Will my sex drive return once I've lost some weight?

He just says sex isn't important part of a relationship?

I had serious depression for about 4 yrs and conduit painful when pregnant!

My husband has had a colourful past, i just wish it would come back with me!

Our last night off from our daughter we spent in asda! I'm still raging about it! Considering he had said about a romantic night in!

Do you think having an ileal conduit pregnancy makes him hold back in case you become pregnant again ??

You say he had a colourful past. Could that be part of the problem ?

How about a romantic night OUT. Any chance you could spend a night in a hotel somewhere ???

I am an old fart with a lot of life behind me but do you know it is always like a trigger when we spend a night away. It somehow seems sexier, and the sex is always better and more adventurous. Dinner out to start with and then breakfast cooked for you the next morning and no kids, no washing up.

I realise this might be totally impractical or just not achievable either because of finances or child care.

hugs xxx
Falling pregnant isn't a problem or worry if it happens all the better!

I'm in a much better place than i was b4 (lost my mum 6yrs ago and dad is a tit and remarried a 2yr later after moving somebody iota few months after)

He used to be a bit of a slapper in the past, lived away from home from 18 and in a shared house...

Once i get another job can start to do more in the way of getting out again x
Good luck !!!
Have you been tested? Is there no inflammation of the prostate gland? Try Eronex. It's the only product I am taking. Both libido and erection are 100%!