Yo-Yo's Diary

Just want to acknowledge your post 6st, and it has given me a lot of food for thought! I really do need to look at my green book again - in fact, until you mentioned it I had blooming completely forgotten about the thing!!!!

Right - am off to re-read it! Will report on my findings/feelings later
Thought Record​

What Happened?​

I keep nibbling. Today's eating was approximately two sausages, which was my youngest son's lunch and he wasn't eating it, and had left it on the computer table. I sat there, nicked a piece and couldn't stop until it had all gone.​

What were my most important thoughts?​

"It wont matter, it's only two sausages, hardly a binge"

"You're happy with the way you look, it doesn't matter if it will throw you out of ketosis, you are only showing up as traces anyway, have the sausage and start again properly tomorrow"

"You look great now....don't want to lose too much weight anyway, you'll start looking haggard. You feel like you want to go straight to maintanance and not do the next four weeks in foundation anyway, so cheating a bit doesn't matter"

How I felt

"Oh Sod it, go on, just eat it, quick before you change your mind"​

What I did/Might have done in the past​

Thought "Oh well you have blown it now, might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb" (or whatever the saying is) and gone and emptied the contents of the fridge​

Evidence for Hot Thought?​


Evidence against Hot Thought?​

I have four weeks worth of abstinence left. I could easily lose the 13lbs I want to lose by then.

How will I know I will look haggard if I lose the 13lbs that I want to lose? If I do look haggard then I can put a bit of weight back on by eating healthy and wholesome foods, not sausages.

Sausages are full of fat and unidentified animal bits and are all greasy, if I want to eat something surely I could go for something more worthwhile.

I wont look great if I get a bloated tummy and put weight back on again through not learning anything.

I can't go to maintanance yet as my BMI is still officially 26.6 not 25 like I wanted to be in my original goals. If I stop now, I will never get to below 25, I currently have four weeks to get it below that.​

More Realistic Thought​
I have the chance here to lose 13lbs (or thereabouts) in four weeks. 10st was my original goal and still is if I am honest. If I get there and am too slim, I can put it back on in a healthier way. If I pratt about now and finish foundation at 10st 13lbs, go to management, and then try to lose that 13lbs conventionally on a WW/SW type diet then I definitely WONT lose 13lbs, and will just start the yo-yo dieting spiral that I have been stuck in for the past ten years all over again.

I made a promise to myself and my group that I would remain abstinent for 14 weeks. 14 weeks in the grand scheme of things is not such a long time. I have only four weeks of that left.

I promised myself I would eat healthily when I did start eating again. Sausages are not healthy, all that fat and dead animal, euwwww.

Do I want to re-develop heartburn, digestive problems, needing to take my inhaler, feeling tired, having no energy, feeling bloated, dressing to hide myself, feeling like I have nothing to wear, stop getting compliments and losing my newly gained confidence?​

How I feel now?​


How I might Behave Now.​

I will remain abstinent and drink my four litres and four food packs until Tuesday 24th September, the end of my fourteenth week. I have made my mind up that I will miss my ex-bosses leaving do (as much as it will kill me not to go) but I am gonna pretend to my colleagues I am going until the last minute and then 'pretend' I feel unwell on that day or something, as I am sure they will all try and talk me into going and feeling like a party pooper.

I will think about the positive things this diet has done to me (as listed above).

Take some more 'after' photos to look at and compare them to my 'before' pics.​
I have read through your entire thread and feel really motivated for when i start LL sept 25th.

Well done on the fantastic weight loss!

I have read through your entire thread and feel really motivated for when i start LL sept 25th.

Well done on the fantastic weight loss!


Ah bless, people will be saying the same to you by Christmas!!! This diet is brilliant and works FAST and the weight comes off evenly ALL OVER! It's ace. Best of luck to you.
ARGH - I've put weight on *shock horror* - scales registered at 10st 10.2lbs this morning, so 1lb on since yesterday. I know it's not fat though so aren't panicking!

