Why oh why...?


Silver Member
Do people tell you that you don't need to lose any more weight or you will make yourself ill or you will go too far?!? I am not even at normal weight yet wtf is that all about??? Can't they just be happy?

I was told all this by 5 people today at a doll show... And one even said I made her sick as if the weight loss just happened to me and I didn't do anything! Is it bad that my first thought was...'well if you got off your fat ass and did something about it you could be slimmer too?' Don't get me wrong, I have been trying to be in the right place mentally for 10 years to get this weight off but I didn't go around commenting on other people!

Rant over lol
Everyone does this, its called jealously, just ignore them rise above it and tell them to pee off!

Oh and no i don't think its wrong you thought that probably would have been my reaction to, i normally say i go the sw at so and so do you want to come with me ;) lol xx
It's your body and your journey so its up to YOU to decide where you are happiest weight/shape wise. She who paints the 'Sh*t house' door shall choose the colour of the paint!
Isn't it funny how once u start losing weight, esp through this method people t quick to mention "unhealthy" but no gets fat whilst being "healthy", except for some with medical conditions. And why do they think it is ok to pass judgement, wud they say " you r too fat and unhealthy"? Doubt it because that's frowned upon but passing judgement when you've list weight seems to be acceptable. Jus listen to tour body x
LOL even my mum is at it now! She wants to buy me jeans so I told her size 12 and she keeps trying to make sure I really do mean a 12.... Sigh! She was meant to do this diet with me and has been proud and supportive so I guess I will let her away with it lol
I feel you on this Katt. I got constant remarks and it really gets to you. No one seems to want to comment on the size 6 girl who doesn't eat and looks pale! It really hurts and feels like people are jealous but its more discomfort that you aren't what they know, what they expect to see. Does that make sense? Its also shines a light on their unhealthy eating habits, snacking, drinking etc.

I saw a friend after a short break (4months) who i used to go to the gym with, we both struggled with our weight for a long time. On the train somewhere she asked how much i'd lost, i said "4 stone" she said " thats f-ing ridiculous" and then didn't talk to me again the entire journey! She didn't know how i'd lost it and she didn't ask and after that i stopped going to the gym with her. She couldn't be happy for me. But then if we swapped places, honestly, could i be happy for her?

Alot of the weight on this diet depletes your fat stores, so you look thinner then you prob would do eating food. I think a lighterlife counselor said it takes a while for your fat cells to shrink so you do look more thin (?) - if i remember correctly!
I was expecting this kind of response from mum because she has struggled with her weight all her life and medical conditions have made it worse - she was going to do this with me but gave up at the first shake - But she did surprise me by being totally supportive and really proud that I could do it - I think she just worries I won't know when to stop and obviously I must look drastically thinner considering the reactions I have had although I am still technically overweight and I do want to lose another 2 stone (so that I have room to play with when I start eating again) I'm sorry your friend couldn't think more positively and maybe join you on your journey - I would ask 'how the hell did you do that!' if I was her lol so I could try too :)
thanks katt :)
i know, right! i would be asking how? how come we didn't do it together? Its my fault for not telling her i was doing it. I assumed she would disapprove and didn't give the chance to have her own opinion on it. As far as i know, she still doesn't know i did it. My other friends were amazing, saying you look incredible, good on you, yay etc!

Its so lovely to have supportive people around you, spur you on. They (exante / lighterlife) really don't warn you about the reactions and how to deal with them! It takes every inch of me when people say ewh you're looking so thin... not to say "thank you!"
LOL you should! I might have to try that myself just to see the reaction it gets :)
I remember the first stone I lossed, which was before joining this site. Some people were pushy to try and make me eat food.. even when I had already eaten my lunch, just because they were eating more than they should have. I know I'm going to get people judging me for becoming thin, and doing it with Exante. But people need to butt out, and realize that its my body.. and I am going to do what I want to, no matter what they say to me. They complain that they can't walk past me in narrow halls or that I shouldn't eat so much, and when I don't eat so much they complain, that I will starve if I don't eat (which was something that my mum used to mention all the time, I don't want to blame it on her.. but sometimes it was her fault, like when I would tell her not to make me fish and chips or whatever and she still would... and would be like "You better eat that, I don't want it going to bloody waste")
I've been ill alot this year and so called friends keep telling me "it's that stupid diet, your not getting your vitamins" so on Friday I finally lost it, and said "So come on then tell me how many vitamins are there in a value pack of cookies cause that is what I was living on before I started this stupid diet, ok I lost 3.5 st and put 2 st back in but it took 2 years how fat would I have been if I hadn't lost the weight to start" and I walked off, trouble is I've lost my determination now, I know we should lose weight for ourselves but I want people to say well done. New start tomorrow, she says doubting herself already
Can't really write, but just read your post OWBA16 and it really touched me - so, just simply...


Hope you re-find your motivation and stay strong. Good luck. :)

SD xx
Thanks spotty doris, so far so good today, have another cold and no voice. But on a plus side haven't had a cigarette for 6 weeks
Hope you feel better soon hun, it is a difficult enough diet to do without idiots making comments about it! It is like being vegetarian - people think you are making a judgement so they react to it negatively I think it is the same with this diet - it makes people realise how much they are eating and if you can do a diet this hard what is their excuse? So they start with the comments so that they can get us to 'fail' and then they feel better about themselves - the thing is a diet has to be done for yourself or it will never work, it takes so much drive and determination to stick to it that it really has to be the thing you want most in your life at that point anything less and you just won't be in the right place mentally - I know, I have been trying to find that for 10 years!! I am starting to flag right now, just hope I can keep going ;) Good luck with your restart and don't let other people get you down *hugs*
Keep with it Katts, as you said, its for you. Only you know what it means to you and how you feel about it. Everyone has their reasons for the actions they take, we shouldn't blame them for that, its human nature.

If we aren't 100% one day, it doesn't matter, its having the will power to pick yourself back up and continue on your journey.

I once frowned at a friends diet following rosemary conley - carb only days - that doesn't sound healthy! ha ha.