What's everyone reading at the moment?

Lord Of the Rings, Return of the King. Is the fourth time (i think) that i have read the books and i love it every time.
I'm reading The Secret Life of a Slummy Mummy by Fiona Neill, not high brow but it's making me laugh.

Loved it when she went to the school assembly with yesterdays knickers making a lump in the leg of her jeans!!!

I'm about a quater of the way through this book and it makes me laugh out loud!
Ive just started The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell, apparently its a life - changing book everyone should read. Just finished Mr Pip by Lloyd Jones , I was seduced by its lovely summery jacket and the fact it was set on a lovely tropical isle in the south pacific, thinking it would be a real escape novel , but its much, much more than that , its great read with a sad and unexpected ending.
Harlan Coben's new book, "Hold Tight" :)
I am currently reading a rather grisly yet very exciting thriller called Dreg by G.Magee.
Totally recommend it if you like Thomas Harris/ValMcDermid/PatriciaCornwall etc
Ive just started The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell, apparently its a life - changing book everyone should read.

My cousin keeps recommending this one to me, but since I've spent a lifetime ignoring everything she says, I haven't 'got around to it' yet ;)

Is it good?
Bit slow at first but warming to it , let you know when I have finished , unfortunately life keeps getting in the way of reading, its a bugger isnt it? I have resorted to listening to audio books in the car, listening to'The First Ladies detective agency' at the moment and its hillarious, I keep busting out laughing when I am at traffic lights etc and people think I am a complete looney.

Just had a really bad couple of days, where apart from me. My bed, the loo, and my books have been my best friends:) ..Worthless.. had me crying like a baby, it is a true story by Marilyn Hardy, I don't know if i was just sapping because I was ill or what, but it was frequent crying for me throughout this one.:tear_drop::tear_drop::tear_drop:
i've just started 'Johnny be good' by Paige Toon (so far so good) - i really like her first book 'Lucy in the Sky' nice easy reading chick lit.
I've just finished 'Before I Die' by Jenny Downham and all I can say is 'wow'.

I bought it on Saturday and started reading it when I woke on Sunday morning - I then couldn't put it down and literally did nothing until I finished it. It is a beautiful, heart breaking, real and just perfect book - it is based around and narrated by Tessa who is a teenager with months left to live and her need to experience life before she dies.... sex, drugs, relationships, life and most importantly love. If there was one book that I could recommend anybody to read, then this would be it.
ive just finished 'Nineteen Minutes' by Jodi Picoult. Really disappointed, as i loved Jodi Picoult's first few books but i keep getting more and more disheartened by her writing as every book is identical, they all involve a mother in a terrible predicament in relation to her children and they all end in court trials. ive read every book shes written so far, and she has a new one out and i dont think im even gonna bother buying it.
on a completely different note, i also just finished 'shopaholic and baby' by sophie kinsella, which finishes the shopaholic saga. was brillant, really enjoyed it, light and fluffy chick lit which had me giggling all the way through.
i have just finished reading marley and me i sobbed most of the way through ... not my usual type of book but i loved it !
I have just finished The Woods by Harlan Coben and just started Crystal by Katie Price. I can't stand her as Jordan but she is a good author.
you can be thin by Marisa Peer (I need all the encouragement I can get)
I either read 5 books in a couple of weeks or dont read for months.
One of the best books I have ever read is by Jenny Tomlin, shes actually Martine McCutcheon Mum. Its about her horrible childhood. God it made me cry.
Also another great book is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Its about a wee girl who is murdered by a serial killer and how she describes her life from heaven. Another tear jerker but very good.