After I did my thought record yesterday I was fine. Not one morsel of food passed my lips, I didn't even taste the 'peanut flavour pot noodle' my son insisted I try (even though I did want to!).

I went to see my EXSMIL who is now on RtM and I felt a right heifer stood next to her! She got her scales out and insisted I stand on them (for some reason) and hers showed me as being 10st 12lbs, and her at 10st 4lbs, so there isn't that much weight difference between us. Mind you, she's got quite a 'straight up and down' figure whereas I'm a curvy gal. She's also about 2" taller than me, and had high wedged boots on and I had my trainers on...maybe I should stop trying to lose weight, and aim to be taller instead!
Morning YoYo, I dont mean this in a nasty way, but the fact that you have gained overnight might be the wake up call you need to stop you picking.

I hope you dont take that the wrong way because you know how much I have been enjoying your diary, but the picking needs to stop as its going to make it harder for you to get to goal.

Morning YoYo, I dont mean this in a nasty way, but the fact that you have gained overnight might be the wake up call you need to stop you picking.

I hope you dont take that the wrong way because you know how much I have been enjoying your diary, but the picking needs to stop as its going to make it harder for you to get to goal.


Yeah, I know, and I haven't picked since I had those two sausages yesterday, and I made myself a promise I wouldn't, so no need to worry xx
Weight this morning 10st 9.6lbs, so it's coming off in the right direction!

Ketostix is the colour it is supposed to be.

Managed not to nibble again yesterday although I was tempted by a piece of chicken. Made do with a milkshake instead.
WD yo-yo, it's good to see that your thought record has helped you out.

Please remember to keep your green book out and keep doing the exercises. It's so important for you to keep doing the exercises around why you feel the urge to pick as it's these exercises that are going to help you not to pick when you're on RtM and beyond. It's much easier to 'justify' a nibble when you're back to eating so that's why it's really important to sort it out now, when you're abstinent.

I'm even going to do some more exercises today as I'm back up to 9st4.5lbs (although I am due on). But still, I do like a really good drink most eves and I'd like to knock that on the head.

I bought the new LL magazine yesterday. Can't wait to read it today. It's my day off, woohoo. Well, as 'day off' as it can be with 2 hours worth of ironing to do and many emails to respond to!
ARGH - forgot to look for the new LL magazine, oh well I'll buy it in class on Tuesday!

10st 9.4lbs today. Had to weed SIX pairs of trousers out of my wardrobe last night that had just fitted me last time I tidied the wardrobe out, including a pair of size 14 Dorothy Perkins trousers!!!

Here I've been waiting all this time for you to announce that you're finally in DP size 14s and now you say you're OUT of them :party0011:

Here I've been waiting all this time for you to announce that you're finally in DP size 14s and now you say you're OUT of them :party0011:

Oh my word, yes you are right! I'd completely forgotten about the Dorothy Perkins size 14 challenge!!

I bet I cant fit into their size 12s though

(PS - Like the pom poms JD!)
10st 9.2lbs today.

Official weigh in tonight and I can stay to class tonight.

Got a pair of black size 12 trousers on from Peacocks but they don't have belt hoops and they are really baggy around the waist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I bought them about three weeks ago, they were just a wee bit tighter than I was happy with around the waist and the muffin top would have shown under clothes, and yet here they are three weeks later too baggy! This diet ROCKS
Official weigh in last night was 10st 10lbs (68.3 kgs), so another 3lbs off.

Unofficial weight this morning was 10st 8.2lbs, although I did get weighed two hours later than normal due to being off work today so maybe that has something to do with it LOL.

We were a small group last night only four of us.
M lost 3lbs so she's lost 38lbs in 10 weeks.
S lost 4lbs so she's lost 43lbs in 10 weeks.
B lost 2lbs so she's at 41lbs in 9 weeks.
My 3lbs made 41lbs in 11 weeks.
A couldn't come and rang in as something cropped up at work. (She is a social worker).
J didn't come AGAIN and didn't ring in. The LLC phoned her at home but J said she couldn't really talk at present so would ring the LLC back later. I hope she hasn't dropped out. She was doing brilliantly and was really motivated until about four weeks ago, and then things just went off one one!

