Welcome to my world ...

Morning diary

Hmmmm had a SP this morning - which I know I shouldn't do but still - only 1/4lb lighter. I know I went off track a bit this week but really. Oh well I will try not to dwell on it and have my proper wi tomorrow and see if the scales will be kinder to me. Lets keep those fingers crossed.

Good news though - today is FRIDAY!! 2 whole days coming up with no work. I am looking forward to that for sure.

Todays lunch etc is packed already so food diary as far as I have planned;

B - Alpen light and apple
Taste panel -5 syns
L - Salad, Salad cream - 2 syns, eggs, crabsticks and strawberries

Need to go to asda tonight so will pick up something for my tea then. Not sure what yet, I am going to make an effort and try and plan a few evening meals in this week. Maybe quorn spag bol for 2 nights, chicken and veg for 2 nights etc..

Will be doing 4am starts for the next two weeks so I know I will be very tired when it comes to cooking my tea so some sort of plan would be a good idea to save me slipping and going for the easy options.

Oh well, time for my coffee and get myself in work mode x
Work is just very busy and with having had two big audits in less than a week everything I would normally do has gone by the wayside. Plus I feel like my colleagues are not doing their bit, probably because I am on the dayshift which means I have to deal with auditors whereas when they come in they have gone for the day. Plus we are so behind from when I was on holiday and no one seems to give a damn about it.. Phew...

Today was easier though, I just did my stuff and switched off to everything else. Made a lovely change.

Is your work the same?

I have to stay constantly in the job, as I have to deal with customers face to face all the time, front of reception, behind reception, bar, on lanes... I got in and my boss said, we've had two complaints... I'm like what... again? So apprantly this women complained the employee she spoke to (even though not named, i remember it was me) was rude and treated her like she was stupid, which I did not, I explained something hardly any of our customers know and she cut in half way through and said I KNOW, which I feel was rude of her, not me. She then received free games to finish her games after SHE made the mistake of putting the wrong amount of people on the lanes, apparently we were standing around talking too, we do sometimes chat amoung ourselves but what does she expect us to do, constantly clean and serve people? Even when there aren't any customers? I see them as pathetic. Same with the other complaint we got which were actual lies, stating she didn't have any interaction with any of us, however my boss said they believe the customer and not me or the other employees involved.
My boss is too easy, you just have to appear upset and you'll get something for free. heh

Oh well, sorry to grace your diary with that, customers make me so angry, they have no idea how it affects people when they make petty complaints, I'd never complain unless it really was something that upset me. My boyfriend says to forget about it, i hate the job so I haven't to care what people think but he doesn't understand something thats just innate to me to do? lol

How you feeling today? xx
Phew... friday yes, about time too.. finished at work now for the week, so super bi*ch can be totally forgotten about for 2 days.

Been busy at work, managed to get on top of lots of things but still have a list as long as my arm of things I am behind on. I still have audit reports to write up from May, thats how bad it is there right now. I came to a realisation today though when looking at the task list and seeing so much had not been signed off... I am not the only auditor so screw it. I can spend my days running around wiping bums or I can do my job to the best of my ability and let the fact things are not done be a sign to my managers. Let them deal with it, they earn more than me. lol. Lets hope I can actually do that.

Pandanate- I totally get where you are coming from, we care and although its not a bad thing, it means we take things to heart. Oh, and feel free to grace my diary anytime lovely, its nice to know my work moans are not alone.

Ok, enough about work.

Food Diary
B - Alpen light and apple
Taste Panel - 5 syns
L - Salad, egg, crabsticks, strawberries, 2 syns of salad cream
T - New potatoes, broccoli and a gammon steak (smoked with all fat removed before grilling) plus 2 syns of tomato sauce/salad cream

Done well with the ole' syns today. Used 9 up already ooops.
Still I have my hexA (3 babybel lights tonight) and 6 syns for my yummy frozen curly wurly treat later on.

Wi is tomorrow morning. My awesome sister, Kt-Jane has sent me a lovely text message today it says

' Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress....is progress!'

I really needed that, she had peeked on here and saw me moaning about my SP. Bless, it is true. I still want to loose more than 1/4lb tomorrow tho, fingers crossed.

Going to a Gardening show tomorrow, looks fab and I have already decided I will be looking for funky unusual ornaments, hard to find herbs and will try and keep my head and purse in my bag if i see Orchids. I have enough!!

