Weight loss resources

I didn't know that we retain water when we exercise. I am eating very poorly on wlr I have to confess because i am a lazy weigher - I stick to things that are a fixed portion and avoid pasta and rice becasue its too easy to go overboard. I have a confession to make - ' I eat to reward myself'. There -I've said it. It is a bad, bad, bad thing to do and it is the next behaviour to change, I;ve fallen into the trap of 'I've exercised, I can have it...' and whilst i've not gone over my calorie allowance it isn't a good way to eat in the long term.

Now to face why I eat as a reward. I lack acknowledgement in my life and I crave it but am unable to ask for it from those in my life who should give it to me. I cannot ask for it from my husband - dunno why. Cannot get it from my child as she is a child and it would be inappropriate. Work is another can of worms. My parents need a rest from parenting us all (I am the eldest of 4 and the 3 boys are a bit needy and dysfunctional - ironic I know, but I am the sane one!!!)

So, how do I 'feed and nurture' myself without eating or bankrupting myself due to unnecessary shopping trips and pointless purchases?

Answers on a postcard please.....:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I only lost a pound this week. Not so good for my goal of being in the 14's by August 12th. I've been to the gym this morning, in there by 7.30am which was good. Had to do it though because i've got a busy day and got to work with my old dears tonight so I need a nap. I am working hard on the treadmill and the weights machines for toning my arms and thighs. Can't face abdominal exercises yet so am relying on cardio workouts to burn the blubber. Does anyone know what you call that part of your body under your bellybutton? My midriff is toning up nicely but that stomach bit is very slow. Saying that, compared to what it was its positively skinny!! The thing about going to the gym is that I don't compare myself to anyone there and certainly don't feel self-conscious but sometimes I am lonely and would love someone to chat to whilst slogging away. Other times i enjoy the solitude.

On wlr the message boards aren't as friendly as here or dh. So many experts and I even went on one site where someone wanted to know how many ww points were in a mcdonalds breakfast meal and the person who responded was so rude saying you shouldn't eat maccas when on a diet and then called her a f***wit!!!!!! I couldn't believe it.

I really need supportive advice about exercise, am I doing enough, will it pay off etc etc. Equally I refuse to do exercise i don't enjoy, like running for example. All the received wisdom is that running is the best for weight loss etc but I don't like it so I wouldn't stick at it. Also I know I need to do more ab work but I firmly believe that in its own time it will happen that i am ready to do it. I exercise 5-6 times per week and do at least 60 mins of cardio, often more and visualise my stomach becoming smaller and flatter as I walk up the hill - it is the one thing that keeps me going when I've had enough or am too hot, tired or bored. My stomach area is my real problem area so I'm trying the visualisation technique of seeing it shrink.

Emotionally I am feeling a lot better, not quite to my old self but improving. I haven't cried in over a week now which is great. I'd like to say a big thankyou to my GP who has been so supportive and helpful - the first time I've felt that a dr has really taken my illness seriously and that I'm not a mad woman ( I know, I know, I am mad but the pills are working....)

I'm off on holiday next Saturday and am feeling more positive about it. I feel more confident in my swim wear which is excellent! I would also like to think about ss'ing again so will speak to Mrs Doyle about it. I don't think i can do the same amount of exercise though on ss. I will definitely take packs on holiday though because it will be so hot and I will either eat nothing or live on icecream. I want to see food as fuel and nothing else. It is not my reward, friend, lover or confidant. I must believe that.
You seem to be doing loads of exercise. Well done! Remember that for every pound of muscle you will burn 50 calories extra a day :)

Don't worry too much about your tummy. I found that it was the last thing to go. Okay...it's the first thing to come back to, but that helps me stay on track.

What do you do for entertainment when you do the cardio? I either watch television or listen to my ipod. Wouldn't be without either. I often plan going to the gym to coincide with a programme I want to watch as it makes the time go quicker.

When you do the weights, do you do them slowly? I use fitlinx, which is great BTW. It monitors everything I do, but it also beeps a warning if I'm not deadly slow when I use them.

