Why can't people just be happy for you?

I was getting very frustrated with the 'you have replaced your addiction to food to an addiction to exercise' and 'you are obsessed' comments lately... then I heard this quote:

"Obsessed is a word used by lazy people to describe the determined"

Love it!

I had someone say the exact same thing to me when I went Spinning after a night duty! Surely that's better than stuffing my face with a kebab and then going to bed?! Clearly they felt guilty at their lack of activity - will most definitely be using that quote next time some well meaning 'friend' makes a comment on my Facebook :p
None of my friends would say anything negative, i post my results every monday, some have joined on the strength of my commitment and one chap inboxed me to ask if I thought he should join, and another bloke begs me for more SW recipes!

If i had a negative comment I would delete it. and when (if) said person asked about it i would tell them straight that nothing will stand in your way certainly not ill informed 'advice'
Awww its horrible when your all fired up and people burst your bubble :-( you've done soooo well! :)

I never talk weight with my best friends as they are all skinny minnies (3sisters all gorgeous and slim) and don't get why I love food and eating a lot of it! I can never believe their meagre portions!

Not a suggestion at all but I shut my Facebook account about a year ago. It was taking up too much of my time and one day I thought I can't b bothered with it. My friends, family, work buddies were really shocked! It would take a lot for me to open it again now. It's been really liberating binning it :) and it makes me and my mates actually talk to each other instead of catching up via status on FB :) although people at work have to fill me in on gossip later than everyone else gets it! Only downside (I am nosey! Ha ha)
I guess maybe because to people who don't follow slimming world it seems a little bit too good to be true that you can eat "all this" and still lose weight. It's so ingrained into people to lose weight you "eat less, move more". It sucks when people feel the need to make rude or sarcastic comments, especially when they don't understand what you are doing, they judge make a snap judgement because they assume it must be bad for your health. The best quote I ever heard was this one "when you assume anything, you make an ass out of u and me". Kind of like my hospital consultant who advised me to lose weight during my pregnancy, recommended slimming world and then told me off for losing too much (4kgs in 6 weeks), kind of forgetting that happens pretty much every time I am pregnant anyway slimming world or not. You can't please all of the people all of the time, so don't try. Just do what please you and makes you happy, if they are true "friends" they will eventually see the longterm benefits and be supportive if not then they probably weren't real friends in the first place. (((hugs))) don't let them drag you down, you have done amazingly well. Hugs Crystal x
I know right! I took some laxatives last weekend because I was consitpated only for someone to claim that the reason I was loosing weight is because I'm abusing laxatives. I've taken laxatives twice in my entire life :/
I know right! I took some laxatives last weekend because I was consitpated only for someone to claim that the reason I was loosing weight is because I'm abusing laxatives. I've taken laxatives twice in my entire life :/

But why on earth would you have told people something like that? It is surely not something anyone else needs to know? :eek:
i think its a common problem from people who dont 'know' you as in facebook or similar but from people who do know you id say its jelousy! pure & simple & take no notice, well done to you x
I had a couple of comments from friends telling me to slow down. it wasnt down to jealousy- it was genuine concern- because they thought i was starving myself

i was bulimic when i was a teenager, and some people know that, so it was concern and worry more than anything. but even if youve never had an ED- there are some diets are so stupid, eating 2 lettuce leaves and half a carrot and exercising for 20 hours a day...

really- being devils advocate here, but are they aware what slimming world is about? because it shocked a few people when i told them how much i really was eating.

ive lost 10lb in 2 weeks, and i showed people my food diary and they were shocked that i ate *so* much and lost a lot of weight, healthily.

since i've told people about sw, and what its about, ive not had such comments

dont get me wrong, it might be the green eyed monster, and those people wouldnt be worth your time. but it might just be that they're not aware what sw is about and how successful AND healthy it is :)

you're doing awesome btw- way to go you :)
I think little_bubblez has made a very valid point. Most people don't understand SW and do not believe that you can possibly be eating as much as we all know you can.

They may well be jealous, insensitive green eyed monsters but I also agree that they may just be concerned.

There are a lot of meal replacement diets that use shakes/bars where people have fantastic weight losses. Equally they have fantastic gains too when they go back to eating normal meals and don't know how to actually eat healthily and control portion size.