Oh I am so tired.

Got myself a couple of bargains in asda tonight. They are having another clothes sale so I picked up a pair of slippers for my dad for £2 down from £10, as his name is George they are actually named for him lol. Its a joke in my family home that everyone wears dads slippers, so having his name in them will make him smile. Also got myself a sports bra (Sport - don't get excited I just like simple bra's) anyway it was down from £6 to £3. They had lots of clothes too but there was so much shoved onto one rail I flicked through a couple of items, saw the size 8's predominantly and thought...meh. Cant be bothered.

I don't have much patience when it comes to clothes shopping. I am hoping that might change when I begin to drop sizes and discover more shops than just evans etc.

Well, thats enough for now I ought to go and wash up and tidy the kitchen xx
My 1/2lb off last week made me down but I was generally feeling down like you were too.. Still am, I feel perhaps I've gone over my syns today, feeling terrible, really unwell and knowing I've got work tomorrow makes me feel worse but I'm too scared to ring in sick because they scream down the phone at you. My syns over will be due to those chocolate sticks makino or something 1/2 a syn each, think I might have just got to my 15syns as i was on 10syns and ate another 8 = 4 syns... so not too bad really.

I'm glad however you've got the weekend off :) bit of a rest from naggy bosses! My weekend shifts will be over before I even start them, usually Sundays the worse for 'lagging' and Saturday mornings because I'm the only staff member until 11am... even though all our birthday parties arrive then >.< my bosses are so stupid sometimes with giving people hours.
Sarah, you say you got a list of jobs as long as your arm at work, well take a second look at your arm, it aint that long lol lol lol.

good food diary again mate, I just love gammon bet it was fab. I been in the biscuits again today but had pretty bad accident near work today and shook me up at bit (tell ya tomoz) but came home to jp, salmon and veg all cooked by mark yum x
Aww good ole hubby Mark. He could have cooked me some tea too, I was late by the time I had got in from work and the supermarket it was around 8pm by the time I had some tea cooked to eat. It was nice though.

*looks at arm* well.... erm.. I love you little sis.. lol


I hope you are feeling better this morning hun. If you are like me, you look at your work rota and think, well that should be there, do that this way round and hey presto.. logic! Something that seems to disolve once you enter the management hierarchy eh.
:( Well, here goes - I gained 1/2lb.

Serves me right for moaning about a 1/4lb loss on my SP doesnt it eh.
Wonderful sis has advised me it could be many many things and she is right so here are my plans for this week.
1 - Stay on track
2 - Drink more!!
3 - Add some carbs to my midday meal in at least 3 of my 5 workdays.
4 - No wi treats
5 - Keep on GOING!

This is when on other plans I have a slip off, and loose focus completely but not this time!

I am doing this because I am in line for diabetes before 40 if I don't change my ways and I am changing those ways!!

I want to be able to not worry about things like...

Flying and seat belts,
Going on rides at fairs,
Being a bad influence or embarrassing to my goddaughters,
Finding the right size overall at work,
Struggling to find nice clothes that both fit me and reflect my individuality
Looking enormous when I graduate in two years on the photos
Getting tired out and not being able to play with my goddaughters

and lets be totally honest here

Most of all I want children, I am getting older and with PCOS I need to loose weight to even stand the slimmest of chances.

Phew... lots of really open and honest stuff here but typing it out reminds me why I am doing this.

Hell even little things like being able to have the towel go round my body and not gape showing the world my undercarriage and saggy big belly will be a pleasure too :D
Needed to get that out and post it quick before I deleted it.

Now you my gorgeous diary have the pleasure of even more of my chatterings.. aren't you the lucky one..

First tho I shall pop and get another coffee .... did you miss me diary... I missed you I have no slippers on and the kitchen floor is both cold and spiky with stray cat litter.. oww :bliss: <-- thats me doing the shake cat litter off my feet dance.

Got lil sis 2 alpen light cherry bakewells though which are in my bag for her, as she texted me for. I had my first cherry bakewell one yesterday at work for breakfast... :drool: omg they are so good.. nearly on a par with double chocolate. In fact I shall announce here formally I love both of them.. nom!

Today is Gardening Show Day!! Ooooo I am quite excited. At least 100 different trade stands and crafts and local foods (must be good there). Still there is no reason why I cant buy a little portion of some nice cheese if I want for my hexA. Just no cakes, ice cream, sweets etc. Tho tbh with my ibs and things like that it is not worth the discomfort.

