Step 1 Sole Source What are your reasons for doing this?


Silver Member
Ok, this is my second time doing CWP as I undid all of last years hard work.....I also previously started a thread similar to this......

I'm on day 1 and am already hungry but determined not to cave so I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread where we can remind ourselves why we are doing this.

1. To look better in my clothes
2. To fit back into previous clothes!
3. To be taken more seriously at work.
4. To get confidence up so I can go out with the girls and maybe meet someone ;)
5. To book holidays/trips away without having to work out how much weight I can lose before it.
6. To start living my life instead of making excuses.

I will add to this whenever I'm feeling low and like I need a kick up the bum!

Niki xxx
Hey nikie, hope this time is the last time we restart this plan and lose this weight once and for all.. Im in the same position started lost amd put back on n back again!

My list is:

1) Fit into all my clothes
2) enjoy shopping for clothes
3) not avoid every girly night due to clothes looking awful on me :(
4) i want my family to see the change and know iv really stuck to it this time
5) to feel sexy and feel beautiful
6) feel comfortable within myself n not feel insecure
7) i need to stop wishing i was slim and be slim!!
8) and just be happy about my weight and not have to worry about it at all!!

Bring on day 2 tomorrow!

Goodluck xx