What my doing wrong


Full Member
Getting peeved...been on ts 1 week 4 days now and don't seem to be shifting any lbs. Ffs. haven't cheated..have coke zero but have cut that down to 1-2 glasses a day. Know you shouldn't but checked weight for 3 days. Same tues /wed...today I gave PUT on lbs!!!!!
:eek:( are you still managing to drink lots of water? x I hope it reverses itself soon.
Oops. Read this wrong, deleted. x

Hope it sorts itself out, wishing you luck! :)
There is now way you are not losing weight on 600 kcal a day. You are.
So don't worry, don't stress, you are and will be fine.
There can be a few reasons of what is worrying you:
1. your scale is broken
2. your body wants to do this it's own way (happens very often!)
3. you have 3 bars instead of 1 bar and two drinks/soups
4. it's TOTM
5. you haven't done nr2 in the toilet for a week or more
(happens very often when we can not drink that much water on the beginning of this diet)
6. a lot of stress
Believe me, you are losing every single minute on this diet. Please take some measurements, like your hips, belly (the widthest part) and so on. And check after another week on 100% TS.
Or buy a pair of trousers or a top one size too small. Check after 2-3 weeks on this diet.
Please, don't give up. This diet works. It does for you too.
Keep your head up and carry on love! This is you the boss, not your body and you will make it shrink very soon.
Wish you the best!
Omg. .thank you so much..a few of those could apply...I won't give up that's for sure...I know for sure I've got to loose weight...:D
I have mainly read on here that people instantly lose a load and then tail off.
You never know you could be backwards, start slow but then shed later. Keep going!
Were you dieting before you started this hon? Or do you not eat many carbs anyway? Just wondering if you've already lost your water weight? I'm only in week 5 and I've had two halts already, in fact I lost a pound then gained it back in this week! And Im still in ketosis and I haven't eaten any extra carbs. Maddening. I truly think some of us have more stubborn fat than others! But although we may not shed it at a rate of knots, it will come off if you persevere. Hang in there and do let us know when it starts working for you, maybe we'll all be able to hear the yelps of joy! x