What are you using your Healthy Extra's for today..?

HEA - Cheese in Lasagne tonight - yum!
HEB - 2 x Wholemeal Bread
Green Day

HEA- SS Milk
HEA- Babybel Lights

HEB- Coco Shreddies
HEB2- 2 x Hi-Fi Lights
Red day

A: Semi-skimmed milk
A: 30g cheddar cheese
B: 2 WM bread
B: 198g potatoes
I really struggle with my hex as I find I'm having the same thing every time. Which is 2 slices 400g wholemeal bread and either milk or cheese depending on dinner. When I have milk I don't always use up the milk because I'm not a fan of cereal but love tea. But don't have enough cups of tea to use all my red milk up! Does anyone have any suggestions. Or is there a syn value for a drop of milk in tea? Please help !!!
You just count 1/2 syn per cup if sunning milk :) xxx

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HEXA: 400ml Alpro Soya hazelnut milk (to have with my hazelnut coffee- thanks Mrs Wilsoncroft :))
HEXB: 2 slices of Hovis Nimble wholemeal bread
EE day

HEXA 20g reduced fat cheese + a little semi-skimmed milk
HEXB 2 slices wholemeal bread

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HEXA: I do struggle with this one as I drink coffee black and have herbal tea, and I'm not a big cheese lover. Hmm what to have today?!
HEXB: 2 Alpen light bars
Changed mine to:


HEXA: 60g Low Low cracked black pepper spread
HEXB: 4 Ryvita's (original)