Westiegirl: Restarted Day 1 Under my Belt!

Jeez Isobel, I'd forgotton about the Brotherhood of Man. I was doing the dance too, wasn't I ((cringes)). Ah well. all in the name of a good night's fun!

Mandy hun, I just hope you ain't got what I got - it's not pretty! The doctor looked at my throat and said ummm, it is inflamed and the left side does have a covering of pus. Yeuw! Paint a pretty picture don't I!?! :p
Abstinence Day 2

Had quite a good nights sleep last night for the first time in almost a week. TFFT! Didn't want to get out of bed this morning as I was quite comfy with GMTV and a duvet. Did drag myself up and had barely got out the shower when my mum and dad turned up to help with the packing. I'm such a lucky girl having great parents, though i feel i will be expected to return the favour in kind when we have to finish packing their house! :(

Felt much better today, but still a little grumpy and was quite short with my mum at some points during the day. Felt quite bad but I think it was a combination of things such as carb withdrawal, tiredness, being ill and finally thinking "****, have I made a big mistake moving back to such close proximity to my parents?". Feel a bit like a guilty teenager who won't be able live a full and riotous life only 1 floor above my mum and dad! Felt very liberated by the events of the weekend but no more details - WGOTSOT! The only thing I can say is that a weekend in Newcastle can do wonders for your self esteem, especially when you have none! How you perceive yourself is completely different to the way others see you, but you just don't realise how special you (we all) are!

I did have quite an ego boost moment on Sunday morning when the girls had all left and was in the hotel on my own. After saying goodbye to you all in the lobby I caught the lift up to my floor and as the doors opened 2 absolutely gorgeous (tall, dark haired, muscley and wearing shorts ;) ) guys were waiting to get in the lift to go downstairs. When they saw me they stopped and indicated for me to get out of the lift which I did. I said thank you to them but one of them said to me in a very suggestive manner "no, thank you!" and I felt them watch me all the way round the corner out of sight (at this point I did have to put a little extra sway in the step - work it girl!). Now that's an ego boost and a half, appreciation by 2 gorgeous guys, SOBER on a sunday morning when I had only gone to bed at 6.30am, felt as rough as a badgers arse and was obviously in the first throes of tonsilitus. For someone who's been ignored most of her life by the opposite sex, man don't you just love the power!

VFBC Girls by the way, I would just like to say one thing, which was something I was thinking about earlier this afternoon. Some of you might (or might not) know that I keep a written diary as well (have done since I was 14). Today I was writing up the last weeks entries that I haven't had a chance to write yet (and I'm only up as far as our meal in Est Est Est and had to stop coz I got writers cramp!). Anyway, my point is in that writing up Friday's early evening from meeting up with you guys until we went out I was re-living that time and was struck by just how comfortable I felt with you all. We just click don't we! We spent a bit of time just sitting around chatting whilst waiting for all crew members to arrive and not once did I feel awkward or tongue tied, or shy or uncomfortable. This was before alcohol as well and usually I am so shy and worried about situations like that I won't even go. So a big hug and a thank you gals, for being the best! And also for the warm fuzzy feelings!

Right, back to today! I have felt hungry all day today, even with being so busy packing. Hopefully ketosis will be here in a couple of days (thank goodness!). I must admit to a little milk in my tea, it was the only way I could get to drink anything at all. Water is too cold and hurts and black coffee at the moment makes me want to vom (spill my guts and cry to mom!). I have had an extra bar today as well, but it's better than the chocolate/biscuit binges I've been prone to lately. Besides, it's almost time for me to go to bed. I know it's not quite 8pm but I have the big move tomorrow and I need to be up early.