I am going to try and not spend too much money on plants and garden accessories but I did just get paid and I do love them and .... Yeah well, I shall post piccies of any purchases this evening.

I have texted my sis, who we are meeting there (cant wait to see her, she lives a good hours drive away so miss her like mad sometimes.. dont tell her though diary). I have some of Mrs Shahs curry spice blends for her and also picked up a couple of oh so cute nighties for her little girl Maisie.

Got her these as she is as cute as a button! Plus the fabric is lovely and soft and she is growing so fast but she is in smaller bottoms than tops so a nightgown is a perfect compromise.

Sis moans and worries about me spending money on her but tbh I like to get her things she needs and while I have the spare money to do it I will. I don't have any little ones of my own to treat so its good for my soul.

Right I should think about making a move diary. Can't really go to a garden show in pjs as comfy as they are I might get some odd looks.

:( Well, here goes - I gained 1/2lb.

Serves me right for moaning about a 1/4lb loss on my SP doesnt it eh.
Wonderful sis has advised me it could be many many things and she is right so here are my plans for this week.
1 - Stay on track
2 - Drink more!!
3 - Add some carbs to my midday meal in at least 3 of my 5 workdays.
4 - No wi treats
5 - Keep on GOING!

This is when on other plans I have a slip off, and loose focus completely but not this time!

I am doing this because I am in line for diabetes before 40 if I don't change my ways and I am changing those ways!!

I want to be able to not worry about things like...

Flying and seat belts,
Going on rides at fairs,
Being a bad influence or embarrassing to my goddaughters,
Finding the right size overall at work,
Struggling to find nice clothes that both fit me and reflect my individuality
Looking enormous when I graduate in two years on the photos
Getting tired out and not being able to play with my goddaughters

and lets be totally honest here

Most of all I want children, I am getting older and with PCOS I need to loose weight to even stand the slimmest of chances.

Phew... lots of really open and honest stuff here but typing it out reminds me why I am doing this.

Hell even little things like being able to have the towel go round my body and not gape showing the world my undercarriage and saggy big belly will be a pleasure too :D

Oh I can identify with sooo much of this... I had to chuckle at the towel thing 'cos i was the same I have managed to lose 3 stone so far (still a long way to go) one day I wrapped a big bath towel round me and thought wow it fits, sometimes its the small things

sounds like your still in the right frame of mind. Have a great day x
Evening all.

Oh my I am sooooo tired out, had an amazing day at the gardening show, spent far too much money and got a little sunburnt but it was lovely.

Food first
B - Alpen light and apple
L - Special K crisps - 4.5syns, apple, alpen light - Was really surprised not one stand selling any remotely healthy food - there was crepes, panini's, chips, burgers, hog roasts etc.. but not one selling jacket potatoes! Next time I go somewhere like that I must take a pack up as I was so hungry when I got home.
LL (Late lunch) - Lettuce, egg, ham and 0.5 syn of mayo.
S - Grapes

Really am pleased I managed to stick to plan so well. It would have been very easy to go grab a tray of chips or a hog roast roll.

Spent well though - :rolleyes:

Got 5 plants, 3 for outside and 2 indoor ones. A sarong to use as a meditation mat, windchimes, a spinner and a big mosaic glass bowl. Plus some magazines and seeds.

Tbh I thought that was quite restrained as there really was some beautiful plants and very good prices.

I will post photos tomorrow or later, not really got a lot of energy now.

Taking my lil sisters advice and will be eating more this week. Obviously not today because of going out but she tells me on the weeks she feels like she has eaten loads are the ones she looses best. If anyone else has any advice I am happy to hear it, I want to get that stone loss back and more.

Will be an odd week though, a family wedding on Friday which I am heading over to after work and then staying overnight in the hotel. So will have to weigh in on Friday which means wi at 230 am when I get up for work.

Going to be a busy one too, Monday after work I have a repeat of the blood test which showed up high glucose and cholesterol before (see if sw has had an effect yet) then I have to go to a medical specialist to get a report for an accident at work I am making a claim for. Long story but I ended up with nerve damage in my left shoulder and have a lot of pain there even now, 16 months later. Then Tuesday after work I have an appointment to get my eyebrows waxed and meet my cousins hairdresser who is setting up another business.

