Weight loss and gallstones?


Full Member
Hi all,

Over the past 18 months I've lost almost 8 stone. However, since January I've been suffering with episodes of severe stomach pain. I get a terrible sharp pain in the upper right quadrant of my stomach, accompanied with nausea and vomiting. The pain last a few hours, then subsides to a small full ache. Originally, the pain would start after eating a treat, I.e a meal out so I stopped having treats. This worked for a while, I had no episodes of pain but it's back with a vengeance despite having no treats. I work in a hospital and mentioned my symptoms to a colleague and she says it sounds like gallstones. She then went on to say weight loss can cause them.

Do any of you have any experience with gallstones? Does it sound like I could have them? Going to make an appointment with my GP at earliest opportunity as the pain is getting bad now. I had to leave work early yesterday because of it.

Thanks all xxx
The pain you're describing and the area in which it is painful sounds like gallstones to me.

I had gallstones when I was sweet 16 and found that the attacks of pain were more severe when I had fatty foods but when I was eventually admitted to hospital I'd been on a low fat hospital diet for a week yet woke up in the middle of the night with mega pain and vomitting. So whilst the pain did seem to be related to fatty foods it also hit when I'd been eating well.

Definitely make an appointment with your gp, they'll do blood tests to check what's up and also to check that it's not affecting anything else, I ended up with pancreatitis when I had mine.

I really hope you get it sorted soon as I know how sore it can be.