WI/Random/Diary type thread

Thanks Caroline! :hug99:
I don't really know what to expect; my body seems to be a bit haywire at the moment. I'm really hoping I'll have a loss as I've been pretty good this last week, but I guess only tomorrow will tell.

How are you doing? :)
Thanks Caroline! :hug99:
I don't really know what to expect; my body seems to be a bit haywire at the moment. I'm really hoping I'll have a loss as I've been pretty good this last week, but I guess only tomorrow will tell.

How are you doing? :)

I m sure you will be fine, like you I've gone off the boil, nothing to do with a holiday mode, just money worries, so today been off DC not ate to bad but had a packet of crisps and a few sweeties while waiting for daughter at school and having pizza and a side salad for dinner, going to nibble on some apple now and drink some water so wont want too much pizza!!!! (hopefully)

Best of luck for tomorrow ;)
Thank you shep! :D
Enjoy your pizza! I found some WW pizzas at my local Sainsbury's (after they told me they don't do them lol :confused:) and bought one to try some time - really looking forward to it! I'm having DC Thai chicken curry tonight though, and I can't wait because it's one of my favourites. :p

Caroline, good luck with the restart!
In the words of Mr George Michael "You gotta have faith, faith faith!" :fingerscrossed:
Thank you shep! :D
Enjoy your pizza! I found some WW pizzas at my local Sainsbury's (after they told me they don't do them lol :confused:) and bought one to try some time - really looking forward to it! I'm having DC Thai chicken curry tonight though, and I can't wait because it's one of my favourites. :p

Caroline, good luck with the restart!
In the words of Mr George Michael "You gotta have faith, faith faith!" :fingerscrossed:

good luck with the WI today, hope it all goes to plan.
It has all gone to plan! :D
I've lost a grand total of 7lbs this week but 4 of that is from my TOTM "gain" last week so I can say I've lost 3lbs of actual weight this week and I'm over the moon.

I've reached my second mini goal of getting below 200lbs and this was a really big deal for me, so I'm feeling great at the moment.

You guys have been fantastic though, and I honestly think if it wasn't for all of your support, I probably would've fallen by the wayside many moons ago lol. So thanks again! :hug99:

Good luck with all your WI's this week! x
Great loss Diversity well done
Woohoo :D You are doing so well - good for you :D

That's a great loss after last week's disappointment - just goes to show how weird the body is.
:D well done diversity that's fantastic :D

:D sooooooooooo pleased for you....:D
Thank you all! :D
Caroline, I agree. I guess it's like you said already - if only the body ran like an engine... or at least I think it was along those lines. :p

shep, thanks! Girl power all the way! :woohoo:
I've only lost 0.5lbs this week but to be honest, I wasn't expecting a loss at all because since the weekend I seem to have lost all motivation. :(
I've become completely disillusioned with food and I'm barely enjoying any of the DC meals (or "normal" food for that matter) at the moment.
So because of this, I'm seriously considering doing Exante for a week or so as I think it could really help me not only find my motivation again, but also start enjoying/appreciating the food like I used to.

I've never done a VLCD before so this could be a really bad idea... I just don't know. :sigh:

Anyway, this post is already one big moan-fest so on a more positive note, good luck to you all for your weigh ins this week! I see we've already had some fab losses. :D
Congrats on the loss :D I can relate to how you feel - there are times when I never want to see another DC pack again - it's boredom I think and understandable after a while. Maybe you do need a change.

The VLCD can be difficult as the first few days are bad but must admit when I did the Exante last month for three days it was really easy compared to CD - not sure why! Alas, I have regained it all, sigh! I'm hoping to do VLCD when mum is away on her cruise - that way I don't have to leave the house and see food except for the hubby's dinner and he can microwave that whilst I go hide under the bed ;)

There's no harm in trying it as it's not bad for a week's supply. Just don't expect it to taste as nice as DC hehe!
I've only lost 0.5lbs this week but to be honest, I wasn't expecting a loss at all because since the weekend I seem to have lost all motivation. :(
I've become completely disillusioned with food and I'm barely enjoying any of the DC meals (or "normal" food for that matter) at the moment.
So because of this, I'm seriously considering doing Exante for a week or so as I think it could really help me not only find my motivation again, but also start enjoying/appreciating the food like I used to.

I've never done a VLCD before so this could be a really bad idea... I just don't know. :sigh:

Anyway, this post is already one big moan-fest so on a more positive note, good luck to you all for your weigh ins this week! I see we've already had some fab losses. :D
Its still a loss Diversity so well done.
At the moment my weight seem to be going up & not down.
*wipes the dust off this thread* :p

Well here I am again. I lost 8lbs on my week of Exante (most of which was probably just fluid) and have decided that I can't do it anymore.
When I sneakily weighed myself yesterday morning it was showing a 10lb loss, but due to me feeling absolutely dreadful last night I made a sandwich... followed by a bowl of cereal, followed by... I'm sure you get the idea. :(
Now that I've tried a VLCD, I'm 100% sure it's not for me and I have endless admiration for people who can stick to them.

I doubt I'll do DC again any time soon because I'm still "not feeling" the food. I think the best option for me now is something like WW or SW as I'll be able to eat and prepare real, fresh food and will feel much better in myself.

Just feeling very down and kind of lost at the moment. I hate that I've been bouncing between all these different diets so I'm hoping I can start one that I'll enjoy and will be able to stick to.

Hope you guys are all good. :eek: xx