Now, the LLC said I could move over to management if I wanted to. Although my BMI is officially 26 (but a bit lower on the ticker) I have only 5lbs to lose to get there, so she said I would probably do that even on the maintainance programme. However, I decided not to, as I'd like to see it through to the end with my group mates and I only have another three weeks to do. I think I'd also like to say that 11st is my top weight, and I can still fit into all my clothes at that weight, but I would really like to have a few pounds in reserve just in case I do start gaining weight once I eat again (although hopefully I wont)

Then she said that I don't even have to do management if I don't want to, and can just leave at the end of Foundation! I kind of thought you "had to do management" and if you didn't go on to do it, that was considered cheating, and you'd only gain all the weight back that you'd lost, so I don't know what to do now! The management class is on a Thursday night 8pm-9:30pm, which is a bit of a pain as I don't like going out too late. I hate getting home from work, and then being sat around for ages waiting to go out, but I'd like the support of a "diet club" however paying for LL for 12 weeks is something I could do without..

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Oh - I also got my fat photos back and they are truly hideous - I just couldn't believe I was that shape! I never want to get like that AGAIN. I might have them made into a book mark so I always have them to hand. I've scanned them in on my printer but I can't work out how to get them onto here. I've managed to save them into a word document, I will have to have a play about.
OMG I absolutely can't believe your LLC said that about Management. My god she couldn't be more wrong if she tried.

Management is, in my opinion, the most crucial part of the whole programme. You learn so much about food in management: Low gi vs high gi foods, how they affect your fullness/hunger, which foods are better for satisfying your for longer, what foods trigger you to overeat (you can find that a food will trigger you to overeat sometimes not on the day that you eat it but on the day after you eat it!) and by introducing new foods slowly week by week you'll have only a small selection of culprits to choose from if something does set you off so you'll be able to cut it out of your diet definitively and without too much searching for what set you off.

Also, the order in which the foods are re-introduced help your hunger stay as stable as possible-easing you back into hunger very very gently to ensure you remain basically as non-hungry as in abstinence for as long as possible so that you don't go from ketosis to full-on sugar rush and binge city and, yes, put all your weight back on and probably more.

There's also a whole load more weekly homework based on what you're likely to be going through psychologically week by week as you're re-introducing food, plus a food and mood diary, plus weekly cd's to listen to.

In my opinion it was very very wrong of your LLC to tell you that you could skip management. Even more so than in abstinence you need to stick to management full-on to-the-letter or you have next to no hope of successfully managing your size 10/12 forever.

Sorry to be so full-on about this but I'm so shocked your LLC said that and it shows you how strongly I believe in the importance of doing things right, and very seriously adult, via the LL route.

HTH. x

P.S. WD on your fantastic loss this week. x
well done on your official wi results yoyo. I think you are right to continue to the end of your foundation so you will feel a sense of acomplishment and achievement for finishing the programme.

I dont really know enough about LL (im on CD) but I think from reading others posts on here that management would be crucial to the success of you keeping your weight off for good.
Well, thanks to 6st's post yesterday I have decided to do Management, I can't really understand why my LLC was writing it off.

10st 8.2lbs again today.

It's my youngest lad's day at nursery today and he starts big school tomorrow (gulp). I'm having my hair done (yay) while I am childfree. I'm going to keep it the same colour (copper) and have blonde highlights put in, but I might have it cut short like Chanelle from BB.

I can't wait to start eating food again.
It's absolutely fantastic that you have lost so much weight so soon. I'm amazed that you managed to do it all within foundation too.

I lost a further 13lbs on management, which took me to my goal and beyond. I only just realised that you've only got 10lbs left until you're at your goal. So, remind me, you're going to stay abstinent until you lose that 10lbs and then start management are you? My goodness that's only about 3 weeks left. Wow.

A very well done to you, especially as you had a blip and managed to reign yourself back in. I bet you wouldn't have been able to do that a few months ago!