When I reach target, I look forward to....

wooly said:
When I reach target i look forward to meeting my hip bones again , i know they are in there somewhere

I feel like that about my collar bones!
Sadly one thing I look forward to is my medication doses to going down! I hated going to my doctor to get my contraceptive pill as I had to take a higher dose when I got over 14 stone as it meant I had to get weighed more often than I'd like!
Great thread. I so rarely think about the end result.

I look forward to looking stunning in my wedding dress and not feeling like a fat bride.
Being able to wear a bikini on honeymoon

Outside of the wedding I look forward to being able to do agility with my dog without it killing me.
I would love to be able to go horseriding. I've never been before as I think I'd be too heavy for the horse!
shardi2209 said:
Sadly one thing I look forward to is my medication doses to going down! I hated going to my doctor to get my contraceptive pill as I had to take a higher dose when I got over 14 stone as it meant I had to get weighed more often than I'd like!

Really??? I've never had a higher strength even at 16st... I wonder if that's why 2 of my kids were conceived while I was on it ?!?! X
Funky monkey said:
Really??? I've never had a higher strength even at 16st... I wonder if that's why 2 of my kids were conceived while I was on it ?!?! X

Yeah it's in some of the literature in the that there needs to be an increase in dose if the woman is over a certain weight but it's only when I asked my doctor he was like 'oh yeah I suppose so'! Not made clear at all.
I think they are so focused on the antibiotics making the pill not work they forget about everything else. My sister managed to get pregnant while on the pill and using condoms so I had to make sure in case the hyper fertility was genetic :D but I'm guessing you wouldn't change your 2 for anything!
Alyce said:
I'm looking forward to going into top shop and been able to fit into thier clothes.
Also i've said if my tummy is nice and flat at my target weight i'll have my belly button pierced :D

I also look forward to being healthy and feeling great :) xxx

This is my goal. At target I'm getting my belly button done!! Can't wait to get myself out in a bikini without feeling ashamed with a spray tan and a tummy button piercing!!
shardi2209 said:
I think they are so focused on the antibiotics making the pill not work they forget about everything else. My sister managed to get pregnant while on the pill and using condoms so I had to make sure in case the hyper fertility was genetic :D but I'm guessing you wouldn't change your 2 for anything!

No I wouldn't swap em (most days anyway) lol x
I'm looking forward to wearing calf boots, and not having a donut-shaped fat roll around my knee.... who knew knees could be fat?!?! :confused:

Ditto! When I fantasize about being at goal - that is exactly what keeps popping to my mind. And buying nice little underwear and bras again. None of this matronly stuff any more!
Actually, you know what, ditto to most things in this thread!!! I want to feel attractive again. I don't feel attractive. I used to and I miss that.
I dance alot and i can tell when ive put on 6lb, i wobble so much I cant stay with the beat. So i cant wait to boogie with no wobble.

Also i have a roll of fat on the rib areas at the back, when they get the laying on the upper hip area it frustrates the hell!! out of me..So uncomfortable.

So i look forward to not folding over on myself.:D
having a car based on whether i like it not just cos i fit behind the steering wheel

buying bracelets and necklaces that fit rather than having to go to evans to get them

having size 7 shoes again

walking because i enjoy it not because i have too to help me get fitter

buying chocolate for other half (he is major chocoholic) without people presuming that it's for me and looking at me as if I shouldn't dare buy it :mad:

wearing a dress

wearing jeans without looking like a overstuffed sofa :tear_drop:

wearing my hair up without thinking i look like a man

feeling as if i can go to a theme park again and not be afraid that i might not fit on the rides

going on a plane

dancing all night when i go out

feeling attractive

feeling good in my wedding dress

Buying a new bikini from hollister that I'm in love with it and laying on a sun lounger next too my skinnier friends and feeling gorgeous!!

Hmmm although I may be pasty! Fake tan required lol

buying chocolate for other half (he is major chocoholic) without people presuming that it's for me and looking at me as if I shouldn't dare buy it :mad:

I feel your pain - when i went shopping half the trolley was filled with lovely healthy food and the other with chocolate and crisps etc and people would look at me like 'ohhh thats why shes so fat she thinks eating an apple will counteract the slab of dairy milk' so now i do it online lol! x