Try telling them about SW and if they still make negative comments delete them as your "friend" from FB and get on with your life. I've convinced several people to try SW because they have seen how easy it is and how much I have managed to lose - and I AM one of the slow losers no matter what I do!

You are doing great! Just carry on as you are.
cocktailprincess said:
I was getting very frustrated with the 'you have replaced your addiction to food to an addiction to exercise' and 'you are obsessed' comments lately... then I heard this quote:

"Obsessed is a word used by lazy people to describe the determined"

Love it!

I went to a different group this week, as well as my own, cos a friend wanted to join, so i went along with her and sat thru IT! Now I too love my exercise since I found running 4 weeks ago-I now try to do about 30k a week :) the consultant was a consultant I went to last year for a bit and she was asking how I got on, and she said exactly that to me-about how I've obviously replaced my addiction to food with an addiction to exercise!!! I was gobsmacked! Wasn't sure how to take it!

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Same here wen i first started on my weight loss journey three years ago i weighed 14.10 my current weight is 11.3 i have a few family members (yes family members) how have never said a thing on how well i was doing and friends also the lowest weight ive been was for my wedding last Sept weighed 10,7 even then no complements! Just stupid things like u can't be eating enough! The others are right its just total jeousley it used to upset me the fact no body would say anything to me. But now i post on my fb every week just to rub it it lol i think we should all add each other on Facebook and bombard all those negative comments lol but over all try not to let it bother you cos secretly in there mind there wishing they could do it xxxxxxxxx
I did post a while back on here asking for help on losing the last 7lbs to get back down to my natural size 8 after having a baby and had negative/not helpful comments like 'you don't need to' and 'you should be happy with the weight you are' etc
At the end of the day I'm not happy and needed positive comments from people :(
It really annoyed me! lol
Thanks hun! I'm completely opposite, I could eat for england if I had the chance haha yep aslong as your happy with your own weight losses then you can't go wrong! :D xx
I think, to be fair, sometimes people are worried about saying something in case it is the wrong thing. I had someone come up to me the other day, hadn't seen her for ages, and she said "I want to say something about your weight loss, but I am a bit nervous about mentioning it". Turns out she had complimented someone on looking so slim a few weeks before and then discovered that the poor woman had been very ill which is why she had lost so much weight! So my friend was a bit wary, which was understandable.

And people here are right - there is so much nonsense talked about weight loss (and we have all heard it!) that the fact that it is possible to lose weight successfully on SW while stuffing our faces is a bit difficult for folks to understand.

I think we have to accept, too, that if we change our looks our friends are worried, whether they realise it or not, that we are going to change as people. Someone at our group was told by a friend that she was worried that she was going to be grumpy when she got thinner! People equate "fat" with "jolly", and they worry that they are going to lose their jolly friend and end up with a grumpy skinny one!

When a friend of mine lost a lot of weight (before I did) I was uncomfortable and slightly cross with her. I couldn't work out why, although I knew I was being unreasonable! I had to think long and hard about it before I realised that it was because I couldn't feel sorry for her any more! That sounds awful, and it IS awful, but I didn't realise I was doing it. Sometimes we use the problems and misfortunes of others to enable us to feel better about ourselves.

I had to be really, really honest with myself to understand what I had been doing and to stop doing it! I hope my friend didn't realise what was happening, and I hope that I gained enough insight to stop me doing it again.
I had a similar problem with my 'best' friend. She has always been bigger than me. On my last weigh in before I left for uni I had just got into my last stone bracket (after 2 years!) and got slimmer of the week.
All she said was- ''well you're looking too thin anyway, I think you should stop!''
I was so angry. :mad:
Then , however, she joined SW too a few days later.
Agree with the majority of comments on here, it's all jealousy! x
Thanks for all the responses. Well I have decided to say stuff them all! No deletion on Facebook has occurred yet but a friend gave a great response which ended it all.

Oh & I am so tempted to post about my latest 5lb loss!
its amazing how people cant be happy for others, specially in weight loss! As others have said just ignore them, jealousy will get them nowhere and just spur you on more ..x..
Well done you have done fantastic. There will always be those who are jealous, it is quite sad that people who are supposed to be friends cannot just be happy for you.
Keep up the amazing losses and you show them how it's done!