions and concerns I may have.

I asked an "urgent" question earlier and I got 2 replies in minutes.

Thanks for all your support :gen126:
Good luck with dropping those pounds, then you can spend some more pounds getting your backside back here to Cairns! :p :D
I remember how shocked I was when I weighed myself, seeing how much I had put on over the past few years was what made me realise I had to do something. You've done the first step in the right direction and already making positive changes to your lifestyle by doing something about it, well done! I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey x
I convinced myself for years that I was fat and happy- one day I gave in and weighed myself- I was 19 stone and couldn't believe I had let myself get so big while pretending all was fine.

I cried for the entire day, then joined SW the next. That was just less than 20 months ago and yesterday I hit my very first target of 13 stone (still big to many people, but to me it means the world)

You are NOT alone- you have taken a massive, brave step- accept that you are going to be gutted but YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT- that is a true sign of strength.

Don't set yourself a target date- just get there when you get there- you will have slip ups along the way, and real down days, but they are all worth it when you try on the next size jeans down AND THEY FIT

Good luck- we are with you all the way, mate


WOW and more WOW wtg hun

And welcome soccermum, i like you have got till 2011 when im going vegas again in oct, and im a slow loss person so i hopefully like you will get to target by then, good luck xx