Which WI do you go by?


Silver Member
I get weighed on a morning at home in my underwear after going to the loo (tmi but iut's true lol) and I've ALWAYS done that. Anyway throughout the course of a day I usually put on around 2lbs through water etc and by official WI i'll obviously be heavier grr.

Anyway which WI do you go by?

Only asking as i have my drop in this aft and by my scales this morning I've lost 6lbs since tuesday and I just know it will only be about 4lbs by theirs lol.

Emma xXx
I find its always best to stick with the LL weigh ins we were asked to ditch our scales from home & jusy weigh once a week at meetings
Yeah I suppose thats the best way, I still prefer my number though lol!

Emma xXx
i go by my llc's scales but i wi in the morning so only have a foodpack an half litre of water before wi!!
Thanks laststraw I'm actually thinking I'll record both and see how I go :).

Emma xXx
I just go by LLC scales. I get to obsessed with weighing myself and if I didnt see a loss I would get annoyed. I gave my scales to my mum so I get a surprise on my weigh in day.
Emma, you may find that your scales aren't as good as theirs. I went through a fair amount of agonising with my first 3 weigh ins before I got my mum to take my scales to her house.

Week one - I started off the same weight at home as I did in the WI (before I started that is). The next week mine showed me as having lost 8 or 9 pounds, but LL showed me as having lost 12.5. Week 2 I went to the WI feeling very down as I thought I'd lost 2 pounds at most. I actually lost 5.

Get rid of them if you can, they can affect mood (if you're weight fluctuates up one day). I used to weigh 4 times a day (I didn't even wear the underwear for the morning one lol).
Yeah I might get hubby to hide them, I must admit I am an obsessive weigher lol.

Emma xXx