Worrying about losses..


Gold Member
I know that 1lb-2lbs is the healthy recommended weigh loss amount, and I'm fine with losing steadily and slowly so long as it comes off and stays off.. But I've been nosing through some diaries and posts on these WW boards, and have read a lot of people who just aren't losing or have even gained when they've been spot on with their points and been exercising too. This worries me! It seems like a waste of time to put in so much hard work & just not get the results!
I know that 1lb-2lbs is the healthy recommended weigh loss amount, and I'm fine with losing steadily and slowly so long as it comes off and stays off.. But I've been nosing through some diaries and posts on these WW boards, and have read a lot of people who just aren't losing or have even gained when they've been spot on with their points and been exercising too. This worries me! It seems like a waste of time to put in so much hard work & just not get the results!

Hi Lauren,

I think it's important to remember the bigger picture. If you look through my food diary (link in sig) I'm one of those people who has had weeks where I've STS/gained even though I've been on track or exercising a lot, but there are so many variables and our bodies are affected by so many factors that this is normal really. It's easy for us (by 'us' I mean dieters) to get fixated on the 'right, I'm sticking to my points, I'm exercising and I'm drinking water, so I should lose every week' approach. Well that's what we want, and then if that's not what we get we feel it has 'failed.' In reality it just isn't happening in the time frame we want/expect, but it is still happening if we realise this is about a lifestyle change.

My average is a pound a week, when I'm on track. I don't count Christmas, or a couple of really bad months earlier this year when something was going on in my life and I just wasn't tracking my points at all. It still means that in 10 months I have lost 34 lbs, aiming for 3 stone by the 12 month date, and got fitter and healthier.

There are some people who lose every week and sail through to goal, (no dis-repect to the effort they put in either!) but I think most of us have to accept the ups and downs and just keep positive that we will get there!

Edited because I forgot to say 'Good Luck'
I totally know how you feel. Look at my signature...... And I sts'd this week :-/ aiming for 3st off by Xmas. Guess if I average 1.75lbs a week for 20 weeks I can do it..... And I stand a have of keeping it off!!?! Right?!?

I think of it as a lesson in life style- just helpful that I'm loosing too??? I have a lot to loose.
Hey there

I worry about not losing the weight week in, week out but at least I'm in control of my eating with this and if one week it all stays the same, at least it won't have gone back on.

I also cant get out of my habit of jumping on the scales almost daily, and I'm gutted when I don't see lbs dropping off.. But this isn't a quick fix diet, so this is normal. I lost 7lbs back in March in 3 weeks, but circumstances meant I very foolishly succumbed to peer pressure (I'm 31 ffs!!). I started again a week last Thursday and weighed myself yesterday - nothing was doing.. Today was my official weigh in day, and I've lost another couple of lbs!

I guess my babble is just to say that it's a marathon not a sprint, and there are just too many things on the Internet saying WW does work!

Lindsay x