What made you start s&s?

I just want to look in the mirror and smile

I lost a lots of weight back in 2009 , felt amazing, did well only putting a bit on

Now! Moved area in May 12 and slowly put on lots of weight (12 stone when I moved :-(, 2st10lb heavier in the Sept 13!)

But not to dwell let's do this
Yep, am combining the s&s packets it had left with a protein meal/salad and the odd low carb food replacement bar from tesco. will finish up the s&s sachets I have then do a months order. i wrote an estimate that I want to lose weekly up until Christmas on a to do list on my iPad, took a screen shot of it and now have that as my home screen for my phone, so I'm reminded several times a day what my short term and longer term goals are, I want to be under 15 by next Friday. 10lb lighter than 2 weeks ago feels good, but I know I look a lot better the closer to 14 stone I get. By 13 stone people tend to say I've lost enough, but I know I look my best around 12.0-12.7, which is just above a healthy bmi apparently. if I'm anywhere near that at Christmas, that'll certainly be worth celebrating :) have been 11 stone b4, but that was 20 years ago and I thinking looked like a rake. 12 stone is where it's at :)

That's a very good idea !!

I feel good now but it's not enough just yet at 12 stone for me it's still obese as I'm. 5ft 2 but to be honest I don't really care it's how I feel that counts ......
I'm hoping for another stone in the next few weeks as I'm having a weekend off so before my break I'm hoping to get to 12 stone .
If I feel I need to loose more I will come back after for the 4 weeks up to Xmas and see how I go :)

Looking forward to seeing your losses hope you get what you want in time for Xmas !! Xx