What's everyone reading at the moment?

Just started reading the first Harry Potter book, seen the films but had never bothered with the books.

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Hope you enjoy them- they are just sooo good!! And the best thing about reading them now is that you can go right the way through them and not lose momentum! I read them as they were being written and kept forgetting what had previously happened so had to re-read to recap!!XXX
I've left the Discworld series for a while & now reading The Authorised Birography of V.S. Naipaul 'The World is What it is'. It's about V S Naipual who grew up in Trinidad & won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2001. It's about his life & so far so good.
funcurls said:
Hope you enjoy them- they are just sooo good!! And the best thing about reading them now is that you can go right the way through them and not lose momentum! I read them as they were being written and kept forgetting what had previously happened so had to re-read to recap!!XXX

I did that too for the last 2 books. Think I'm going to have a Harry potter month where I re-read all of them. Can't wait! Lol x
Finished The Fear Index about a week ago. It was good but I found a lot of the stock market subject-matter a little confusing and the terminology was a bit too in-depth for someone (like me) who is largely ignorant on the subject. I don't feel like I know any more now really either so I didn't learn anything (not that that was my principle reason for reaing the book).
I'm now reading Once by James Herbert. Not read any of his books before but was loaned this one by a friend of a friend who highly recommended it. It's really not to my tastes, can't say I'm really enjoying it, but I will finish it just because I never give up on a book. Feel like I'm wasting my time with it as my list of books to read grows ever longer!
After all the fuss and blather of the fifty shades I am re reading The Story of O... makes Mr Gray look like a Sunday school teacher...xx
sleepytimesadie said:
After all the fuss and blather of the fifty shades I am re reading The Story of O... makes Mr Gray look like a Sunday school teacher...xx

Hhmmm who's the author might need to get me that one lol xx
Just finished the city of bones by Cassandra Clare. It was ok, i just didn't get into it as much as I hoped. Onto notes from a small island by bill Bryson for something completely different:)
Anybody read Alex, by Adam J Nicolai? I just read it for the second time in a year because I dove through it so fast. It might be free right now on Kindle.
Well I gave up on bill, 3 chapters in and I wasn't enjoying his book so I've moved on to Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
I am revisiting Jeffrey Deaver at the mo and am rereading The Vanished Man. Also reading The Alternative day diet book by Dr. Johnson
Re reading The Book with no Name as someone chose it as the DarkSouls bookclub book choice... It's a really fun involved read... A real mish mash of genres but an enjoyable adventure... Well worth a look if you fancy something different...