No rest for me this week!

Right coffee etc then I am going to have fried new potatoes, fried mushrooms and a gammon steak for tea. All fried in frylight of course. Might cut the gammon steak in half and have a few beans with it too and use the rest in a quiche tomorrow. Make it go a bit further and I really fancy some baked beans.
I'm glad you had such a good time. I'm yet to post you those pictures of flowers I don't know in my garden, in fact, loads are suddenly appearing due to the rain... ones I thought were grass weeds too actually sprouting pretty flowers lol

Well once again my hours have shot down, next week. 2 shifts, both weekend shifts... its annoying, it equals a good £80 wage. "/

Today went well, I felt I dealt with every customer well enough to get praise hopefully, especially if there's a mystery customer report coming in.

Its nice to see your challenges, how did you get diagnosed with pcos? I had 1 friend with it and have another friend with it, ones a big girl, but frankly, she doesnt/didnt help herself, the others tiny but says she's fat "/

Burning chest tonight... I may brace doctor too find out why I have gotten two colds so close together although the problem with my mom may be the reason.

Plans for tomorrow? What kind of treats were you having after WI? Last Wednesday, I had sfc wraps, only the one but I started with homous and chilli oat biscuits. Next week I have a job assignment at dominos so I guess its pizza. However I am now worried it does affect the weight loss a lot with this week being onky 1/2lb off... xx

Some of my bargains from today

The plants are thai tulips £5 each and house plants.
The bowl was £10 I am thinking will be perfect for holding a candle and reflecting the light
I'm glad you had such a good time. I'm yet to post you those pictures of flowers I don't know in my garden, in fact, loads are suddenly appearing due to the rain... ones I thought were grass weeds too actually sprouting pretty flowers lol

Well once again my hours have shot down, next week. 2 shifts, both weekend shifts... its annoying, it equals a good £80 wage. "/

Today went well, I felt I dealt with every customer well enough to get praise hopefully, especially if there's a mystery customer report coming in.

Its nice to see your challenges, how did you get diagnosed with pcos? I had 1 friend with it and have another friend with it, ones a big girl, but frankly, she doesnt/didnt help herself, the others tiny but says she's fat "/

Burning chest tonight... I may brace doctor too find out why I have gotten two colds so close together although the problem with my mom may be the reason.

Plans for tomorrow? What kind of treats were you having after WI? Last Wednesday, I had sfc wraps, only the one but I started with homous and chilli oat biscuits. Next week I have a job assignment at dominos so I guess its pizza. However I am now worried it does affect the weight loss a lot with this week being onky 1/2lb off... xx

1/2lb off is better than me hunny, I put 1/2lb on Grrr

Post wi treats where last week, some bread and a chunky kit kat. Nothing excessive as I didnt have any syns that day either.

Thats pants about your hours. I live alone and would be stuffed if i only got £80 in a week.

My PCOS was diagnosed many years ago now. I went to a&e one night as I (without being crude) was literally stood with blood running out of me, not a little trickle, such a lot I was scared I had some sort of internal injury. Investigations and some work by me and finally they diagnosed PCOS. Now I have hair growing excessively - I have to shave my chin etc, I also have HS which is a skin condition where I get boils coming up all over at times of stress (very painful and embarassing) and they leave me with nasty scars. My periods are wierd as, I had one a couple of months back which was 6 weeks long. But now I probably wont have one for several months. I've heard my 'periods' may not be triggered by ovulation but just my body cleaning itself out. *sigh*. Its a horrible condition.

You must share some of your garden photos with me love, see if i can give u any names.

The chest and colds etc could be stress, our bodies natural defences are lowered at times of stress. Try (I know its hard) to take some time for resting, maybe a guided meditation (there are loads on youtube) could help.

Tomorrows plans for me are housework and watching the grand prix. Also have to fill in a complex questionnaire to take to my medical which will take a while no doubt. Id like to plant out my new plants too but want to be in bed by 7 ish as getting up at 230am for a 4am start sigh...

Ok snack time and bed for me i reckon, and loadsa moisturiser on my sunburnt face lol
Back again diary.

Been a good girl this morning and done all my housework, rang the insurance company and renewed my policy for contents too so that another job and expense sorted out.
Havent got the motivation to put the new plants out yet, they are currently in residence on my door step enjoying the sun. I need to do some weeding before putting them in and with the pain my arm and shoulder is in today (the accident injured one) that is not going to happen.