So I'll probably lurk a little then head up the apples! Night night folks!
Hi Sarah darling .. I know you probably won't pick this up for a few days, but just wanted to say that I'm thinking about you today - and I echo everything you said about how special it was with all the VFBC girls together :) I don't think I've ever met such a wonderful bunch of girlies and just love spending time with you all. Roll on the next one!!! :D

Much love, as ever! xxxxx
Hi Sarah

Couple of things.... Good luck with the move firstly, I remember when you were making the agonising decision of when to tell your flatmate and you have come so far since then so big congrats to ya girl!!

the other thing is i'm on day 3 of restart SS'ing and finding it kinda hard so am hearing exactly what you are saying and having an extra bar is by far the much better choice than anything else bold... its great to be in control eh!!!

and last but by no means least i'm dying to meet with all the VFBC girlies and am gonna try my very best to get along to the January one... i'm assuming you are going??

keep up the good work girl ur brill

Gen xx
Brief Catch Up

Thanks Sharon, Gen and Mary. Lovely comments, as always, greatly appreciated!

I am at my mums, and am having a cup of tea and 10 minutes break. We just have 2 last car loads to unpack but my dad's garage is already bursting. Where did I get all that stuff?

It feels nice and peaceful here and I know I will be happy here but I'm glad it's just a couple of weeks max. God knows I couldn't cope living with my parents for any longer than that! I love em to bits but when you're an adult you forget how to compromise for the older generation!!!!

Had a very busy day - up at 7.15am, and said goodbye to my flatmate. It was a difficult interaction and she was in a strange mood last night. I think I'd p*ssed her off but didn't know how. Anyway have texted her and it's just that we're both finding this very hard. My way to deal is to go into ostrich mode and I think it makes me appear hard. This time last year and for the year before I was going through a very tough time and did a lot of crying and I think I've moved away from that "weak" girl. I know I was dependant on my partner and knew we shouldn't be together but I was too scared to do anything about it. That girl has gone! I'm a better risk taker now, since starting LL, it's given me so much more than weight loss! I even handled needles with aplomb (miss needle phobic, cry on the floor like a baby!). Good job too, they've lost my sample and I have to go back next week and get another one done! Boo-hoo! I might be ok with them but hell I don't exactly enjoy it!!!!

Anyway, packs wise things are going ok. Had 1 pack and 2 bars so far. It could stretch into 5 packs again today, but needs must! I'm doing OK for day 3 of SSing. I am hungry now and I know that once again I haven't drunk enough water, but from tomorrow I will be more settled! (Until the "big" move that is - let's not even go there!).

Must dash again now - busy night still ahead. Got to unpack the cars, then off to LL for my weigh in - umm we'll see - I'll let you know. Although it is coming back off. I weighed myself on Tuesday morning 10st12.4lbs, this morning was 10st4.4lbs. A good loss, but most of that's probably fluid as i think I am dehydrated. Finally, after LL I'm going back to the flat to see FM. She is moving into my old room which has the advantage of a seperate study/dressing room off one-side and a separate walk-in wardrobe off the other side. Pay off is that the main room is smaller and it's at the front and looks onto the road so can be noisier. It was a lovely room though and she'll like it there!

From tomorrow I am officially becoming a LOL (lady of leisure, not a person rolling around on the floor giggling like a loon!!!). I think I deserve it, don't you? Consequently I shall use some time to catch up on the threads of all you lovely people. Sorry my recent visits have been brief but I know you all understand, that's why I love you all so much! Sorry am I getting over emotional here? It's just the circumstances of the day, carb withdrawal and illness. Although, I have used these excuses a lot recently and they are started to wear a bit thin, even in my own ears!

Might catch up later, if not have a lovely evening guys and gals!
Hello darling!! Hear, hear to your observations about us lolling around chatting - it's fab to feel relaxed in a group where you are accepted warts and all, isn't it (not that any of us have warts, but you know what I mean!!!!!!)

And I loved your sashaying down the hall being checked out by the two gorgeous blurkes!!!! I so know where you're coming from on that one! As you say, WORK it, girl!!! lol

You are a right sexy little piece and men just love that! I'm glad you've started believing it!!

Good news that the move is going well - I hope it brings you everything that you dream of, babes!!!

lotsa love
Leisure? What's That????

Lady of leisure, my bottom! But I suppose I'm always glad to be busy!

