What do you do at work?

That's what I hate! Having to justify what I eat to my colleagues that have Macdonalds, greggs or subway for dinner every day and stuff their face with stuff from the vending machine all day in the office! I have only told one friend at work that I'm doing it, and explained that a protein shake for breakfast (she doesn't eat breakfast anyway), a soup for lunch (just like having a cuppa soup which we eat for lunch anyway) and a meal pack with pasta or chilli over some veg for tea doesn't sound bad. She agreed! Also received my packs today and so happy they are all in plain packaging!!! The Cambridge ones weren't very discreet...
I blatantly lied. Told my colleagues I was doing low carb. They became very suspicious after I'd lost so much weight but I couldn't give a stuff. What I ate was none of their business. (Some still think I had some magic slimming pills or a gastric band!)
Usually when people ask me I just say I've stopped eating carbs (technically its right!). Some people are just very jealous! I'd rather be doing something about my weight than stuffing my face all day and poking fun at other people's diets...
people are jealous, they think 'I couldnt do that' and probably want to see us fail almost, esp as it seems such a mad thing, people dont want to believe its possible to lose the weight or keep it off, I had the most supportive 'but its not sustainable' or 'but its so drastic, surely theres another way' I find slowly boringly counting calories and points and weighing out stuff and writing everything ive eaten down over months and months to lose 1lb a week the biggest bore ever! id rather starve..oh wait! heh
sorry went off on one there!

but yeah I think leaving out the details deffo is the best way for most people, and pretending you go home and eat something massive also makes people shut up a bit
Usually when people ask me I just say I've stopped eating carbs (technically its right!). Some people are just very jealous! I'd rather be doing something about my weight than stuffing my face all day and poking fun at other people's diets...

Exactly. Everybody (ok, WOMEN) want some magic cure all fatness pill. It doesn't exist. No matter what diet/plan you follow if you stick to it, it works (although very very slowly in some cases meow!)

Women don't like it when their friends lose weight succesfully and they're scared of becoming 'the fat one'

I've had SUCH jealous, *****y comments as I'm now much slimmer than most of my colleagues


' you can't be thinner than me, no, I just can't be heavier than YOU' (this was after I'd lost 4 and a half stone- she hadnt put on an ounce)

' you're giving me a complex being so slinky'

(why should how I look give anyone else a complex? I just don't get that?)

shouted at me (half joking)....

It's womens nature. Horrible, unreasonable, *****y, jealous.

But, I have had a million and one nice things said about my weight loss too which balances it out but I will always remember those negative ones first!

Chin up,
Kellmo x
its great when youve lost weight though and meet new people, they just take you as you are. at my old work I was actually one of the smaller people there! mind you they still didnt get why I was on a diet but in a complimentary 'you dont need to lose weight' way (I was a bit lighter at this point)

another thing was I said id lost 1 stone when id really lost two, I think people think stones sound like such a huge amount and noone questioned it
its great when youve lost weight though and meet new people, they just take you as you are. at my old work I was actually one of the smaller people there! mind you they still didnt get why I was on a diet but in a complimentary 'you dont need to lose weight' way (I was a bit lighter at this point)

another thing was I said id lost 1 stone when id really lost two, I think people think stones sound like such a huge amount and noone questioned it

It is I agree. I've started uni and nobody knows the old me! No explaining or hiding packets!
yeah and perhaps no slightly *****y female friends who want to be the skinniest one!
one of my 'friends' who at my slimmest I was the same size as (not smaller!) make comments, not quite in a nasty way but made it clear she was feeling put out by my loss seems quiet now ive put a bit back on and rather smug with herself.. so I quietly am looking forward to shrinking smaller than her! hehe oops did I say that aloud?

I did spend my school years being the fat one though! Im due a turn at not being the fat one!
I have lost almost two stone, and several of my friends have commented on how good I look etc etc, but one friend has said 'you can't tell', 'keeping it off will be your problem' and similar such comments- we used to weigh the same amount and she was jealous as I am about 3inches taller, so I was thinner, (not that she is fat at all, we were both slim) and then I put weight on and she was all smug and doesn't like it now I am taking back control.
I must add though that work have been amazingly supportive, but several other people have done CD, LT, Atkins etc and others are on some diet or another so we all support each other and once I have explained how well I feel, and they see I am well and not making it up they want the website! It was a girl t work who is also onthis forum but on LT thread that got me on to slim and save.
I think like anywhere theres a mixed response, theres a lot of bad press for diets like this.
I just have a chicken or tuna salad at work, mainly because its free!

As long as we're not put off our plans by other people and their stupid comments..
In LL therapy sessions she said we must be motivated by ourselves for positive reasons ie. 'Im doing this for me, because I want to be healthy' rather than 'because the doctor made me to avoid ill health' but to show a few people that you could too is always nice!
People will always be jealous because everyone wants to be thinner but most people can't be bothered to do anything about it.
I hope in a few weeks in making people jealous haha x
Exactly. Everybody (ok, WOMEN) want some magic cure all fatness pill. It doesn't exist. No matter what diet/plan you follow if you stick to it, it works (although very very slowly in some cases meow!)

Women don't like it when their friends lose weight succesfully and they're scared of becoming 'the fat one'

I've had SUCH jealous, *****y comments as I'm now much slimmer than most of my colleagues


' you can't be thinner than me, no, I just can't be heavier than YOU' (this was after I'd lost 4 and a half stone- she hadnt put on an ounce)

' you're giving me a complex being so slinky'

(why should how I look give anyone else a complex? I just don't get that?)

shouted at me (half joking)....

It's womens nature. Horrible, unreasonable, *****y, jealous.

But, I have had a million and one nice things said about my weight loss too which balances it out but I will always remember those negative ones first!

Chin up,
Kellmo x

This so could have been written by me!! When I was on cd they all knew ( small workplace). I couldn't hide it!!
It was ok till my body shape really started changing and they were all like. ' you've gone to far now'
'it can't be good to be doing it this long'

Luckily 2 of the 'choir' have gone now so fingers crossed that the others will just keep their noses out. They are quite a selfish bunch so with luck they won't notice!!!!