Also sorting out a fruit and salad veg hamper with my delivery men. They have both given up work to start this business and as young lads I am happy to support them all the way. Although this week asked for more specific things that I will use as still have the cabbage and cauli to eat and I tend to eat more courgettes/mushrooms etc - quicker to cook for me living alone and can go in things like pasta sauce etc.
I will of course post pics of my haul when they deliver. Its so much nicer than supermarket stuff too.. so fresh and tasty!

Cooked a leek and ham sw quiche this morning so thats cooling for my lunch.

B - Eggs, Beans and Mushrooms
L - SW quiche, salad and salad cream 2 syns
T - (At mums) Pork, new potatoes, carrots and cabbage

S - Strawberries and raspberries to enjoy watching the grand prix...

Hmm will add some grated cheese to my salad I think to use my HexA. Make it a bit special.

Will probably have alpen lights/hoops n crosses later too. Gonna be eating all day today lol as I need to be in bed by 7ish to get up for work.

I think for work tomorrow I will pack up a fruit salad, my 2 alpen lights (going up to 2 a day this week as only been having 1 see if that helps the eating more thing) and maybe make a box of salad up to leave in the fridge. I have a drs appt at 1340 so will be good to have something ready plus the medical at 3pm. I do not want to be getting hungry half way thru the afternoon.

This 4am-12noon shift always throws me a bit. I think if I take alpen lights and a large fruit salad for work. Make my salad for when I come home and then have a cooked evening meal I will be ok. Will probably throw a mug shot into my bag too in case I get hungry at work. Its harder to work out eating patterns as I just cant eat at 230 in the morning but I will still be doing a tough 8hr shift plus 2 hrs driving. I will have to see how it all goes.

Right off to get my lunch and bowl of yummies and settle down with the tv for some hot men, shiny cars and silverstone action xx
Glad your having a lovely weekend and I love your bowl you bought it is gorgeous.
I used to get a veg box delivered which I loved having, as it had such variety that you do not get always in the supermarket. Unfortunately where I live now we cannot get them delivered :(.
Any way enjoy watching the racing :D!!!!!
Here's some of the flowers I have in my garden.
The stuff in what id class as the rockery.
a bush

Number 1 is my most favourite ever plant - acqueligia also known as columbine. It will probably stop flowering soon and then scatter loads of seeds so you will have even more next year.
Number 2 are several alpine plants. These are fab for rockeries - need next to no care, just let them grow and if u see it dying off in the middle of a plant cut it back a bit.
Number 3 I cant name, it is an evergreen tho I am sure and after flowering might benefit from a little hair cut -nothing too harsh maybe an inch all over.
Number 4 I think is a sea holly also known as Eryngium. I actually bought one of these yesterday from the garden show. Beautiful plant... flowers in the summer and may look to vanish in the winter but is perennial so will grow back every year.
Number 5 are I think campanula, bell flowers, again perennial and very pretty.
And Number 6 - Peony A beautiful one too I love those, so big and blousy and beautiful. It will probably drop petals all over the garden come autumn and too is perennial.

You are so lucky those are gorgeous plants!!
Hellllloooo again,

Well that was not the sort of race I had expected. All the exploding tyres and SC etc. Hmmm at least Vettel didnt win *yay*

Stuck to the plan as in my earlier post, had 2 syns of gravy/apple sauce at mums, ate an alpen light this afternoon and have just had some hoops n crosses and have a curly wurly too before bed. Which takes me to 14 syns.

Packed up a lovely fruit salad - melon/apple/peach/rasps/strawbs for work tomorrow. Haven't bothered making a salad tbh I am running out of time. I can pull one together tomorrow when I get back. I need to be in bed soon.

Night slimmers xx
Hiya mate thought I drop quick line even though your sleeping now. Sounds like you had some yummy food today (mummy cooking always best) I took sw friendly picnic today and when we got home mark wanted takeaway so he did but I didn't :)
Your flowers are gorgeous, I so want that bowl it look fab in your living room. You want some nice gems in it or something.

Fruit salad sounds yummy make sure u fix yourself something up when you get in though your body will want something even if you think it might help lose weight quicker it won't. Promise me? I might give you one my food diarys to follow XXX