Friday was an up and down sort of day. Started well, got my room organised and unpacked my clothes etc. The good thing about losing weight is that my entire wardrobe fits into 1 suitcase! Easily portable. Then had to take the dog to the vets (had to go back to the old flat and pick him up first). He's got "berry bugs" - some sort of inflammation caused by these little weivel thingies that live in the grass. A bit of spot-on and that's him sorted. Should clear up on their own. Took him back to the flat and had a coffee with ex-FM and a nice chat. Didn't stay long - we're both knackered. Home and a quiet evening.

That's where the down came in. Have done OK on the packs all day, until I came home and had bad cravings, so I decided an extra pack would be OK, as I'm just recovering from illness. Okey-dokey, what I didn't plan was the 4 slices of bread and butter and the 6 penguin biscuits! Oops! Funnily enough I didn't feel guilty but went to bed with renewed determination. Sat in bed and wrote my pledge for the weekend:

"I promise that for the weekend of Sauturday 2nd, Sunday 3rd and Monday 4th Septemeber I will stick to 4 foodpacks a day, 2 savoury drinks, no food, no milk in my tea and to drink at least 4 litres of water a day". The reward is some new perfume (better stick to it - bought the perfume already!!!).

I am currently carrying it around with me. I have so little left to achieve that I 'm not going to mess about!

Saturday was very busy. Started the day with Mum making me a cuppa (black coffee) in bed. Luverly! Then had to go into to town to meet my friend and fellow bridesmaid, Rubina. Met for coffee and had a real good blether. We have decided to organise a spa day, followed by a meal, then cocktails and dancing for the hen night. This is on 30th September so no much time. Yikes! We then did some accessory perusing and have got some great ideas. We are meeting with the bride next Saturday for a shopping day to finalise our outfits. Whilst talking about the hen night I was thinking about the lovely meal and cocktails and how I now won't be able to have them. I must admit I did feel a little bitter - for all of about 2 minutes! Something has clicked again, like it did when I first started abstinence (could it be ketosis has kicked in?). Truth be told, the end goal of looking fabulous in that bridesmaid dress and the look on my ex's face will make it all worth while. The same will also apply for food at the wedding, I will be back into management then but not back to alcohol. Decided I will probably have 1 glasss for the toasts but that will be it. Rubina and I decided that we will technically be on duty all day as we are bridesmaids so me getting drunk and punching out the lights of ex's new girlfriend is probably best avoided! Okay, fantasy time of punching out new girlfriends lights is good, but there is a time and a place and my friends wedding is not it! Nothing would make me ruin her day. Besides I don't feel like I have desire to do that anyway! I know I've moved on. The wedding in a way will be a bit of closure for me, and the best bit is it's in a gorgeous size 12 dress!

The evening was quiet again, but the busy-ness is catching up with me - feel asleep on the sofa watching the boxing!

Today - still no rest!!!! Met ex-FM at 11 am and we went to the shops. She needed to buy a new desk and PC as she has been using mine. Went to a local retail park and got her a desk in Argos and a PC in PC World. She got a good deal - everything she needed from all shops for less than £500. We then had to return to hers to set it up. She's computer phobic, but I think I convinced her how easy it can be! Didn't get home till 7.30pm. Phew, will I get a lie-in tomorrow? Hope so, should be relaxing - it's my Dad's birthday and he likes to take it easy!

Pack-wise things are going well! Haven't weighed myself for a couple of days - pledged to put the scales away until "official home" weigh in day of Monday. Hoping they will show a good loss from last Tuesday's return from VFBC. I'll update tomorrow! Feel like I've lost weight. My clothes feel looser and I love the way you feel on foodpacks. I like being slightly empancipated. Oh dear, is that a bad thing? Actually I don't think I am empancipated, but I think I have just moved the goalposts slightly because I can. When I started this I didn't actually believe it would work so I decided on a goal of "slimmer", ie 11 stone and size 14. Now I've surpassed that I want to go to less than 10 stone and size 10-12. Not at all unachievable and still completely healthy for my height of 5'6". Hell I know this works now so I might as well take the opportunity to get to where I want to be!