You need to be slow and steady to get maximum benefit.

I have an instructor down the gym who changes my routine whenever I want...just press the button that says 'Im bored with this' and I get an email asking me to come in to have it changed. Do you have anything like this? If not, can you get it changed when you want anyway?

It really does sound like you are doing everything you can and don't be worried about only losing a pound. A pound is great! That's 3,500 calories less than you would eat to maintain. That's a great achievement!
I am so excited MY PUTER IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!! I've been off line for so long i was having withdrawal symptoms from this site and wlr!! I can check my email and be normal. Hallelujah!

Dietwise i am feeling very motivated to lose the final 4 stone or so - god what a number 4 STONE!! I still think I have a crap body and I look huge - but I haven't weighed myself since I saw Mrs D before I went away. Seeing her on Thursday and am a bit apprehensive about the scales.

My stomach is flabby, like an apron of flesh which I try to disguise but I fear I fail miserably at this gargantuan task.
Tomorrow i can begin my wlr journey in earnest. I haven't been to the gym since Friday as Georgia is unwell and I don't feel so crash hot myself in truth - I can't eat, everything smells awful and anything I do eat goes straight through me. Not good.

On holiday I read an article about women who love their bodies - I would love to say that as I have always been ashamed/embarassed about mine. Maybe 'body love' should be my new years resolution (Sept is new year to me...)

Anyway folks hope everyone is well and happy and looking forward to sending the little blighters back to skool soon, I can't wait to have them....:) :) :) :) :)
My husband just asked me if I was pregnant!!!! WTF!!!!!! Now I am worried, he said that everyhting makes me ill and I've fainted 3 times... OMG I need to buy a test, may even go to the 24 hour tesco for it. I've got a coil, surely it won't fail me especially since I'm on 40mg of citolapram.... OMG!!
My goal for this month is 10lbs. I've got to do it. I am determined to but winter clothes in Next and Gap. I want to be 14 stone 6. Back to the gym tomorrow.
I have been to the gym today as I promised myself. I feel good except that I ate loads of biscuits today and had a BBQ at work! BBQ was good, salad and things so I don't feel too guilty but the biscuits OMG!!! I blame my head of year for being so boring that I HAD to eat them.... Not true really, I just had a 'F***it' moment! School was very pleasant...
Well, went to the gym yesterday and working hard. Am feeling it today!!! Need to work hard at shifting the jelly belly and accepting that exercise is not an invitation to eat cake!:p :p :p :p
Hi Georgiasmum

Its brilliant your gym work is going well - mine has fallen by the wayside a bit. I think I will "up" the gym and exercise when I reach a plateau; until then I will get down there when I can.

I have joined WLR and im amazed at how much I eat. Im sure I was eating 3-4000 cals per day. Its no wonder im the size I am!:(

I weighed in the xmas challenge last Friday at 16.13 and im hoping to weigh in at 16.8 this week. It will actually be a 2 lb genuine loss and a 3lb totm loss. I am aiming for 14 "something" for christmas. Maybe I can then shop in some "normal" shops in the January sales - its been years since I have done that!

Hi georgiasmum - i've rejointed WLR today - decided i don't want to ss after all - going to try to stick as close to 1000 cals as poss - and not over 1200. I'm using a trainer at the moment as i'm going to attempt the Great South Run (why?) and have decided to admit i hate gyms! Am running about half an hour a day at the mo but its killing me!
You can do it! I'm into my exercise thing now and feel guilty if i don't do it. Maybe I'll develop the other kind of eating disorder - you know, the one that is socially acceptable and not at all a drain on the NHS........ NOT:p :p :p :p
Hi Georgiasmum,

Well done you!!!!! Im hoping that I can reach 14 something by christmas. My diet has been crap for the past 2 days -fell off the wagon at my favourite restaurant last night and have continued on today - why?? The good news is that I have reached this weeks goal weight - 16.8 and im hoping to be 16.6 next Friday. I just have to climb back on the diet bus and stay there!!