Well, folks, I am actually going to sit down and relax for a bit! New series of Dalziel and Pascoe at 9pm with a hot chocolate food pack. Yum!
right there with you on packs, i started SS on sunday and this time i am staying on , no deviations( milk etc!!).
Its day 3 for me today so am feeling really hungry and empty!! hoping ketosis isnt far away, think it will be tonight or tomorrow(did have a maijor carb fest on sat so that may have delayed things abit!!)m
Picked uo my uniform from college yesterday and the trousers were snug, however so were everyone elses so we think thay must have changed them slightly from when we ordered them, this still means that now i have an absolute concrete reason to lose my last 14lbs!! so in a way i am glad because i have fannied about with it for months now and now i am doing it!!
weigh in on sunday so will let you know what the first week result is!!

keep going yourself and we will be 2 skinny mininis!!!!

cheers with a chocolate pack!!MMMMM!!!!!
Hi guys

Amanda, my newcastle flu has cleared up nicely thank you! After a few days feeling ropey I'm now back in fine fettle!

Heidi, glad you are feeling motivated to get the last 14lbs done. I'm hoping to be a skinny minny again soon but tbh, I'm struggling again!

Truth be told I have avoided here for a couple of days - because I feel like I should be doing better! That's the truble with being so good at SS the first time, star pupil has fallen off the wagon! As my last post suggested, something clicked and Saturday and Sunday were fantastic. I felt on top of the world and SSing was a doddle.

Monday morning weigh-in was very good, back down to 10stone 1.8lbs FANTASTIC!!! But since then foodwise - complete 180! I have struggled and I must admit I have strayed from the path. Yesterday was my Dad's birthday and it all went wrong when we bought him a cake in Somerfield. I had gone in to get water bottles but my mum wanted to get him a cake. We got a small cuppucino cake and my did it look good. We didn't go straight home but we (my mum and I) went back to my old flat. We went to pick up my Macca and all his toys and bits and pieces. Felt quite sad to leave, in a way that marks the end of the era - I have no reason to go back now (other than as a visitor). I did feel quite sad. I also had the anxiety of re-introducing Macca to my mum's 3 hounds. They are related but they are now a pack and he is an outsider. We decided not to introduce them immediately but to wait a day but my poor Macca has to be cooped up in my room and I have to take him out on a lead to the front garden so he can go out. He's very unsettled. Anyway, got home, settled Maca in and then the cake called. Wrestled with Mrs Chatterbox, but I gave in to her! Had one piece, BUT as usual one piece doesn't mean that for me. A lesson I have to learn I suppose - I can't stop with one! Had to take Macca for a walk. Mum asked me to buy my Dad a small bottle of brandy to celebrate his birthday which was an excuse for me to buy chocolate! Got 6 bars, a pack of crisps and a packet of biscuits. Scoffed the lot!!!!! Felt very remorseful and lay in bed feeling sick and vowed it would be the last time. Decided it had to stop so I got out a thought record and re-read some of my foundation book and wrote myself a coping strategy. I also think part of my trouble was the anticipation of another blood test. Blumming lab lost my first sample! Got my blood count done - all OK, but they also wanted to test me for foliate and B12 deficiency so appointment made for Tuesday morning. As I mentioned previously I am petrified of needles so I think I have worked myself up totally! Finally fell asleep about 2am!

Today, woke up feeling slightly nauseous with nerves about the blood test! Appointment was 9.50am but it was all OK as I had the lovely nurse who has seen me every month as part of my LL programme. Don't know what I was worried about! Came home and just chilled for the rest of the morning.

Lunchtime was the moment of puppy dog truth! We decided to introduce the dogs to each other! As a pack my Mum's 3 dogs ganged up on Macca but we then separated them and they all met him individually. In fact that went very well, a bit of growling here and there but on the whole they got on well. They are separated again now and we will get them back together again tomorrow - just taking it slowly!

Why then, with that going so well, have I sunk into another chocolate/biscuit binge? Was scraping around my Mum's kitchen looking for biscuits and stuff to scoff. Had a few of my Dad's birthday chocolates as well. This was all in secret as my parents know I'm meant to be SSing. Felt like a naughty kid hiding again! Took Macca for a walk and called in the shop and bought 1 bar of chocolate, a packet of crisps and some biscuits. I guess that's not really a binge, but in my head it's no good because I promised I would stick to SSing today and until I move.

Really hacked off as I'm nt sure what's going on! My only analysis is that I feel even more in limbo than I did before. I'm here in my Mum's in my own rom, but not my own space. I have the dog and he's unsettled. The weather is rubbish so I can't get out for some really nice long walks (got soaked twice walking him today!). Feel like I'm neither here nor there! There's nothing I can do unil we get a moving date. We have had 2 removal companies visit and another 3 to come. They then have to provide a quote and organise a date. It's still so all up in the air! I could be in my new flat (even though it doesn't have a bathroom or kitchen yet) organising and planning and getting settled. Aaaarghhhhhh! It's just so frustrating!

I'm sorry to say that I felt scorn for those people who found it hard to get back onto SS, but now I hang my head in shame. It's so hard!!! I wish I hadn't stopped! Feeling so out of sorts. I can't even call my LLC, as she's going into hospital for an operation tomorrow. Even I'm not that insensitive to believe my "limbo" issues are more important than her health!

If anyone has any words of wisdom, please let me know. I am going to have a drink and then I'm coming back here to do some reading and catch up on a few threads.

Hopefully it will inspire me!
Hi Cammie, nice to meet you! Where abouts do you stay? I was in Newington but my Mum's is out in Lasswade. I don't think that helps either - I'm a city girl at heart. Although living out here this time, at least I have my car so I can get around!

Hi Irene, thanks for your support, as always! You are a star and you make me smile. Next time we will get longer to chat!
Hi Sarah,

I agree with Irene, once you are in your pwn space things will slot into place. I know that that isn't much help now, but at least you know that whatever damage you do/have done, you can get back on track really quickly with ssing! Good luck Sarah, be strong and dont let the food beat you. Take a look back at your photos, I always find that that is such an inspiration!

Sending you tonnes and tonnes of positive vibes!

Love Sarah x
Thanks Sarah

I'm feeling all your positive vibes man! I know a bit of space and an environment not filled with my mum and dad's lovely food will help! Hope you are doing OK hun, will have to scoot over to your thread, just haven't had the chance until now to put in any serious PC time. A priority purchase when I move is a laptop computer. I'm gonna sit and surf and chat and chill and watch TV all at once. I soooooo love being a girl and being able to multi task!

Well, update on my day. After my last post I went downstairs and had a nice chat with my mum. I "confessed" and told her how difficult I was finding it, especially being here and not having my own space. After living away from home since I was barely 18, this is quite a difficult thing for me. I'm very conscious of having my music/TV on late at night etc! I feel like a teenager again (although in lots of ways that's not a bad thing ;) ). My Mum's house is also out in the sticks, just around the corner (literally 200 yards)from the house I used to own with my ex. I guess I never thought about that either, mmmm, something to ponder - it's the place where I felt very trapped and my 13 year relationship broke up. Now that's a light bulb moment I have just had. Thank you guys and gals, writing this down sometimes make you realise things you never even thought of! Anyway, the chat with my mum was good and we are all feeling in limbo. I decided that tonight (and tonight only) I would have a meal with them. OK, it wasn't the healthiest meal - egg, chips and beans, but man I enjoyed it. Our family have a rule where if someone makes a promise to someone else then they will keep it. It started as parents promising to do smething/take you somewhere which meant they would actually do it, rather than just saying it to appease you. If you say the words "I promise" then you have to follow through. Sorry that was rambling a bit but the crux of the matter is that my conversation with my mum involved me expressing how little I still need to do on abstinence and I promised her that I wouldn't cheat anymore. Very wisely she said that I should be making the promise to myself. (How do Mum's get so wise?). So I promised her, promised myself and I promise here on Minimins that I will stop mucking about and will do SSing properly. Goddang it, I only have 2-3 weeks maximum until I'm done!!! Do you think that perhaps I'm scared of reaching goal? I've never got this far before. I suppose it is quite scary! I don't intend to go back and I'm not - I am staying the same, but I want SO much to get under 10 stone. That's it, promise made, I'm going to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!